help me please have IBS and struggling to lose weight

Am looking for advice for IBS constipation and weight loss, no matter how much fibre I have and water I drink I stay constipated, even have swollen ankles now, I can drop a few pound but then they come back, I have lost inches and body fat percentage, but the scale will not acknowledge the hard work, it is disheartening, especially as GP can't find anything wrong...

I know it's the constipation doing it, my body will not let go of anything, from water to blood to poop, I need help and advice, not insults please as this id seriously getting me down.


  • DirtyHammer
    DirtyHammer Posts: 91 Member
    Paleo Diet... Have you tried it yet? Supposed to do wonders for IBS and Chron's.

    Source: Wife has IBS too.
  • naomi8888
    naomi8888 Posts: 519 Member
    What are you typically eating now?

    I assume you would want to add fruits and veg and high fibre foods to lose weight and I can't imagine that would make you any *more* constipated.
  • missems1
    missems1 Posts: 38 Member
    I have IBS too, but I get the opposite problem to you in that if I eat certain foods or get stressed I can't stop going. I have heard though that loads of fibre can have the opposite affect and can bung you up further. I'm doing the 5:2 diet and find fast days a massive relief. The eating so little feels like I'm giving my digestive system a break iyswim. I'm sorry that none of this is actually helpful, I hope that you find a way to get things moving again. x
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Have you looked at the FODMAP eating plan. Google it. It's advised that you do it with a dietician though.
  • I have IBS and take charcoal tablets after meals which really help.
  • kitticus15
    kitticus15 Posts: 152 Member
    I no longer eat any junk food, I eat plenty of veg and a smaller amount of fruit as the recommendations are 2 of your 5 a day to be fruit the rest veg, it has been a long standing problem 16+ years, on paper everything is correct and I should be losing weight, the tape measure has shown reductions, the bodyfat readings have shown reductions, the scale shows nothing, if I do lose weight within a couple of days it shows it as back, so it seems I am losing and gaining the same 10lbs.

    I don't even want junk food now, the smell and taste makes me feel sick, GP has said its one of those things and looks like this is how I will be, no point in fighting it, just continue to eat healthy and exercise.

    its just soul destroying to know I am eating healthy and exercising but that this IBS is the problem, GP thinks it will stop after menopause as my periods are a trigger for IBS, stress causes my periods to go out of wack and scale not showing all the work is stressing me. I am in a very vicious circle :(
  • fiabka
    fiabka Posts: 294 Member
    TOTAL sympathy - I am suffering in the exact same way - just had scans done this week to make sure it was nothing serious

    I agree with Missems.... I do the 5:2 & have found it really does help

    & Holidaylingo Charcoal capsules have been a lifesaver for me with acid reflux but they can cause very slight constipation as the idea is they 'soak' up liquid/acid etc (trying not to be too graphic here LOL!!!) but by following the recommended dose I have never had this issue

    When it gets too much I take a laxative for a couple of nights (Senokot)

  • ladypenel
    ladypenel Posts: 88 Member
    I can go for weeks and the scale stays static then WHAM I loose 2/3 kilos! I no longer worry about the weight but rely on how lose my trousers are - I have gone down 5 sizes now! Don't give up and don't be afraid to try some of the plans that others have suggested, it's all about finding which one suits you. Good luck :)
  • You need to find out what your intolerances are. Could be dairy, wheat, gluten or even some natural sugars. Tea, coffee. I suggest you get that checked out. Or go for the process of elimination.
  • naomi8888
    naomi8888 Posts: 519 Member
    I suppose you just need to keep your calories in check and exercise then. Make sure you weigh everything that goes into your mouth. I know you said you don't eat any junk food but even healthy calories add up.

    And keep at it, I'm sure it will come off if you burn more calories than you take in.
  • I have IBS, really badly some days.. I gave up gluten (most of the time) and feel great. No IBS, no bloating, no dark circles etc. We are all different but give it a go!
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    My MIL found that very high fibre bread gave her a similar problem, so she now eats less "sturdy" bread. Have you tried Vogel bread - there are a number of varieties with different seeds and although the slices are small they are very satisfying. Also add in the fruits you don't give to babies because they are laxative - grapes, oranges etc. I can't stomach red grapes (or red wine) as they make me "go" amost immediately.

    Have you tried reflexology to free up your system? (Works for me). Or shiatsu - there are certain places which can help - my husband's cousin recommended a particular point to press - spread the tumb and first finger apart and press on the place just above where the bones almost touch (on the back of the hand) - I used to do this with my boys when they were little and couldn't "go".
  • kitticus15
    kitticus15 Posts: 152 Member
    Thank you all

    maybe its my body's revenge for all the crash diets in the past, I have never had problems losing weight till now, but, in the past I did calorie restrict, all the weight I have gained has been due to ssri's, 50+ to lose, I will keep at it, unfortunately I have to take laxatives daily under medical supervision ( and still don't go for several days)

    Not trying to sound blase but it seems my body is not tolerating anything very well as I am finding out, this has been going on since January of this year.
  • Julz1967C
    Julz1967C Posts: 11
    I no longer eat any junk food, I eat plenty of veg and a smaller amount of fruit as the recommendations are 2 of your 5 a day to be fruit the rest veg, it has been a long standing problem 16+ years, on paper everything is correct and I should be losing weight, the tape measure has shown reductions, the bodyfat readings have shown reductions, the scale shows nothing, if I do lose weight within a couple of days it shows it as back, so it seems I am losing and gaining the same 10lbs.

    I don't even want junk food now, the smell and taste makes me feel sick, GP has said its one of those things and looks like this is how I will be, no point in fighting it, just continue to eat healthy and exercise.

    its just soul destroying to know I am eating healthy and exercising but that this IBS is the problem, GP thinks it will stop after menopause as my periods are a trigger for IBS, stress causes my periods to go out of wack and scale not showing all the work is stressing me. I am in a very vicious circle :(

    I too have IBS and had it bad a few years ago, now I only get it occasionally (cannot tell you what a relief that is). It's now thought that fibre isn't the way to go, but less fibre and white bread instead of brown is helpful too.

    If I were you, I'd stop the diet for now, and concentrate on the IBS, cut dairy foods out first then slowly reintroduce them to eliminate which foods are causing the IBS... It may take a while, but you will find that everything will settle down as you cut out certain foods. (I once found that it was yoghurts making my IBS worse, I cut them and cheese out for 6 months and everything has been fine since then, I now eat them again without any repercussions) you may also find that you will also lose weight. Stress too can make the IBS worse,

    Some GP's don't have a clue about IBS, they either don't believe it exists or they just don't care. If the laxatives aren't working, tell the dr you want to stop them. I really feel for you.
  • kitticus15
    kitticus15 Posts: 152 Member
    stress does make my IBS worse and this whole losing weight thing is stressing me cos the scale is not agreeing with the low calorie intake, I have gone from no exercise at all to exercising 5-6 days a week minimum, and this is workouts at the gym, classes and machines, calorie intake down, but I do think the more wholegrain I eat the more constipated I get, I have more problems with wholegrain than white for some reason, am on buscopam, fybogel and lactulose through the day and senna at night and still constipated, drinking 2 litres a day min of water, will try going cutting the wholegrains for a while and see how it goes
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Have you tried FODMAP? It's not some weird thing, my hospital trained state registered dietician recommended it.
  • kitticus15
    kitticus15 Posts: 152 Member
    I have downloaded the fodmap and will attempt items one group at a time and see if that makes the difference, thanks for all the help
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    May I suggest you read "food can make you ill" a book by Sharla Race. in this book or as e.reader format she looks at different aspects of diet and things which can go out of balance and distress the system. There is also"the, "food can make you ill", web site which cross references with the book.

    I read another responder mentioned the paelo diet, which basically is taking your eating back to a much more basic level. I read on the paleo mom blog that salicylate is toxic to all, though some have less tolerance to it than others.

    I wish you well settling your symptoms and other discomforts.
  • I found that cutting gluten from my diet relieved ALL symptoms of IBS - even systemic, non-intestinal symptoms. Just a thought.
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Paleo Diet... Have you tried it yet? Supposed to do wonders for IBS and Chron's.

    Source: Wife has IBS too.

    Crohn's Disease and IBS are different conditions that do share some similar symptoms.

    Some of the foods that are recommended in Paleo eating are known triggers for people with Crohn's Disease (although everyone does have a different response to foods). Such as nuts and seeds and fresh fruit and vegetables.

    Source: (accredited UK site for people whose lives are affected by Crohn's or Colitis, with peer-reviewed and regularly updated information on all aspects of IBD - not IBS).

    Paleo might be useful for IBS, I have never heard it recommended for anyone with Crohn's / Colitis.