Dessert lovers, how do you control yourself at..

Family dinners/ buffets! I just lose all control when a wide variety of desserts is placed in front of me! I try a little but of everything! And that adds up when you are trying 10 different things! I will do perfectly fine with all my other meals, but when I hit the end of the over! Lets just say, I ate around 1,300 calories in just desserts today!

I'm freaking out because lately I have been horrible! Everyday this past week I've went over my calories because of desserts. Last night it was cupcakes, before that apple pie...before that Golden Corral...yeah.

I feel the pounds packing back on and in freaking out! Help!


  • AlexB422
    AlexB422 Posts: 111
    No help? Okay....
  • sprintto50
    sprintto50 Posts: 410 Member
    I find that I can't have just one dessert when in those situations and I don''t. I try a cup of coffee instead. Sometimes I give in but not often, and don't beat myself up over it. I also try mindful eating with desserts. If I eat it slowly and taste and smell each bite, I often find that restaurant desserts really are not that good. Home made ones are another story and I just stay away.
  • mikegales
    mikegales Posts: 32 Member
    I have a sweet tooth too. I have had some sort of ice cream every day for a month. Faithful logging and stop eating at or around my mfp calorie limit is what I do. One dessert per day is another way of putting it.
  • aloranger7708
    aloranger7708 Posts: 422 Member
    If you cannot control yourself, I wouldn't even have a TINY piece of anything. Usually I am all for moderation but if you can't do it, then just eliminate those foods. I am the same way; mega sweet tooth! I could eat chocolate for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and still never be satisfied. It gets easier if you stop eating those tempting foods less.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    I <3 dessert. My whole system is log it before I try it..because If I don't have a nutritional facts sheet or column for it, I will not try or eat it.. I just think of all the added fat and sugar that is in it that I don't need for my body and I am normally alright. Also I will not put desserts that I can't have more than one bite in front of myself or near me. This includes anything with lemon in it or cupcakes :D!! So if I can't figure out how much 1 tart or 1 cupcake is...I do not eat it..that is my rule :)
  • flexdirectcpr
    flexdirectcpr Posts: 103 Member
    I too am an equal opportunity dessert taster. I don't binge on sweets, but try a variety of them if I am in a setting that offers multiple options. Sweets have been the reason for my over days also this week. My plan from today forward is to drink a large glass of water before I have my meal and after. That way I will be too full to overindulge. I hope this works, for your sake and mine.
  • rozarotti
    rozarotti Posts: 139
    Dont buy them for your house and quit going out to eat, especially Golden Corral!! If you need a little sweet try frozen yogurt or Fiber One Brownies.
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    I just try and avoid them.

    For example, not keeping them in the house.

    Harder now as I live with a friend, but I try and make sure now I don't go halves on her treats.

    I get some 'treats', like chocolate mousse pots and yogurts, which I know I'm fine with... but with ice cream I'll eat the whole B&J tub in 1-2 days at 550 cals a pop...
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    DaughterOfTheMostHighKing Posts: 1,436 Member
    once you develop a taste for eating clean like fruits and such it gets easier to resist because you don't have that want for sugar.
  • leia_ophelia
    leia_ophelia Posts: 44 Member
    I have the same problem! I love desserts. I love chocolates.
    I try to have regular days without dessert and give myself cheat days so that on special days such as birthdays or dinner outs I can have my dessert and not feel too bad. I also try to work out to balance out the calories, then I equate it... like if I want that cheesecake that means 1 hr in the elliptical and1 hr in the elliptical would be painful so i should skip the cheesecake. Sometimes my only motivation for exercising is because I ate cake. it is still a work in progress.
  • AlexB422
    AlexB422 Posts: 111
    once you develop a taste for eating clean like fruits and such it gets easier to resist because you don't have that want for sugar.

    I lost 78 pounds and cut them out of my diet for awhile, but now that I'm maintaining, I started eating them again but once you start up again....
  • shootergirlnc
    shootergirlnc Posts: 50 Member
    I make a smoothie if I REALLY want something sweet. Today I used 3/4 cup of vanilla almond milk, 1 scoop vanilla protein powder, 1/2 cup of blueberries, and 1 cup of spinach. You can only taste the vanilla and blueberries. It tasted like a liquid blueberry muffin! 221 calories, and a great way to sneak in protein if you're lacking for the day.
  • caly_man
    caly_man Posts: 281 Member
    dont hover around the desserts table, grab your portions on 1 plate, whatever they may be, walk away, enjoy

    and don't go back for seconds
  • "NO MORE JELLO FOR ME MA!" anyone who can name that movie needs to add me lol
  • Andrea8985
    Andrea8985 Posts: 107
    I am all for dessert. I work it into my diet in a healthy way. However, I'm the same way. I have a major sweet tooth and can't help myself at buffets. What do I do? I stay away from the end of the table. If I notice that something looks particularly good, I'll have just that.
  • rpd911
    rpd911 Posts: 9 Member
    I find coffee after dinner helps, but if you have to have something for desert to get a sweet fix, I do Thomas light high fiber english muffins with a half tsp of honey and small shavings of butter. toast em up, put on butter and honey, less than 180 cal and even with my coffee i'm under 200.
  • once you develop a taste for eating clean like fruits and such it gets easier to resist because you don't have that want for sugar.

    I lost 78 pounds and cut them out of my diet for awhile, but now that I'm maintaining, I started eating them again but once you start up again....

    Im trying moderation for the first time in my life. Sometimes I win sometimes I lose. but MOSTLY Im winning because Im learning its just not worth it when I see those cals add up and that does help me chose more wisely. I want to be able to have my cake and eat it too...but if I have to choose between getting to my goal and continuing to "moderate" guess what Im going to choose?
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    One bite of everything is enough for me. Two bites of my favorite. Buffets are easy cause you can choose your portion sizes - and therefore make them ridiculously small if necessary.
  • crandos
    crandos Posts: 377 Member
    i usually just go with and eat the ice cream or chocolates lol.