Too scared to weigh myself

I am terrified to weigh myself.. does it get any easier?


  • JessicaPasieka
    JessicaPasieka Posts: 149 Member
    It definitely gets easier. Although, I will admit, when I know I've had a bit of a bad week, my heart still races when the scale is thinking when I've stepped onto it.
  • RealKatieHislop
    RealKatieHislop Posts: 25 Member
    wow 155 lbs.. that's fantastic!!

    Yeah i am hoping it gets easier.. I am going to weigh myself in the morning. Bite the bullet as they say.
  • NewMnky1
    NewMnky1 Posts: 264
    It does get easier and you get a lot more knowledgable about what you eat and how it will affect the scale!
  • AnneSoCal
    AnneSoCal Posts: 33 Member
    Ha! I just bought a new digital scale yesterday because I was the same way. I'd go months without weighing myself and just going by how my clothes fit! That didn't work...I lost 36 pounds but gained back 22. Telling myself the clothes are smaller because they just came out of the dryer is not the way to go! LOL.

    I actually got up the nerve to weigh myself last week (after 6 months!) but had decided not to again since the scale wasn't kind. But, I just realized that I have to do it and so I went out and bought a new scale yesterday. I finally weighed myself this morning right when I got up and I was pleasantly surprised. I've lost 4 pounds in the past week!

    Just do it!! :wink:
  • Seefylol
    Seefylol Posts: 197
    Look that scale in the eye and say, hey, Ima make you my *****!
  • RealKatieHislop
    RealKatieHislop Posts: 25 Member
    I am going to do it once a week, I hope that I have lost this week!! Just need to pluck up the courage.
  • LearnFromTheRed
    LearnFromTheRed Posts: 294 Member
    I used to hate it - now it's like a free form of entertainment :D I love seeing the numbers go down and up, seeing what makes it do either...I found out that I put two pounds on if I do any serious leg exercise, but three comes off again 48 hours later! It's turned into a bit of a game LOL
  • RealKatieHislop
    RealKatieHislop Posts: 25 Member
    Hope I can start seeing it as a game!! haha. sounds like a good way to turn it into something positive. Hopefully when I start seeing results I can look forward to it.
  • cals83
    cals83 Posts: 131
    I am going to do it once a week, I hope that I have lost this week!! Just need to pluck up the courage.

    This is the best thing to do. Set up a day of the week to be your weigh in day and just do it. There is nothing to be scared of. Sometimes you might be up and sometimes you might be down. But if you log all of your food and exercise, you can analyze trends and see what you need to do to fix it. It is so awesome.