Had a weak moment, please help :(

Hi, I am normally on a 1200 calorie diet, all of my calories have enough nutritional value to fulfill my nutritional goals. However, I had an incident where my sister made chocolate chip cookies last night. I had three small ones the size of a golf ball. Total calories = 480, most coming from saturated fat. I didn't eat dinner cause I was occupied and it got late at night and I had a weak moment. :(

I only had enough calories for dinner and now I added 480 calories to a 1200 calorie diet! I refuse to go over 1200 calories. If I ended up eating my dinner and was only over by 200 calories or so with the cookies, can I just burn off the rest of the calories with exercise and be fine? Also, say I didn't get to exercise last night, but I do today; if I burn the 200 calories I ate last night that were from the cookies, and burn today's calories with exercise, will I be fine? I just worry about the fat, and there was no nutritional value from the cookies. I hate that! But it is not going to happen anytime soon. I should have eaten dinner and I wouldn't have binged on cookies.

I know I won't gain weight because my calorie intake did not exceed the calories I burned because I am on such a low calorie diet (prescribed by my doctor) and total calories maybe were like in the 1400's. I have a physical job too and burn calories from that. I am 23 and am 5 foot 2, weighing 133 pounds. My Basic Metabolic Rate is around 2200 calories.

Thank you :)


  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    Your BMR is 2200?

    Eat more cookies.

    Seriously; you really CAN have treats on occasion. It's good for your peace of mind and if you plan it out it will help prevent future sugary/oily binges.
  • PosterPens
    PosterPens Posts: 172 Member
    ok. i think you need to enjoy life and not be so obsessive about a few cookies you ate. ENJOY THEM.
  • sc10985
    sc10985 Posts: 347 Member
    If three cookies is a binge then I am in some serious trouble.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    You deliberately choose to eat 1000 calories below your BMR?

    1) Enjoy your cookies.
    2) Good luck.
  • sc10985
    sc10985 Posts: 347 Member
    Also, if your dr really prescribed a 1200 calorie diet for a 5'2 woman weighing 133lbs, find a new dr.
  • xinit0
    xinit0 Posts: 310 Member
    I know I won't gain weight because my calorie intake did not exceed the calories I burned because I am on such a low calorie diet (prescribed by my doctor) and total calories maybe were like in the 1400's. I have a physical job too and burn calories from that. I am 23 and am 5 foot 2, weighing 133 pounds. My Basic Metabolic Rate is around 2200 calories.

    May as well give up. Cookies mean your diet is over, and there's nothing you can do about it. Have a nice glass of gravy and relax.

    Oh... wait... no, it doesn't mean that at all. Tomorrow's a new day.
  • vgirl21
    vgirl21 Posts: 37
    LOL this is so true. But it is not just about cookies. I guess in the end I am wondering what happens when I am over my calorie intake in general? Mostly by eating fat, greasy foods. Should I just take it for what it is and move on? The reason I am asking is I guess I don't want to binge and think that I wasted my whole day. Because that is how I've always been. I am very strict because I have to be. I have enjoyed life for 23 years and that is how I ended up over weight. My doctor told me I should be 106-115 pounds. I am 133. I started out at 160. I am averaging 2 pounds a week and want to keep it at that pace. I only have maybe 3 months to go.

    Do you think that this weight is unrealistic then? Even if I am 5'2, I am heavy on my body. I can't even walk upstairs without huffing and puffing. When I was younger I was really skinny. My sister is 1 inch shorter than me and weighs 106. Her doctor says she is perfectly healthy.
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    "Take it for what it is and move on" Yes. Three cookies is not a binge. Over by 200 calories is not a binge. Eating a healthy, complete dinner is not a binge. It's just life. You do not need to exercise away each and every calorie you eat over your goal. You do not have to meet your goal dead-on each day. You want to be 'around' that number. And even that doesn't have to be each and every day. You want to be near that number for the majority of days each week, while also feeling free to indulge and enjoy your life without feeling deprived or controlled. It takes some practice. And some self-talk.
  • sc10985
    sc10985 Posts: 347 Member
    I am an inch shorter than you and my goal weight is 3lbs less than what you weigh now. You need to relax. That magic weight chart isn't right for everyone and even if you are considered overweight, it isn't by very much. If you think not enjoying life is the key to losing weight then you are going to be one miserable chick.
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    Also...Hello Mesa, AZ! I'm Tucson, AZ.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    And the problem is what exactly.................
  • UrbanLotus
    UrbanLotus Posts: 1,163 Member
    Are you seriously freaking out about going 200 calories over...? I am seriously LOL over 3 small cookies being a binge! Perspective, you need it.
  • clairyfairy247
    clairyfairy247 Posts: 425 Member
    I tend to look at it from a "weekly" perspective. As long as I'm within my calories every week then I don't feel bad if I go over slightly on a given day :smile:
  • xinit0
    xinit0 Posts: 310 Member
    Even if I am 5'2, I am heavy on my body. I can't even walk upstairs without huffing and puffing.

    I'm no doctor, but have you considered adding cardio? Of course, you might have to add calories at that point...
  • vgirl21
    vgirl21 Posts: 37
    Thank you this makes me feel better :)

    Any advice on my goal weight then? Like I said, I was thin growing up but just kept eating and weighed 160 pounds. My sister is my age, an inch shorter and around 106-108 pounds. My fitness trainer did a body comp on me too and said I should weigh the same. What are your opinions on this. Right now I have a lot of fat on my body. I just feel out of breath too. Not to mention I have asthma and being overweight makes it worse.

    Yes I do cardio anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. Strength training too. Understand now about freaking out over 200 calories. LOL well that is why I need your advice. Apparently I need to hear if from other people :)

    P.S. Hi Tucson!
  • Inshape13
    Inshape13 Posts: 680 Member
    I tend to look at it from a "weekly" perspective. As long as I'm within my calories every week then I don't feel bad if I go over slightly on a given day :smile:

    I was going to write this same exact thing. Looking at a weekly period of time is a much better way to gauge your progress and look at the bigger picture to see if you are at a good deficit to lose weight.
  • mjrkearney
    mjrkearney Posts: 408 Member
    Punch your doctor, enjoy your cookies, get a StairMaster. If you consistently go over your calories (more in than out, not over goal) with greasy, fatty foods, you'll probably feel like a fried chicken wing. For a day or two. Then you'll get back on the bandwagon and clean yourself up.

    Your weight loss is going to slow down as you approach your goal, simply because you burn fewer calories as you move less body, and what body fat you have diminishes. If you're doctor wants you to weigh 106, that's fine and dandy as long as you're a healthy 106. Right now it sounds like you're a seriously unhealthy 130-something, both physically and mentally. If you can't manage the stairs, do more stairs. If you can't manage three cookies, see a therapist. You might have an obsession.
  • jadermary
    jadermary Posts: 105 Member
    Are you sure your BMR is that high...I am 5'2" and 137 and my BMR is like1360. Maybe you are thinking TDEE?
    You are in at a technically healthy weight , so I am not sure why your doctor is telling you to stick with 1200 cals and a 2lb per week loss...seems pretty aggressive.
  • vgirl21
    vgirl21 Posts: 37
    Are you seriously freaking out about going 200 calories over...? I am seriously LOL over 3 small cookies being a binge! Perspective, you need it.

    Like this comment, you are perfectly right. Typically it is not a binge. My history of binging makes it a binge. But I think I need to start over new then and treat it for what it is. Thank you for being my perspective :)
  • jennfranklin
    jennfranklin Posts: 434 Member
    PLEASE>>>PLEASE>>>PLEASE>>> don't stress over three cookies! I have lost 56 pounds, and occasionally eat those "bad" things, if you want to label them that way. Treat yourself, it is not going to do you any harm. It actually may help in the long run. I feel like if I have to feel like there are forbidden foods, then I want those foods even more! It is not worth stressing yourself about it. I actually have a place in my food diary that is labeled, "crap I shouldn't eat! " I use this space a couple of times a week at least. At least I recognize I am eating the stuff, and log it, and move on to the next day. Keep up your good work.. and again, no worries! Add me for support if you like.. by the way, I am a shortie too! LOL 5'1"