Weight loss stuttering

Hello, I've been using MFP since January 6th and managed to lose 43lbs, going from 229lbs to 186lbs. I'm 5ft11, male and 25 years old. But over last two months my weight lost has really been up and down.

I've got another 19lbs to go to reach my goal. Any tips are welcome. Thanks


  • ericscheck68
    If you've been exercising regularly and are doing the same routine, switch things up a bit (interval, sprint, etc) to shock your system. There are also things you've probably never tried before in the gym (if you go) so give those machines a whirl. Also, trying new things may make a difference. Try kayaking, rollerblading, rock climbing, run a mudder.

    Good luck! And congrats on the weight loss!
  • jody04111987
    jody04111987 Posts: 59 Member
    Since I started this thread I've only lost 3lbs. Its so frustrating. I've notice my protein has dropped 3%-4% during in this stuttering is this just a coincident? Or is this just natural after losing so much weight?
  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Since I started this thread I've only lost 3lbs. Its so frustrating. I've notice my protein has dropped 3%-4% during in this stuttering is this just a coincident? Or is this just natural after losing so much weight?
    3lbs in 3 weeks? Exactly where you ought to be! Everyone's weight goes up and down day by day, you need to look at the overall trend, and your trend is going in the right direction at the right speed.
    Changing exercise won't hurt, but you could just keep on what you're doing, cos it's working and you're doing great! Congratulations!
  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    OK, now I've had a quick look at your diary and you're eating between 1400 - 1500 calories per day. For a young guy of 5'11" I'd say that's not enough!

    I suggest you recalculate your goals based on aiming to lose 0.5lbs a week. You're a lot closer to your goal and your weight loss needs to taper off and go slower to keep you healthy.

    You've done a great job losing what you have so far, now you need to build in some weights and slow down the rate at which you lose. You've only got half a stone to go to get to a healthy BMI - how far you go below that is up to you, within reason!
  • jody04111987
    jody04111987 Posts: 59 Member
    Thanks, Beattie. Its just impatience on my part,

    Congrats on your weight loss too :smile:
  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    :smile: You're welcome, keep on keeping on!