C25K Question

liya368 Posts: 122 Member
I am on week 2 day 2. Do I have to take a day off between "runs" or can I do two days in a row if I want? I have never run before is it necessary to have a rest day? Thanks!


  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    There's a C25K group on here - I'd highly recommend you check it out. Lots of advice & support. From what I've read on there people who run too often too fast end up getting hurt. You need to let your bones & tendons strengthen as well as your legs & your lungs. The plan was designed with rest days for a reason. That doesn't mean you can't do other stuff on your off days from running!
  • AlexisJ330
    AlexisJ330 Posts: 97 Member
    It depends on what level you are starting at. If it seems way too easy and you are not having any discomfort, you probably could decrease the rest days. Later on, as the workouts get more demanding, you will probably want the off days. Also you could cross train of the off days like weights, swimming.
  • andysport1
    andysport1 Posts: 592 Member

    What is this c25k how do I find out more ?
  • taidasrictar
    taidasrictar Posts: 100 Member
    do the rest days

    i did c25k and over did it and strained my Hamstring and was unable to run for almost a month(not overdoing distace but intervals and not enough rest)

    doing it again and taking it slower this time on week 5
  • Angel03744
    Angel03744 Posts: 74 Member
    I'm a runner, (I ran 5 days a week at one point ),

    if your starting out I highly suggest you do intermittent days, With c2-5k, its 3 days of running. So you could try my current schedule RUN on Mon, Weds & Fri, / Bike ride OR a fast paced walk.on Tues and Thurs / Sat FULL REST DAY / Sun Swim Or whatever takes your fancy - or do nothing if you please lol

    Rest is just as important,
    Remember to warm up and cool down, this will minimise the chance of injury!
    any more queries, feel free to inbox me
  • courtneymal17
    courtneymal17 Posts: 672 Member
    To answer the OP's question...absolutely rest. Your body needs the rest just as much as it needs the training.

    What is this c25k how do I find out more ?

    Search Couch to 5K on google or your phone's store. It's basically a 8-9 week program (There's several variations, but all are essentially the same) that takes you from running very small intervals with longer walk breaks in between, to slowly building up the time running and lowering the time walking. Ideally it builds you up to running a 5k, but it really only builds you up to running for 30 mins straight, which not everyone can do a 5k in that time. Regardless, it's still a great program...I highly recommend it.
  • andysport1
    andysport1 Posts: 592 Member
    thanks Courtney, have googled yep that looks pretty good
    Thanks again
  • nzhalo
    nzhalo Posts: 2 Member
    Great advice from Angel, rest and recovery is as important as moving. Getting into the routine is also as important as running I think, build the running habit. I've done the programme a couple of times, it's a really good way to build up to a nice distance, without being overwhelmed.