New Friends and Motivators Welcome!

pandygurl Posts: 14 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hello All!

New to this site, was referred by my sister in law. Just had a baby three months ago (adorable little boy!) and looking to lose post-baby weight. But more important I lost my father just recently to a massive heart attack... so getting HEALTHY is number one for myself and family. I joined the gym as well so we will see how this goes!
Feel free to add me so we can encourage eachother!


  • Vivest
    Vivest Posts: 13
    First off, my condolences on your loss.

    Second, congrats on the beautiful gift of you son.

    My name is Viviana, I'm a mommy of 1 handsome little toddler (Nathaniel) and have two amazing step sons (16yrs & 14yrs) not to mention a supportive husband.

    Awesome that you joined a gym, I did so myself earlier this month with the desire to become a healthy mommy but also a healthy hottie, :wink: :wink:

    Nice to meet you! Keep up the good work and sweat it up sweetie!!! :happy:
  • emalay
    emalay Posts: 159 Member
    Welcome to the site, glad you are here! So sorry for your loss.
    I like yourself am motivated to stay healthy because of losing loved ones to disease. I find since I've changed my lifestyle to include healthier eating and exercise I have motivated my children (11 year old girl and 7 year old boy) to exercise with me and eat healthier too. My husband has always been active and physically fit and I have especially enjoyed sharing this newfound love of health with him too!
    Best of luck!
    By the way your profile pic is so cute.
  • BigGail
    BigGail Posts: 465 Member
    Nice to meet you and congrats on the birth of your son - sounds like you've been through the mill a bit lately - condolences on your loss x
    Really cute picture! Bless!
  • kimi233
    kimi233 Posts: 271 Member
    So sorry for your loss!! Welcome to the site, it is a great tool for weight loss if you use it correctly!! Congrats on the baby boy, that picture is just so precious! Best of luck!!! :flowerforyou:
  • vickiele1
    vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member
    Welcome to MFP and sorry for your loss. Congrats too on your new addition. Please add me - for support/encouragement, etc.

    I am a grandmother of 4, ages 6 - 9 and mother of 3. My 2 girls are on MFP also.


  • Maggie1960
    Maggie1960 Posts: 322
    What a beautiful baby! Many congratulations.
    Welcome to MFP.
    Condolences on your loss, too.
  • pandygurl
    pandygurl Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks Viviana!

    Sounds like you have your hands full with all those boys!!!
    And your right, becoming a hot momma is a goal too! ;)
  • pandygurl
    pandygurl Posts: 14 Member
    Thats wonderful emalay! Im glad we are doing positive things not only for ourselves but for our loved ones as well!
  • pandygurl
    pandygurl Posts: 14 Member
    Hello BigGail,

    It has been a rollarcoaster year for me but has made me much stronger! Thank you :D
  • pandygurl
    pandygurl Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks kimi233!

    That was my son at two weeks... hes almost four months now! Crazy how fast time goes! Thanks for the support and nice words!
  • pandygurl
    pandygurl Posts: 14 Member

    Congrats on being a wonderful grandmother! I will add you and we can definatley motivate and support eachother.. thank you!
  • pandygurl
    pandygurl Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks Maggie1960 :)

    Things can only go up from here.. Im looking forward to some good changes :)
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