How do you stop everyday life getting in the way?



  • DelilaLightfoot
    Think of not gaining anything these 2 months as a NSV! Don't consider this time as 'wasted'. Realize that you CAN go on with life without gaining weight and as you reflect on this, think about what you all accomplished for work as well as being a good host. If you were running off to the gym, you may not as been as focused as you needed to be for work and your guests may have felt unwelcomed in your home. You have done is proven that no matter what life throws at you, you will not go backwards on your journey to your goals.

    That's a great way of looking at it, thanks :)
  • DelilaLightfoot
    I was doing really well up until April - I lost 43lbs of my 140lbs target and feeling great. Then since May I have had many trips away with work and a few house guests which resulted in the last two months being a disaster. When on a work trip it's hard to stick to my plan and when guests are here I spend so much time cooking, cleaning up, juggling work and entertaining them that I am too tired to do anything else. I have managed to stay at same weight and not put any on but I feel like two months have been completely wasted. Life is getting in the way and I almost wish I could take a year out just to concentrate on me. How do you manage it all? Any tips most welcome!

    I think keeping your weight in check is half the battle! Good job!
    BUT... for some tips for a busy life I can def. help you with. I currently work a full time and part time job I work 60+ hours per week and I still have been able to loose 17 lbs. tracking and working out! I dont mean to brag if it comes off that way- I just know a thing or two about being so busy you feel like your head is going to pop off!
    Tip #1: Organized! Stay organized. I dont care how you decide to do it but there are three things that you need to have in check at all times. You need to know what time you plan on working out each week! Schedule it each and every week. I prefer to sit down on saturday and plan my workouts for monday through sunday of the following week. I write them in my planner and they are there. Doesnt mean they are set in stone- they may shift but if they do I make sure to still get the work outs in. Its almost like a reminder to yourself, Make sure you stay accountable to yourself. YOU MATTER. Secondly, know how many times you plan on eating out for the week and have a couple go to meals planned each week. I prefer to prepare on Saturday after grocery shopping. I prepare all lunches for the entire week (I understand that doesnt work when company is over-but having a plan is key) Lastly, Have your gym bag ready in your car at all times for last minute changes to workouts. This has come in handy several times. This way if there are changes to the work out times you are prepared.
    Tip#2: Download MFP ap on your phone and become very familiar with it (if you have not already done so)! This helps keep you prepared for any changes in your day. If an unexpected lunch/coffee date comes up- quick changes are made within seconds!
    Tip#3: Always have a snack or 2 or 3 with you at all times. I know that for me I dont have cravings just as long as I am not hungry. Fruit is perfect as well as cliff/luna bars. There are a million portable snack articles.

    Good luck. I have many more tips too- I just figured these are the ones that helped me the most. GOOD LUCK!
    You are worth it.

    Great advice, thank you. Actually remembering to bring snacks for trips is something I keep failing on! Must get that right.
  • DelilaLightfoot
    Thanks so much for all of your advice! Getting back on the wagon is definitely key. One thing I know for sure is that I am not going back :)
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    FIRST and foremost- I totally agree with everyone! you learned how to maintain your weight after weight loss! and did that for 2 months!

    When on work trips do they put you up in a intel? And do you have any input on hotel choice?
    Most have a pool or gym-utilize those resources.
    When we were traveling, I'd do a lap of walking lunges around the hotel if I got nothing else that day.
    If you are on a long work trip, a few weeks, MAYBE you can talk a local gym/fitness club into letting you workout away from home with out a membership (since you don't live there). Check out drop in rates at the local YMCA.

    The advice for guests is great. Not only will you get half an hour to workout, but they might like a little time to themselves, too. When we stay with friends or family, while on vacation, for a week or so, we always enjoy a couple nights to ourselves, it's relaxing for us and our hosts.
  • brooke_young08
    i think you should see maintaining your weight over a busy period as a good thing! well done for not using work trips or friends being over as an excuse to just eat rubbish!

    my only tip would be to try and prioritise working out even when you have guests - or do some fun activities with people - go for a walk, do some sight seeing, stuff like that. or even just say, heres the tv remote, i am working out for half an hour, feel free to raid my kitchen while i am busy - thats what i would do!

    Great advice! My mom just left town. We spent a lot of time doing "active" activities, and while I did indulge a little bit, we ate fairly healthily. I did not worry about "losing" weight while she was here, just being healthy. Now that she's gone I can focus fully on me :)
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    I'm on board with everyone else. so you maintained while traveling and entertaining. That is a sure sign that once you're at goal you can keep you new figure! Amen sister!

    For now, start putting yourself first and get back to your plan and get back to losing. Taking that break most likely will help you lose better now anyway.
  • jaecamp1
    jaecamp1 Posts: 120 Member
    I definitely know what you mean by feeling like you wasted time, especially when you were on a roll before. Its great that you didn't backslide or give up! I would imagine workouts aren't the only issue during this time. Maybe lots of eating out too? I love going out to eat with friends or the husband so I have an app on my phone for restaurant choices under 600 calories. Really helps me make good choices when I'm out. I also try to look at the menu first and decide what I'm going to have before Iver someplace so I don't feel awkward or obsessive when I'm out. Every place has health low cal options, even fast food. :)
  • QueenWino
    QueenWino Posts: 106
    2 yrs ago I lost 44 lbs. I had a lot more to lose but felt healthier and prouder of myself than I had in years. Then I started slowly getting derailed w/trips, illnesses, entertaining friends, stressers; one meal that was marginal became a pattern of meals. Defined exercise times changed to accommodate others. I slowly lost my focus and motivation w/o even knowing it had happened. I attempted to regain control a year ago, had some success, and then derailed yet again. My advice to you is to not go easy on yourself about changes in your health plan. If the healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner was a mandatory heart medication you had to take to live, you'd do it. Just tell yourself the meals are your 'stay alive' medication and don't allow your focus to slip. I was on Live Strong at the time and switched to maintenance but the insidious nature of compulsions and cravings attacks when we become weaker. This time around, I will only allow maintenance around the week of Christmas, if I'm at a healthier weight, and the rest will be a hard fought negotiation. I don't know how much success you've had, but just that you are on here means you want to have a healthy lifestyle. Your friends will understand and support you if they are clued into your plan. Good luck! (I don't want anyone to gain a lb that's been lost, as it is devastating.)
  • DelilaLightfoot
    Such great support from you all and I really appreciate you taking the time to respond and your positivity. I feel good now that I am still here and getting back on track! No more focusing on yesterday and just deal with today :) Thanks a million everyone x love this place!
  • DelilaLightfoot
    2 yrs ago I lost 44 lbs. I had a lot more to lose but felt healthier and prouder of myself than I had in years. Then I started slowly getting derailed w/trips, illnesses, entertaining friends, stressers; one meal that was marginal became a pattern of meals. Defined exercise times changed to accommodate others. I slowly lost my focus and motivation w/o even knowing it had happened. I attempted to regain control a year ago, had some success, and then derailed yet again. My advice to you is to not go easy on yourself about changes in your health plan. If the healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner was a mandatory heart medication you had to take to live, you'd do it. Just tell yourself the meals are your 'stay alive' medication and don't allow your focus to slip. I was on Live Strong at the time and switched to maintenance but the insidious nature of compulsions and cravings attacks when we become weaker. This time around, I will only allow maintenance around the week of Christmas, if I'm at a healthier weight, and the rest will be a hard fought negotiation. I don't know how much success you've had, but just that you are on here means you want to have a healthy lifestyle. Your friends will understand and support you if they are clued into your plan. Good luck! (I don't want anyone to gain a lb that's been lost, as it is devastating.)

    Hi there - your post is exactly the kind of thing that I get scared about - slipping slowly back. I'm glad you are back and appreciate the advice. We will do this :)
  • DelilaLightfoot
    FIRST and foremost- I totally agree with everyone! you learned how to maintain your weight after weight loss! and did that for 2 months!

    When on work trips do they put you up in a intel? And do you have any input on hotel choice?
    Most have a pool or gym-utilize those resources.
    When we were traveling, I'd do a lap of walking lunges around the hotel if I got nothing else that day.
    If you are on a long work trip, a few weeks, MAYBE you can talk a local gym/fitness club into letting you workout away from home with out a membership (since you don't live there). Check out drop in rates at the local YMCA.

    The advice for guests is great. Not only will you get half an hour to workout, but they might like a little time to themselves, too. When we stay with friends or family, while on vacation, for a week or so, we always enjoy a couple nights to ourselves, it's relaxing for us and our hosts.

    Yes usually a hotel and generally my choice and this is going to sound really stupid of me but I never think of packing for the gym or pool! How ridiculous. I make excuses about meetings and being tired but really that's just that, excuses. Next time I am going to make time for a swim :) thanks.
  • silmarilliane
    silmarilliane Posts: 133 Member
    so jealous you managed to maintain. i had a single week 'off' earlier this year and put 4 pounds on which took another three weeks to lose again...
    don't see it as a waste - it's probably better that you've maintained for a bit anyway. the slower you lose the weight the more likely it is to stay off so they say.
  • KSBeautyintheBuff
    KSBeautyintheBuff Posts: 14 Member
    Well congrats on not gaining weight. That is an accomplishment.

    But to answer your will always get in the way. If you know ahead of time you can do your best to plan around certain things. Maybe you can't hit the gym because of house guest or maybe that means you get up a few hours earlier to go to the gym before everyone gets up. Or maybe you just give yourself that time off to enjoy the week. Sometimes your body needs the rest.

    As far as I diet...plan your meals ahead of time! I can't stress enough how much easier this makes life in general. Right now I am training to compete in a bodybuilding competition and my diet is really strict; more limiting than an every day diet. But every Sunday I cook my meals for the week and it is all in the fridge. All I have to do is grab and go and I have nothing to worry about. Does it guarantee me to stick to my diet? No, but it limits cheats and situations I don't want to regret. And it really isn't strange to have a different meal than everyone else at the table.

    Even if you don't make every single meal of your day a head of time, just having like breakfast and lunch, pack snacks and enjoy dinner is helpful. It'll help keep you on track, prevent weight gain and that post vacation bloating.

  • xinit0
    xinit0 Posts: 310 Member
    How do you stop everyday life getting in the way?

    I don't understand the question - this IS everyday life now.
  • DelilaLightfoot
    How do you stop everyday life getting in the way?

    I don't understand the question - this IS everyday life now.

    You are completely right...this is obviously why I feel I have been failing. Thanks :)
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    Guests here help cook and clean.
    I have to go to the gym right after work or I don't get to go.