Had a weak moment, please help :(



  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    Thank you this makes me feel better :)

    Any advice on my goal weight then? Like I said, I was thin growing up but just kept eating and weighed 160 pounds. My sister is my age, an inch shorter and around 106-108 pounds. My fitness trainer did a body comp on me too and said I should weigh the same. What are your opinions on this. Right now I have a lot of fat on my body. I just feel out of breath too. Not to mention I have asthma and being overweight makes it worse.

    Yes I do cardio anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. Strength training too. Understand now about freaking out over 200 calories. LOL well that is why I need your advice. Apparently I need to hear if from other people :)

    P.S. Hi Tucson!

    As easy as it is to compare ourselves to other members of our families, don't get caught in that trap. The genetic game of roulette just means that you and she have different body types. You might also have different color eyes, or different textures of hair, or have different allergies, or whatever. Her body size has nothing to do with your body size. Focus on yourself, and let her take care of herself.
  • ksandi35
    ksandi35 Posts: 2 Member
    You've gotten a lot of great feedback here and I hope you've found it useful. My two cents worth, first, don't view this as a binge. Clinically speaking, it's not a binge and when you start viewing it like that it begins to smack of the development of an eating disorder.

    When I first hit my goal weight, if I strayed from my normal diet at all it freaked me out. I calmed down pretty quickly though and I did this by asking myself if my choice was a return to previous unhealthy choices, such as eating cookies everyday and deluding myself with the notion that "I don't do this all the time" (when I actually did) and "I worked hard today, I deserve this"...yada, yada, yada. The trick is to figure out what the messages are that make it okay for you to make unhealthy choices and then challenging those internal messages with the real facts. My biggest internal message was the "I deserve it" one and so I had to change my view of food as a reward.

    Good luck!
  • oldandhealthier
    oldandhealthier Posts: 449 Member
    I tend to look at it from a "weekly" perspective. As long as I'm within my calories every week then I don't feel bad if I go over slightly on a given day :smile:
    very wise
  • nvpixie
    nvpixie Posts: 483 Member
    Really, I think it's good to vary your calories a bit. I sometimes go over by 400 or 500 and I don't gain an ounce. 1200 is not a magic number for weight loss.

    A few cookies, or any food for that matter, bringing you over your goal for the day (one day!) isn't going to make a bit of difference.

    Also, I know your doctor approved of the 1200 calories a day diet, but seriously, you can probably eat much more and keep losing at a good pace. I'm 4'11", lightly active, and I eat around 1700 calories a day to lose slowly. If I eat 1500 or less every single day, I lose weight faster, but my hunger isn't satisfied. Sometimes I eat less, but most days I'm right around my calorie goal.

    Oh, and I also enjoy all the foods I like, including alcohol. You need to live a little. Don't feel guilty about a few cookies.
  • Frood42
    Frood42 Posts: 245 Member
    ok. i think you need to enjoy life and not be so obsessive about a few cookies you ate. ENJOY THEM.


  • smb17
    smb17 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi, I am the same height and adjusted my caloric input to 1300 calories per day. I work out a lot; 6 days per week.

    A few months ago I was trying to stick with 1200 calories per day. I didn't have enough energy, found it very difficult to stick with and was in cheating or hungry yo-yo mode.

    This is what helped: Adding an extra 100 calories per day made the diet and weight loss sustainable; much happier on 1300 - 1400 cals/day. I eat 5 small meals / day (two small snacks, morning and evening). One cheat meal per week.

    I agree with the last person posting, 1200 cals per day seems low and too difficult to maintain over the long haul.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    You look awfully thin already.....

    I mean...life must be miserable if you're beating yourself up over three golf ball sized cookies. I feel bad for you.
  • weightlossforbrian
    weightlossforbrian Posts: 38 Member
    I just ate an ice cream bar. It was really good. And I will still be losing 1-2 pounds a week.

    Eating a few cookies will be fine.

    Also, don't push yourself to lose 2 pounds exactly a week. It will stress you out. Just take your time and enjoy the journey. Just aim to lose weight and you will.
  • vgirl21
    vgirl21 Posts: 37
    Thanks for the comments, really needed them. Yes I have a very addictive personality and tend to be obsessive. Don't feel like paying a therapist. This is why I have you guys :) Luckily I only obsess over this though. But then again so is everyone on MyFitnessPal or any weight loss plan or website. Unless you are considered "over weight" or are in danger for medical complications, I think we all are obsessed with being healthy, or fit. Anyone who even has a six pack is considered obsessive. Why do you need it? Because you want it and go to the gym considerably to achieve it. Any one with a goal weight who is considered healthy is obsessive. Why do you need a number on the scale to make you happy? Why I am I obsessive cause I want to be healthy and fit myself. I agree with everyone's comments! Reality check completed :p

    You all are amazing, hope you guys find happiness <3
  • auria17
    auria17 Posts: 94 Member
    You count it as a re feed day, let it go, don't feel some weird need to punish yourself but get right back to your fitness and nutrition routine. Drink some green tea if you feel that bad, it is healthy for you:-)
  • louisegibbs85
    louisegibbs85 Posts: 304 Member
    I've had two takeaways, McDonalds, chocolate donut and at least chocolate biscuit every night and still lost 3lb a week .... all in moderation don't restrict yourself ! Having a bit of what I fancy every day stops me binging because I am never goin Without
  • nicolej1016
    nicolej1016 Posts: 89 Member
    PLEASE>>>PLEASE>>>PLEASE>>> don't stress over three cookies! I have lost 56 pounds, and occasionally eat those "bad" things, if you want to label them that way. Treat yourself, it is not going to do you any harm. It actually may help in the long run. I feel like if I have to feel like there are forbidden foods, then I want those foods even more! It is not worth stressing yourself about it. I actually have a place in my food diary that is labeled, "crap I shouldn't eat! " I use this space a couple of times a week at least. At least I recognize I am eating the stuff, and log it, and move on to the next day. Keep up your good work.. and again, no worries! Add me for support if you like.. by the way, I am a shortie too! LOL 5'1"

    This above and double-check your TDEE/BMR. Also, I tend to look at a weekly perspective too and focus on balancing carbs/fat/protein. A few cookies will not derail you forever. If I can do this, so can you and I have a LOT more weight to lose. Also, I am short too (5 foot even). I wish you the best! :)
  • vgirl21
    vgirl21 Posts: 37
    One more reply from me...I understand about the cookies. I was being ridiculous. I will have a few later just for you guys ;)
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    If you keep going the way you are now, you're going to burn out.

    Start eating more and stop obsessing over a few bloody cookies, damn.
  • bpmichael
    bpmichael Posts: 28 Member
    Surprised your doctor would put you on a low calorie diet. You say you are very active in your job and your weight is not that high. Just another example of doctors knowing very little about nutrition. Surprised he didn't prescribe Phentermine : )
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    One more reply from me...I understand about the cookies. I was being ridiculous. I will have a few later just for you guys ;)

    That's not acceptable, really. I require a shipment of cookies immediately if not sooner.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    "Take it for what it is and move on" Yes. Three cookies is not a binge. Over by 200 calories is not a binge. Eating a healthy, complete dinner is not a binge. It's just life. You do not need to exercise away each and every calorie you eat over your goal. You do not have to meet your goal dead-on each day. You want to be 'around' that number. And even that doesn't have to be each and every day. You want to be near that number for the majority of days each week, while also feeling free to indulge and enjoy your life without feeling deprived or controlled. It takes some practice. And some self-talk.

    ^^^^ nicely said.

    I struggle with any day in which I do not feel like I actively chose or pre-planned to be over. I feel as if I binged if I ate in what feels to me to be an uncontrolled way. Sometimes I need someone to gently remind me that it is ok and that it wasn't really a binge. I appreciate how you responded and encouraged without being snarky and rude to the OP about a new way of life that takes practice.

    Oh..and some people cannot have a few cookies without totally derailing their progress. My mom can go years losing weight and doing wonderfully then she has a milk shake and within a short period of time she is gaining weight again. I have seen it probably 8 times in my life where she has lost 80-100 lbs and kept it off for 12-24 months then one milkshake leads to gaining all the weight back and more.
  • vgirl21
    vgirl21 Posts: 37
    "Take it for what it is and move on" Yes. Three cookies is not a binge. Over by 200 calories is not a binge. Eating a healthy, complete dinner is not a binge. It's just life. You do not need to exercise away each and every calorie you eat over your goal. You do not have to meet your goal dead-on each day. You want to be 'around' that number. And even that doesn't have to be each and every day. You want to be near that number for the majority of days each week, while also feeling free to indulge and enjoy your life without feeling deprived or controlled. It takes some practice. And some self-talk.

    ^^^^ nicely said.

    I struggle with any day in which I do not feel like I actively chose or pre-planned to be over. I feel as if I binged if I ate in what feels to me to be an uncontrolled way. Sometimes I need someone to gently remind me that it is ok and that it wasn't really a binge. I appreciate how you responded and encouraged without being snarky and rude to the OP about a new way of life that takes practice.

    Oh..and some people cannot have a few cookies without totally derailing their progress. My mom can go years losing weight and doing wonderfully then she has a milk shake and within a short period of time she is gaining weight again. I have seen it probably 8 times in my life where she has lost 80-100 lbs and kept it off for 12-24 months then one milkshake leads to gaining all the weight back and more.

    I know I said I gave my last reply but thank you!!!! I don't know why this is but yes I get derailed! Some people can have junk food and be fine. I can not! Though I am struggling to learn, it is a battle. It is not just about cookies. I was being ridiculous as I had said. It is about learning how not to go overboard after enjoying yourself once and a while. That was my problem. I could give a crap about the cookies. All I asked was should I just workout a little longer the next day. I realize what I was doing when I ate the cookies, enjoying myself! But I still do not want to derail so I simply ask how can I make up for the extra calories I ate the next day? I think people get way to carried away when they see a person on such a low calorie diet! I am full at 1200 calories. I don't eat a lot normally. If I felt like I was starving I would eat more. The reason I gained so much weight before was I simply had a poor diet and I have learned to control that, still learning in fact. Thank you for responding and acknowledging :)