Are soft drinks/pop really OK?



  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    I love Coke..I just dont drink it everyday ....a couple of cans a week..
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    Whenever one of these stories hit the headlines, my old boss used to say "there's a whole lot more cases of people dying from NOT eating food, than cases of dying from eating food".

    OK, he might then pour a large G&T, but d-you see where he was coming from?:drinker:

    Personally, I think a daily diet soda will do you a lot less harm than a daily crispy creme doughnut. And I refuse to waste calories on something like a soft drink when there's wine in the fridge as well :bigsmile:
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    I live in Alabama. One day I look to the back of latex gloves that I use for work and it said..' Known to cause cancer in the state of California."

    It got my mind thinking: What about the other 49 states?

    Point being: California is one back wards state. Love it but I wouldn't want to move there.

    In any case, coke won't cause much harm. It's the diet stuff a person should look out for. xx
  • TammyS327
    TammyS327 Posts: 134 Member
    Saying soda is good for you in moderation is like saying cocaine is good for you in moderation.
    Huh? Cocaine isn't good for you? Now ya tell me. ftw
  • kuger4119
    kuger4119 Posts: 213 Member
    Saying soda is good for you in moderation is like saying cocaine is good for you in moderation.

    The irony of your statement is that I'm sure that cocaine in moderation probably would have some positive side effects. Alcohol in moderation has positive side effects. Of course, all of the potential problems associated with both of those and the tendency of humanity to take things to excess makes it not worth the trouble to pretend like either of those would be a realistic part of a healthy diet.

    Drinking soda is one of those things that isn't going to kill you if done in moderation, but it will be a barrier between you and a "perfect" body. You have to decide for yourself what your goals are and decide if soda should be included in it.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    They taste really good. There's this craving to drink one. I don't usually drink soda, never have had a steady habit of it. But when I drink one they kinda "hit the spot".
    But I have found other drinks that are naturally carbonated and acidic.....kombucha, for example. Or homemade rootbeer. Or Kefir.
    I think this is why people want to drink soda, because our bodies naturally crave the cultured tonic-like drinks.
    Soda mimics this type of drink, but it does so in an unhealthy manner.....or at least devoid of benefits you would get from cultured foods/drinks.
  • Ohnoes
    Ohnoes Posts: 98 Member
    I live in Alabama. One day I look to the back of latex gloves that I use for work and it said..' Known to cause cancer in the state of California."

    It got my mind thinking: What about the other 49 states?

    Point being: California is one back wards state. Love it but I wouldn't want to move there.

    no but see, this is my point. i think california is doing it right. a thing, whatever thing, is shown in some study to cause cancer. so you tell the people about it, and allow them to make informed decisions for themselves. in alabama they dont tell you that exposure to a thing can be bad for you, and this not telling the people is a good thing? california is not telling you not to use gloves, california is telling you to use your brain and make an informed decision.
  • lessofme43
    lessofme43 Posts: 139 Member
    When I started MFP, i quit pop cold-turkey for 1 solid month. When I decided to indulge in half a can of Dr. Pepper, my body did not approve and sent me running to the nearest toilet! That said, I have had a few pop drinks here and there since then and I've been OK, so whatever :P What I am learning tho is that the more sugar-laden things I consume the more I crave them (btw - I refuse to drink anything diet - those artificial sweeteners will kill you before the real ones will!). And I HATE dealing with cravings, so...
  • Iceman420
    Iceman420 Posts: 195
    Is there anything that doesn't cause cancer anymore? Everytime I read medical articles, they mention cancer being caused by this, that, and the next thing. I don't know where to turn to avoid cancer. Soda isnt' healthy, but it's not a major cause of cancer either. Unless you drink 1-2 gallons of it everyday for decades....
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I am American, but I also think it is funny how people get so offended and start defending the sodas when this is brought up. I grew up drinking a lot of soda, and I still drink one every once in a while. But to try to say that they are good for you is just hooey. The regular ones have a lot of sugar and empty calories, and the diet ones have artificial sweeteners, which are not good for you either. Just because you like something and don't want to give it up does not make it good for you!
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    no, they are garbage
  • het100
    het100 Posts: 20 Member
    Are diet soft drinks better than water? If that's what your really asking, then yes and no. It certainly isn't better for your health, chemically,than water. But there isn't a single credible scientific study that I have seen yet that demonstrates that it is harmful when used in drinkable quantities (not one million times normal human dose used in rats). I can attest to drinking a lot of it daily, sometimes 3-4 cans a day, it in all forms and flavors. It has helped me satisfy my desire for something sweet and it was therefore a big factor in helping me to control my carbs and calories and reach my goal. So, in that sense, to me, soft drinks are better than water.
  • PhiloPray
    PhiloPray Posts: 36 Member
    People who say sodas are good for you are still fat. Theres so many drinks available - get off the sodas!
  • alwayslisa920
    alwayslisa920 Posts: 6 Member
    i used to be addicted to soda/diet coke the way some people are addicted to cigarettes, pot, etc. When i finally got myself off of it (and successfully), it was the most difficult thing I'd ever done, but its also been one of the most rewarding. And with so many flavored sparkling waters out there these days, and water enhancers like Mio, it makes the transition really easy. Do I still want soda? Of course I do, I'm a human being! But I know allowing myself 1 can a day will eventually lead back to the 10-15/day that I used to have. Its just one more unhealthy habit that isnt worth getting back into. I've gone 7 months without soda, and I'm still alive. I've become fitter, healthier, happier, and I've started running. Giving up soda is part of the reason life has gotten better for me.
  • PhattiPhat
    PhattiPhat Posts: 349 Member
    In for America shaming and stereotypes.
  • ajayner85
    ajayner85 Posts: 10 Member
    All for moderation, but I guess as someone who isn't American, I find it somewhat amusing how much Americans defend having such enormous cups of empty calories. Yes it is your life and all, but considering America (my country Aus isn't far behind) is having more health problems and if I recall correctly, a decreasing life expectancy for women, perhaps there should be restrictions on these drinks like there are cigarettes and alcohol? For large quantities available there in a 'single serving' that is.

    Yeah, this! I honestly don't mean ANY insult to American people, just the institutional standards! I recently read up on obesity rates in the US, and I almost threw up in my mouth a little. When I travel to the US (I'm Canadian) I am always SHOCKED at the serving sizes!! If you want to drink a pop once in a while as a treat, go for it! But drinking a 14L (okay, yes, I'm exaggerating) Big Gulp or whatever it's called is just mind-blowing. I remember ordering a meal when I was about 14 from Chick-Fil-A while on the road with my family, and I literally ate about 1/8th of it and was full to bursting. It's nothing against the American people - to be fair, I'd probably be obese if fast-food were as plentiful, cheap and came in as large quantities here in Canada!

    I also remember more recently ordering a coffee at McDonald's, and they automatically gave me cream... so I asked if they had milk, and they said they didn't carry milk, only cream. Um, what? It's just small things that I think add up without people even realizing it! Pop is definitely one of those things... if you have one once a week, fine... but if you're grabbing one every time you're thirsty, that is downright awful for your insulin levels and other things like that.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,901 Member
    I was never trying to be rude, but more informative. I guess as someone who pretty much stopped having sugary drinks from the age of 12, I can't quite comprehend the obsession, especially when there is all this worrying research appearing publicly. I am simply trying to help inform... yes I come across as *****y, but hey that is just who I am. I guess something that has studies pointing that it is possibly a worry for your health being defended seems strange to me. It is like if I defended my chocolate eating habit - I usually try to fit it in my cals, but no where have I read it is possible linked to cancer, brain damage (some people susceptible with soda) as well as MS-like symptoms (sorry I can't link rn, ask google).

    All for moderation, but I guess as someone who isn't American, I find it somewhat amusing how much Americans defend having such enormous cups of empty calories. Yes it is your life and all, but considering America (my country Aus isn't far behind) is having more health problems and if I recall correctly, a decreasing life expectancy for women, perhaps there should be restrictions on these drinks like there are cigarettes and alcohol? For large quantities available there in a 'single serving' that is.
    You're correlating that diet soft drinks are America's demise to obesity and cancer. Correlation isn't causation. People are obese for one reason...........over consumption of calories and that ain't happening from drinking diet soda. As for cancer, there are so many variables to getting it (genetics, weight, environment, risk behavior like smoking, etc.) that to label diet soda as a cause ( it's not even admitted by the American Cancer Society) is misinformed.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • juliegrey1
    juliegrey1 Posts: 202 Member
    I cant understand the obsession with soft drinks anyway,ok the odd time its fine,whats wrong with a glass of water if you are thirsty?I dont know never got into soft drinks much as kids so didnt develop the taste!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,901 Member
    Saying soda is good for you in moderation is like saying cocaine is good for you in moderation.
    Lol, how many people have been determined to die by soda overdose?:laugh: Or get paranoia from it?:laugh: Or steal from their families or loved ones because they HAVE to have it?:laugh:


    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ajayner85
    ajayner85 Posts: 10 Member
    Actually there was no mention of "diet" soft drinks in the post... the OP was referring to full-sugar soft drinks I believe?