Joining a gym after 10 YEARS??? Anxiety??

I just got a bug up my butt to maybe join a gym again. It's been 10 years since I've REALLY been in a gym. I've had a membership since then but hardly used it, only went a few times. However I don't want an annual membership. I want to be able to cancel if I want too. But thinking about it is giving me anxiety. Why? My senior year of high school (10 years ago) I was addicted to my gym and went for 3 years a DAY at least 5 days a week. My family and friends actually got worried but I just enjoyed it. Now obviously I don't have that kind of time now but I would love to be that addicted again! I remember that feeling like it was yesterday of being in the gym working out and lifting weights next to the guys and girls and it didn't bother me at all. Hmm. But why when I really thought about it did I feel like I was having a heart attack going back to a gym? I've lost this weight without working out. I KNOW I need to start exercising and I don't have the push at home to do it. So I'm just wondering if maybe a gym would help? Lately the past few months I stopped caring and gained 5 lbs back and I'm worried. I know I won't go back to where I was. That will never happen. However, I'm already uncomfortable with the 5 lbs I put back on. I have a lot of medical issues that prevent me from going stir crazy on jumping up and down with exercise because of pain and other issues but I need a push. I'm just wondering if this is what I need to do. And when I can't get to the gym I will work out at home on my treadmill or videos. Thanks everyone for their support! I really appreciate it. I've lost all my motivation and determination the past few months and I really need some support and encouragement. :cry:


  • Start off slow...most gyms will give you a free trial.. doesn't hurt to ask right? :) Good luck!
  • Ralstonk2
    Ralstonk2 Posts: 345 Member
    Start off slow...most gyms will give you a free trial.. doesn't hurt to ask right? :) Good luck!

    Thanks! Yeah I didn't even think about that!
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    I went to the gym for the first time in about 17 years last year. That day was filled with anxiety but I knew I had to just get in there and do it, so I did. That was 8+ months ago, and with little exception I've gone regularily since. I'm not going to stop going just because it gets hard or difficult or I feel unmotivated on that day. I have to go all the time, and I'm happy to do it! It's so much hard work but I really enjoy the gym.

    I'm not at my goal yet but in that time I've made big changes to my body. I think my goals were realistic from the start, and that helped. I figured if I could go for 1 year I'd see a decent transformation. 2 years and I'd start to look like someone else, 3 years to probably hit my goal. I've been sedentary for most of the last 2 decades and the damage to my body shows, so I knew undoing that damage was going to take time.

    It's been wrought with failures, setbacks and problems but it's also been completely worth it. I feel very good about what I've done so far, and what I will do.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Go there with a plan. Have something in mind that you will do. Pick a weight training program that works (most people like NROLW, Starting Strength, StrongLifts, etc....I prefer Wendler's 5/3/1) and plan out the days you will go. That way you won't be tempted to overdo it, you will just follow your plan.

    And don't worry about what other people think of you going to the gym! Just do it for you. When they see your results, they will understand.

    I personally never do cardio at the gym. I do that at home with the videos. I would use the gym solely for strength training. (doing this would also prevent you from going too often and getting addicted since you won't be weight training every single day)

    Good luck!
  • timkane46
    timkane46 Posts: 29 Member
    I lost 100 without the gym, then joined after about a 10 year lay off as well. I lost the next 50 and have been going for the last 18 months or so 3 or more days a week. I have an awesome workout partner and that has really helped me push myself, I am thankful for that but I still go whether or not they can make it. You have already made up your mind what your going to do, so do it.

  • Ralstonk2
    Ralstonk2 Posts: 345 Member
    Yeah I don't have the support at home. No one thinks I need to lose anymore weight. And I'm a single mom of 2 so I don't have someone to go with me. Yeah I've lost 60 lbs without a gym and without exercising but I know these last 15 lbs and inches won't come off without working out. Thanks everyone!!!