Broken Belly Needs Tummy Tuck - YUCKY PICTURES!!!



  • delgadodelgado1120
    delgadodelgado1120 Posts: 102 Member
    Hi, I have lost about 200 pounds and I had the "skin" issue, the hernia issue and the broken abdominal wall also. I fought so hard NOT to do the tummy tuck. I was stubborn and swore that I could do it by myself. The truth is, that you can only do so much to by yourself. Sure, the skin is an organ but so are your lungs and smokers can't fix their lungs just because they stop smoking. Some damage is permanent, and where as we can make it better through hard work, we can't do it all. I opted to do the tummy tuck. I went to a reconstruction surgeon here in Miami at the University of Miami. He was amazing. I had never had surgery before and was terrified. I am also vegetarian and was worried about healing. Through movement and diet I was up and walking around day 3. I was actually sweeping lol. It has not been an easy recovery, but the pride I feel and felt for my progress made it all worth it. My suggestion to you before doing a tummy tuck is to make sure you can physically do at least 5 pull ups and 10 push ups lol. Work on your squats also. Everything you do for the next few days after your surgery is going to require upper and lower body strength. You can't use your core for anything. I actually refused to take pain medicine the day after my surgery. I requested to go off the morphine and only took one percocet every 12 hours as opposed to 2 every 4 hours. Research your surgeon. Mine was an associate clinical professor at the University as well as a practitioner. UM is a teaching hospital so I had fellows and students in my surgery. I also have the incision going down the abdomen. Request they sew it up from the inside. It becomes practically invisible. I literally had nurses coming into my room to look at my incisions because they are just absolutely flawless. I did a minimal thigh lift and the full tummy tuck (I did not need a body lift surprisingly) for about $9800. The surgeon fees were $7150 and the rest was for the hospital fees. If you want pictures or you have any questions please message me! Oh, I financed mine through an outside company because my doctor's office didn't accept financing and I am only paying $170 for a $6000 loan. I paid the rest out of pocket. For me, this is not just cosmetic. There is a psychological factor that goes into it. You really can't see your progress until you get the skin off. it makes everything so much easier, the workouts,walking running, lifting, everything is better. I really think you should do it. I am a huge advocate for it. When they fix your abdominal wall, it feels like heaven. Everything is so tight inside. Honestly, this has to be what dogs feel like with the thunder jacket they sell lol. It feels like you are constantly being hugged. You are going to love it. Good luck.
  • tsdaughe
    tsdaughe Posts: 88
    Unfortuantely, I don't think many of the people telling you to give it time realize that your condition is medical and no amount of crunches, lifting a core strengthening will change it. Your muscles literally are seperated, not connected, therefore you cannot work your way into a flater stomach. The skin will continue to just hang and your muscles will not be able to grow, get stronger, etc. without the surgey. Maybe in a minor situation but not one that severe. I am glad you have gotten the money to get the surgery. It is what is best for you and after you get it, they sew it back up and your recover you will be able to strengthen your core. Much better then all those medical problems down the road if you didn't take care of it.
  • meg516
    meg516 Posts: 67 Member
    congrats on being able to get your surgery! I read your first post and then both of your updates and I'm happy that this is working out for you!
  • perk325
    perk325 Posts: 9
    Hi, sorry I have never posted on here before, just a looker...but,
    I had a tummy tuck 3 years ago. I got huge with all 3 kids, (just belly)my
    Belly hung, I am 5'5" and weighed 183 when I had it done. Was
    the best thing I ever done. They stiched my muscles for 3 hours.
    They were completely separated. I live in Kentucky, I went to
    University of Kentucky for a consult. They wanted 7400.00 for
    Tummy tuck. They said I could have a resident do it for 1/2 the
    Price. They said the main surgeon would be there to assist. So
    I got a full tuck for 3700.00. Even got a new belly button :)
    They marked my belly by my diaphragm, and right below
    C-section/hysterectomy scar. They took all that off. Like a
    Eye shape.. they took off all my old scar tissue from previous
    Surgeries. My panties never rolled again! The worst part is
    That you can not stand up straight for a week or so, but they
    Gave me valume for spasms in my back. I'd have it again, over
    And over. Now I am finally getting my but in shape.
    Good Luck!
  • delgadodelgado1120
    delgadodelgado1120 Posts: 102 Member
    Hi, sorry I have never posted on here before, just a looker...but,
    I had a tummy tuck 3 years ago. I got huge with all 3 kids, (just belly)my
    Belly hung, I am 5'5" and weighed 183 when I had it done. Was
    the best thing I ever done. They stiched my muscles for 3 hours.
    They were completely separated. I live in Kentucky, I went to
    University of Kentucky for a consult. They wanted 7400.00 for
    Tummy tuck. They said I could have a resident do it for 1/2 the
    Price. They said the main surgeon would be there to assist. So
    I got a full tuck for 3700.00. Even got a new belly button :)
    They marked my belly by my diaphragm, and right below
    C-section/hysterectomy scar. They took all that off. Like a
    Eye shape.. they took off all my old scar tissue from previous
    Surgeries. My panties never rolled again! The worst part is
    That you can not stand up straight for a week or so, but they
    Gave me valume for spasms in my back. I'd have it again, over
    And over. Now I am finally getting my but in shape.
    Good Luck!

    I completely agree with you. I just had mine done, I had never had surgery before and it was scary but I would absolutely do it over again. I am still waiting to heal completely, I just had it done about 12 days ago. Glad to hear from you!
  • MIM49
    MIM49 Posts: 255 Member
    Wow! I have been a slacker but am thankful for so many responses! I worked out SUPER hard and was making my hernias MUCH worse. I have seen several doctors and will definitely be getting the surgery this fall. To all those who suggest that this is something that may get better in time, it will not. I literally cannot suck my stomach in. My muscles don't work right. When I do a sit-up, my stomach forms a strong peak shape. It is not right and that is because the muscles are separated. My stomach has been this way since I had my first baby 15 years ago. It's not about vanity. It's about health. Doctors told me that as I get older, these muscles will continue to weaken and separate. Because I have not inner core, I will likely develop bladder problems. It really is not a vanity thing. I am a size 4. In clothes, you would never know my stomach looks like this. I have been married 16 years and I think my husband would actually prefer the extra skin to the scar I will have, but it's not about him. It's about me! :)
    All of my doctors told me that doing any kind of ab work was going to make the hernias worse and they were right, I NEED to have it fixed so that I can workout the way I want to. I made myself a priority and found a way to pay for it myself! I am so proud of me! :)

    Since this is not cosmetic and due to medical problem (hernias) is your insurance covering the cost?
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    Look into having this done out of country. You can often save money even with the trip and the hotel stay.

    I had to have about $16,000.00 to $24,000.00 of dental work done about a decade ago. I had it done in Mexico for about $8,000, plus the flight was about $450.00, and we belong to a vacation club so the stay was about $800.00 for two weeks (maintenance fee we pay every year whether we travel or not).

    If I need a tummy tuck or anything like that, I will definitely look into medical tourism again.

    No. Not for me. If I do it, it's going to be near home with the best surgeon I can find and the best facilities. I won't cheap out on surgery. Get those hernias fixed!
  • HappyMeLovely
    HappyMeLovely Posts: 134 Member
    All I can say is that I hope you can eventually afford whatever surgeries you want. There is a girl in her 30s on Facebook, her FB name is ReshapingTanya,;she lifts weights and has lost about 130 pounds - 6 months ago she of a tummy tuck and her breasts augmented to fill in the empty space as well as a 4" TEAR in her abdominal wall (diastasis)- she has posted much of her progress before and after surgery an her result are quite encouraging.
    I expect that my stomach will look similar to yours and only hope that I'll be able to afford the surgery eventually too. *hugs*
  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    For my family, that is a TON of money. I feel really guilty spending that kind of money on myself. It seems so selfish. I would NEVER pay that to cut off the skin on my stomach.

    That is a ton of money, but you are definitely not being selfish. This could cause you long term health problems if it is not fixed now and could end up costing you more money in the long run. I say fight your insurance company to get it to cover it. If that doesn't work, I would "shop around" for plastic surgeons to see if you could find a better price, but still good quality work.

    Best of luck to you, and congrats on your success

    As a mother of six now grown children, I can promise you that spending the money on the surgery is NOT SELFISH!!!! How many more years do you have left of raising your children? That is a condition that I can see degrading the quality of your life over time, which inherently degrades that of your children, even after they are grown. Taking care of yourself now is the one gift you can give your kids that keeps on giving!
  • alladream
    alladream Posts: 261 Member
    For real, anyone hanging their stomach downward through posture is going to be much more disappointed in it than if you're standing upright (I certainly am about mine!)--I just read that article in Fitness where some girl went to naked yoga to write an article, and she said that EVERYONE, from the skinniest men to the fittest young women, had stomachs that hung down when they did certain poses. I hope you make peace with your body, the way we all have to--be healthy. and good luck to you!