Anyone Else Experiencing Plenty of Energy on Low Carb?



  • atlchc8
    atlchc8 Posts: 53 Member
    I keep reading post after post, and not just here, pushing people to eat more "complex" carbohydrates in the form of whole grains, rice, starchy fruits, granola, oatmeal, etc because you'll apparently be devoid of energy and vitality without consuming this group.

    Anybody else functioning extremely well on a very low carbohydrate/high fat diet? I don't doubt that plenty of people need higher carbohydrate intake to feel energized and alert, but I also know from experience, my own and others, that some of us are flying perfectly high on very little carbohydrate, most of which comes from veg.

    Just looking to hear like experiences!

    Yes! I felt very tired and cranky when I first started off eating a low carb diet but then I started eating a lot more protein and it keeps me satiated and happy!
  • jaxxie
    jaxxie Posts: 576 Member
    I made the fatal mistake of lowering my cals and carbs as a result of medical treatments for my hip. HUGE mistake. I ended up having to take a reset week off, due to lack of energy and motivation....all because of this stupid lowering cals and as a result lowering carbs. NEVER AGAIN! All I wanted to do is sleep as soon as I got home. I am not sure how it works for you, but I need fuel and energy....although I do realize we all weight/require/aspire different things...this is just what I have found this last week.
  • AnneSoCal
    AnneSoCal Posts: 33 Member
    I do a pretty hard core boot camp every morning, before breakfast, and I eat less than 50g of carbs a day. I have tons of energy during class and throughout the day, so for me, eating refined foods with carbs is not necessary. You can get plenty of the nutrients and fibers (and carbs) you need from "real" food (nothing that comes in a bag, a box or a can for the most part.) When I start eating grains or starchy foods (carbs), I get lazy and feel bloated most of the time.
  • Tubbytucka
    Tubbytucka Posts: 83 Member
    I'm running on 20-30g carbs a day, I recently did a 3.5hr/42 mile mountain bike ride and felt fine the whole time. I didn't even eat much after it, maybe a couple of drumsticks and a small salad. Your body evolved to run on fats and proteins, not potatoes, pasta and grass (in the form of grains). As I have written on here a few times, a high fat diet keeps me feeling full longer than carb-heavy meals. Low carb works for me.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    I made the fatal mistake of lowering my cals and carbs as a result of medical treatments for my hip. HUGE mistake. I ended up having to take a reset week off, due to lack of energy and motivation....all because of this stupid lowering cals and as a result lowering carbs. NEVER AGAIN! All I wanted to do is sleep as soon as I got home. I am not sure how it works for you, but I need fuel and energy....although I do realize we all weight/require/aspire different things...this is just what I have found this last week.

    Lowering carbs AND cals? Why? That sounds horrendous. One of the added benefits of those who do well on low carb is that we're actually able to eat more and still lose/maintain.
  • I welcome the assistanc of a pro due to my desire to get my siz pac that has been my goal since a year ago .. I how ever as an older man on TRT and weight training very hard and MTB rider do not agree with your avg 1900 calories a day diet goal I am now eating 3000 primary protein with 75% pROTEIN 15% Carbs and 10% Sats and have lost 60 lbs of fat in a year and gained about 20 lbs of muscle at 54 years old and IMO require these Proein Calories to matain my muscle size which is not huge just above average and lost 6 inches in my waist and had gains were I desire just can't get rid of that last 1/4 inch of fat around my flexors ?

    Seeking advice and I do run a little low on energy . I am 100% disabled and taking opiates as scrited so I fight a double edged sword ! I welcome educated comments
  • Danicacub
    Danicacub Posts: 41 Member
    Definitely, and no more feeling bloated or sluggish. I love it but crave bread a lot!
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    ...and gained about 20 lbs of muscle at 54 years old...

    No, you haven't. A 20 year old kid with perfect genetics, perfect nutrition and fully devoted to training would have trouble hitting that kind of gain.
  • I eat about every 3 hours and drink a gal + of water a day . Live on a farm and get plenty of Egg Whites with my Protein shakes that fill any hungar pains I get I have been very pleased with slow fat loose as weight loose is not my primary goal but seem to have hit a wall and far as fet cells in the mid section . small maybe 1/4 barely pinchable side handels and almost flat belly to top portions of awist possible 1/2 in still over but looking for lean flat belly with in 12 mths 8 pac ? I mean lean flexors and would be a dream to be single digit BF%
  • gk03ub
    gk03ub Posts: 99 Member
    I did it and I was miserable. Results vary from person to person. Find what works for you and stick to it. For me, its carbs for life :heart: :smile:
  • I burn a lot of calories and do post and pre workout carb mini load but if I even slack for a week and raise my card intack my weight goes up and not lean weight ! All bodies are different and I will be the 1st to admit women are beast in the gym ! When I find a really dedicated female weight lifter I have trouple keeping up with her I can see why women can ingest more carbs than men .

    For the know it all no avatar guy I am still courious of your age . your goals , your macros and your esercise routine and besides being fro the north east what else will you share ?
  • Just_Scott
    Just_Scott Posts: 1,766 Member
  • zwoodcock
    zwoodcock Posts: 15 Member
    You can take out all processed foods (so almost all "whole grain" products) and do amazingly well. I don't consider that low carb though because anything that isn't a protein or a fat is a carb. If you are eating lots of veggies you are eating a lot of carbs, but the good kind. The less processed foods you can eat the better. Your body will love you for it!

    Technically, whole grain wouldn't be processes.

    Whole wheat, however, would.
  • Steel cut oats , celery, brocilli , little if 0 diary products except 100$ Isolate Whey protein a few nuts and eat smart no sodas ! little is any bread ! several lbs of fish or turkey or deer or chicken daily and almond or cocanut milk and the fat will melt away and with exercise you will se muscles where you never knew you had places :) Smart eating every 3 hours and 3000 calories a day and I loose 5 lbs of fat a mth ! at 54 yes I do brag about this because it is a super clean diet and a life style not just a diet :)

    But what else would you expect from our Nations fines a US Marine. about to go train in an hour and a half going to eat 5 brussel sprouts a couple of spears of celery 6 oz of with tuna 5 oz brown rice and 32 oz of water . :) Put down your fork and follw this 54 year old fat burning machine
  • I welcome the assistanc of a pro due to my desire to get my siz pac that has been my goal since a year ago .. I how ever as an older man on TRT and weight training very hard and MTB rider do not agree with your avg 1900 calories a day diet goal I am now eating 3000 primary protein with 75% pROTEIN 15% Carbs and 10% Sats and have lost 60 lbs of fat in a year and gained about 20 lbs of muscle at 54 years old and IMO require these Proein Calories to matain my muscle size which is not huge just above average and lost 6 inches in my waist and had gains were I desire just can't get rid of that last 1/4 inch of fat around my flexors ?

    Seeking advice and I do run a little low on energy . I am 100% disabled and taking opiates as scrited so I fight a double edged sword ! I welcome educated comments

    You may want to read my profile & then reply as I am near 3000 calories a day . please I ride 15 to 20 miles a day on MTB and weight train a little less than 1.5 hours 4 sets of 20 5 exercises per body part and on TRT dose of Testosterone scripted by Dr. 100 mg a week 50 mg every 3.5 days and HCG ( not for weight loose for mental well being and prevent shrinkage ) + inject 1000 iu's of B-12 3 x's a week :)
  • Iknewyouweretrouble
  • Just_Scott
    Just_Scott Posts: 1,766 Member
    bumpity bump bump
  • Is Bump as in bad of no interest or bump as in an answer requested ?
  • How about this when you are thinking of loosing weight ? You get all of your fat cells in your body when you are in your mother's womb and you get more fat cells when you go through pubirity .

    With this fact in mind you do not actually loos weight unless you have surgery and = Lipo not healthy and then excess skin issues if you were huge .

    When we strive to reshape our bodies all we are doing is shrinking fat cells we do not actually loose fat ? The cells are still there but through exercise and a balanced endo system and proper functioning organs we can shrink fat cells and the most dangerous ones we have that lead to glucose issues and heart problems are belly fat and this is where most average people are happy shrinking fat cells so if you approach your health and weight and BMI with this in mind you will find the results much more easy to understand ! Since all calories do not react the same way in the body ie. fat and carbs are either stored as fat or burned as energy when exercising and protien serves to build health cells so if you ingest to many carbs or to much fat you increase the size of the fat cells ? They never go away only change in size due to life style :)

    For a not actually easy but simple to remember principle will be followed most people will loose 30% of their fat if they stop sodas , Processed / canned foods , bread , dairy products and drink a Gal of water a day . Nothing to count or keep up with or anything except strick healthy foods and these simple rules