Weight lifting - Any good ideas?

I've come to the dark side and I'd like to do more weight lifting instead of cardio. I will still walk my dog and eventually finish the 30 day shred, but I'm tired of jumping and moving around. I'd rather focus on form and pushing my muscles (or lack thereof).

So I've come to the place hopefully where I can get a few ideas. Right now I'm lifting weights (about 4 days a week), but it's very unstructured. I'm not familiar with names of techniques or things or what to do. So just wondering if anyone has a good routine or a link to a website that I can use. I have a bench press and have been doing 3 sets of 8 reps. I have also been working on bicep curls. So I have the bench press bar, the bar to do curls (essentially a smaller version of the bench press one), set of 30 and 10 lb weights, the gold's gym 7-in-1 building kit, and that's about it. My triceps, abdomen, and thighs are extremely weak.

Also, I do have rods fusing my spine and have had several hip replacements. Right now squats hurt my hip as I think it's going out again. So as much as squats would be helpful, they're not realistic right now or at least very many of them.

Thanks for any advice. Sorry if you've already answered things like this a million times. This will just be a million and one.


  • kaiodedra123
    kaiodedra123 Posts: 38 Member
    hi, weight lifting is a good way to burn kals. The more muscle you have the more kals your body burns in order to maintain/feed the muscles. You want to be doing high reps high weight (people say high reps low weight but the more weight you lift the harder you work so the more kals being burnt). you also want to have no gaps between sets, keep your heart pumping. It seems your working small muscle groups. Id work the larger muscle groups and it will help tone and help with the weight loss.

    Work on back, legs, glutes ect. Working out these will also work out other groups such as arms and shoulders

    Heres my routine (what i used to do) Please remember the first time doing this you WILL die )(its very hard and tiring haha)

    20 burpees (youtube them) - this works the whole body, its actually amazing
    20 star jumps (to give my body and muscles a rest while keeping my heart pumping)
    20 weighted squates (youtube how to do them properly) works all muscles in legs allong with glutes
    20 push ups chest and arms
    20 star jums (to give my body and muscles a rest while keeping my heart pumping)
    20 push presses (hold dumbells in your hands, squat then as your coming up raise them into a shoulder press) works shoulders and legs
    20 sit ups works abdominal area

    FINISHED i do this 2x

    This is using weights but doesnt focas on one area. I just read that you cant do squats. Try doing them unweighted with a chair. Sit down on a chair and just simply stand up. Does that hurt? if it doesnt carry on doing it and slowly add weight

    Like i said you dont want to be focasing on one small muscle area as you arent body building or looking to build. you just want to tone. Focas on the large muscle groups and your smaller groups (arms shoulders ect) will be worked too

    Good luck
  • ssteinbring677
    ssteinbring677 Posts: 158 Member
    I would suggest browing bodybuilding.com. There are a lot of different, free and very detailed programs on there. Many are structured for beginners, so it's a great place to learn about different exercises, forms, and lots more!
  • j724mecham
    j724mecham Posts: 102 Member
    kaiodedra123 - thank you thank you. I needed a good routine. And you're right. I tried weighted squats with the 30 lb dumbbell and this is after doing burpees which is why my hips might have been sore. I'll give this a try tonight and then fall over.
  • adianeschu
    adianeschu Posts: 491 Member
  • kaiodedra123
    kaiodedra123 Posts: 38 Member
    if it was your first time doing it then it might be because of that. You dont have to do 20 reps too, i started with just doing as many as i could do and move on to the next (it turned out to be about 8) It took about 2 months before i could do 20 and im now currently doing 25 of each along with 100 starjumps. It only takes about 30 mins with a 2 min break inbetween sets, good luck :)