Anyone Else Experiencing Plenty of Energy on Low Carb?

I keep reading post after post, and not just here, pushing people to eat more "complex" carbohydrates in the form of whole grains, rice, starchy fruits, granola, oatmeal, etc because you'll apparently be devoid of energy and vitality without consuming this group.

Anybody else functioning extremely well on a very low carbohydrate/high fat diet? I don't doubt that plenty of people need higher carbohydrate intake to feel energized and alert, but I also know from experience, my own and others, that some of us are flying perfectly high on very little carbohydrate, most of which comes from veg.

Just looking to hear like experiences!


  • CassarahW
    CassarahW Posts: 93 Member
    You can take out all processed foods (so almost all "whole grain" products) and do amazingly well. I don't consider that low carb though because anything that isn't a protein or a fat is a carb. If you are eating lots of veggies you are eating a lot of carbs, but the good kind. The less processed foods you can eat the better. Your body will love you for it!
  • mike37130
    mike37130 Posts: 15 Member
    I was worried at first because I was only hitting half my goal for carbs and calorie intake. But I was hitting my goal for protein and fat intake. I never went over on protein and fat. I am feeling excellent and full of energy. Most of the carbs I was getting was from veggies, fruit as well as some from the whole wheat bread I was using for breakfast and lunch.

    I have only been on this diet for a few days and I do worry if this feeling will be short lived.
  • JaceyMarieS
    JaceyMarieS Posts: 692 Member
    I get my 20-45 g of carbs from vegetables, nuts and the pesky fractions that show up in dairy/condiments, etc. with no grains and very restricted fruits and legumes. I have no trouble with energy following LCHF - Zumba 4-5 days per week, strength training 3 days per week, 1-2 miles on the elliptical most days, walking/jogging with the dog most days, swimming whenever the weather permits and frequent spins of the stationary bike. In fact, I have much more energy than I've had for a long, long time.
  • ngyoung
    ngyoung Posts: 311 Member
    I get plenty of energy eating fat and protein. Yeah many people that were eating primarily carbage SAD diet do get a period of low energy while their body is learning to adapt to a new diet. Once they make it out of that period energy levels stay more stable. There's no ups and downs from blood sugar spikes and crashes.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    I am a carb girl, you need your fuel,, I do high cardio.
  • Binkie1955
    Binkie1955 Posts: 329 Member
    I've been lo-carb since 2011 and have no problems. when I eat carbs I get drowsy now. I think the insulin rush isn't good for me. no problems here. I track grams of carbs on MFP and am probably averaging fewer than 50 net grams per day of carbs. it's all fat and protein for me.
    have you seen ? great film.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Yes, in the past when I did a low carb high protein and fats diet I had good energy and felt great.
    I was also on caffeine and vicodin though so who knows?
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    *ugh* Your macro intake will vary based on your sport/exercise.

    Runner? higher carb intake
    HIIT/Cardio fanatic? higher carb intake
    Bodybuilder? lower carb, higher protein.
    CrossFitter? usually 40C/30F/30P

    It really depends on your goals.

    Me personally, as a Diabetic CrossFitter, I get by just fine on no more than 80-100g of carbs/day. I also do Intermittent Fasting and workout at 5am and have had no issues with energy as long as I get enough sleep. I do have a much higher protein intake on days when we Strength Train or the WOD has lifting exercises. You have to find what works for YOU.
  • debb1010
    debb1010 Posts: 12 Member
    I've been lo-carb since 2011 and have no problems. when I eat carbs I get drowsy now. I think the insulin rush isn't good for me. no problems here. I track grams of carbs on MFP and am probably averaging fewer than 50 net grams per day of carbs. it's all fat and protein for me.
    have you seen ? great film.

    I have been eating low carb. Basically doing away with as much of the bad stuff as possible and eating more of the good stuff like vegetables. If I were to go overboard on carbs right now...I too would feel very lethargic afterwards plus I'd feel very weak and physically sick. Its just best I stay away from them as much as possible.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    I am a carb girl, you need your fuel,, I do high cardio.

    Except no, I was a 188 lbs, muscular young man doing high intensity cardio on low carb.
  • ngyoung
    ngyoung Posts: 311 Member
    *ugh* Your macro intake will vary based on your sport/exercise.

    Runner? higher carb intake
    HIIT/Cardio fanatic? higher carb intake
    Bodybuilder? lower carb, higher protein.
    CrossFitter? usually 40C/30F/30P

    It really depends on your goals.

    Me personally, as a Diabetic CrossFitter, I get by just fine on no more than 80-100g of carbs/day. I also do Intermittent Fasting and workout at 5am and have had no issues with energy as long as I get enough sleep. I do have a much higher protein intake on days when we Strength Train or the WOD has lifting exercises. You have to find what works for YOU.

    There are plenty of runners doing low carb. More and more are finding that carbo loading for competition isn't necessary.
  • I eat somewhat low carb (usually between 40-55 carbs daily), lower fat, high protein and I think the high protein is what keeps me feeling like I have plenty of energy for my daily activities and workouts.
  • It won't last long.
  • *ugh* Your macro intake will vary based on your sport/exercise.

    Runner? higher carb intake
    HIIT/Cardio fanatic? higher carb intake
    Bodybuilder? lower carb, higher protein.
    CrossFitter? usually 40C/30F/30P

    It really depends on your goals.

    Me personally, as a Diabetic CrossFitter, I get by just fine on no more than 80-100g of carbs/day. I also do Intermittent Fasting and workout at 5am and have had no issues with energy as long as I get enough sleep. I do have a much higher protein intake on days when we Strength Train or the WOD has lifting exercises. You have to find what works for YOU.

    There are plenty of runners doing low carb. More and more are finding that carbo loading for competition isn't necessary.

    While far are they actually running? They need an equal balance. You can't be eating under 50 a day and expect to run marathons...been there done that. I don't see it as possible.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I do fine with lower carbs. I've been eating this way for a year now due to heath issues. I used to stay below 50g/day, but more recently I've found I need a bit more in order to get through my workouts and not feel miserable. My insulin sensitivity has improved a great deal over the past year, so I'm able to do that. I eat around 100-150g of carbs on most days now. I lift heavy 4x per week and train kettlebells on the other days. I walk everywhere. Works great for me.
  • ctaylor311
    ctaylor311 Posts: 6 Member
    I've been LCHF for about 2 months now. More energy than ever, and better appetite control, too. I'm not waking up starving or scavenging at 11:30pm. I can easily keep up with my three-year-old and still get housework done, and I'm not dead tired at the end of the day like I was on the low-cal diet. I've even taken up jogging (first time running since '96!).
    Check out for info on why you don't need as many carbs to get the energy back in your life.

    To your health!
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    I am diabetic so low carb high fat works for me on several levels wonderfully, I have tons of energy that I do not have at higher levels. I am currently at 10% or 30 grams of carbs a day. I know my maintenance level is 25% or 75 grams, I happily don't gain but I also do not lose either. Anything over that I do gain and feel sluggish complete with noticeable brain fog. I still need to lose so I had to readjust my carbs, it also keeps my glucose numbers near perfect with as little insuln as possible, and less shots definitely makes me happy!
  • pen2u
    pen2u Posts: 224 Member
    I'm with you! My head is clearer, I'm way less spacey, have tons more energy, less belly fat, my peeps at boot camp are amazed at how my body has become leaner and meaner. I've been gluten free for years but didn't feel this good until I started eating a primal diet. Love it!!
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    *ugh* Your macro intake will vary based on your sport/exercise.

    Runner? higher carb intake
    HIIT/Cardio fanatic? higher carb intake
    Bodybuilder? lower carb, higher protein.
    CrossFitter? usually 40C/30F/30P

    It really depends on your goals.

    Me personally, as a Diabetic CrossFitter, I get by just fine on no more than 80-100g of carbs/day. I also do Intermittent Fasting and workout at 5am and have had no issues with energy as long as I get enough sleep. I do have a much higher protein intake on days when we Strength Train or the WOD has lifting exercises. You have to find what works for YOU.

    There are plenty of runners doing low carb. More and more are finding that carbo loading for competition isn't necessary.

    While far are they actually running? They need an equal balance. You can't be eating under 50 a day and expect to run marathons...been there done that. I don't see it as possible.

    Low Carb Runner Wins Marathon:

    I did it!! My first carb free marathon!

    Running a Marathon? Load Up on Fat: New research suggests carb-loading before a race isn’t the best way to energize.

    This took a minute to find. And it's only skimming the surface.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I've got a giant brain I need my brain food.