
I have to take a moment to whine and have a pity party..forgive me. So for almost a month now I have been watching my calorie intake, excercising and overall making better choices. I am upset because I haven't even dropped a pants size yet. I don't understand what I am doing wrong. I usually excercise every other day if not every day. I do the eliptical, run on the treadmil, or go for long walks. I never cheat on my calories, drink plenty of water and usually stay right at my calorie goal, go slightly above, or slightly under. Can anyone give me some advice to make these pounds start coming off? I would really like to see a new pant size within the next couple of weeks. Thanks so much for listening to me whine :wink:


  • suzieann
    Don't give up! It is always that 5th or 6th week I tell the difference and then it is usually "wow" how did that happen! So hold on, your reward is coming!:smile:
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member
    Just took a quick look at your food diary. Besides the fact that there seems to be very little actual food there, most days you are way below your target. Also, by having so many days where you seem to be below even the bare minimum of 1200 calories, you may have pushed your body into starvation mode.

    Once you are in starvation mode, your body will try to hold on to every single calorie! Try increasing your breakfast to include more fruit and fiber. In my case, I find that if I don't start off with a substantial first meal, I just don't end up hitting my targets.

    Try upping your fiber to 25g per day, and of course, watch your salt intake.

    I am not an expert by any measure, these are just some of the tings that have worked for me.

    Hope this helps, good luck!
  • 194Days
    194Days Posts: 16
    I know how you feel! I am in the same boat... feel like I'm doing all this work but not seeing any results. What has helped me keep moving on is how much better I feel and that as long as I am consistent, the results will eventually show whether on the scale or my clothes fitting better.

    One thing that you may want to do is track your sodium... your intake may be high (especially frozen dinners... they are sooo easy and fast but the sodium is killer) and that can make you retain water.

    Good luck - don't give up!
  • jessudd
    jessudd Posts: 133 Member
    I'm in a similar situation, but I've taken my measurements and have seen results there. You might try tracking that for some encouragement as the scale can be a little fickle and it may take more time to drop a pant size depending on where you lose your weight from first.

    I haven't seen your diary, but if what you're doing is not working for you, try adjusting something like your carbs/protein ratio (you can change it under settings or just try it on your own). Reducing carbs can be a good kick start for most people.

    Most importantly, hang in there!! A month really isn't a long time in the scope of all of our past decisions with food and our bodies--give it time! I think the other posts had some great advice too, so find what works for you and GOOD LUCK!!!! :wink:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Just took a quick look at your food diary. Besides the fact that there seems to be very little actual food there, most days you are way below your target. Also, by having so many days where you seem to be below even the bare minimum of 1200 calories, you may have pushed your body into starvation mode.

    Once you are in starvation mode, your body will try to hold on to every single calorie! Try increasing your breakfast to include more fruit and fiber. In my case, I find that if I don't start off with a substantial first meal, I just don't end up hitting my targets.

    Try upping your fiber to 25g per day, and of course, watch your salt intake.

    I am not an expert by any measure, these are just some of the tings that have worked for me.

    Hope this helps, good luck!
    Definitely saw similiar, flipped back about a week, some days 400 some cals?? Yikes, 700, 900 etc. Please consider eating the amount MFP gives as a guideline or you won't be losing much weight eating that little of food. As was shared above, if your body is not getting enough fuel, it will hang onto the weight, you can eat more to lose. I know that's not the diet mentality we all grew up with but keep in mind this isn't a diet you're on but a new way of eating for life.

    I also wondered about the sodium, some processed foods in there that can really add up, might be worth switching over and watching how the sodium can really add up for a bit so you understand how that can also effect lack of weight loss.

    Good luck :)
  • goola
    goola Posts: 6 Member
    right there with you. have been working out like crazy (after several months of being completely sedantary recovering from surgery) and have been watching the caloires, although eating up to the limit just about every day, drinking my water, and getting lots of sleep. I even quit drinking and gave up my beloved wine. I thought that ALONE would make the weight just drop off. Alas, instead of losing weight, i''ve gained pound or two in the 4ish weeks i've been strict about this whole thing. I expected this to be hard as I'm at the top end of my BMI and so already at a relativley healthy weight, and I'm only looking ot lose 12ish lbs and shrink one dress size.... but i did expect SOME results by now.

    so i'm trying to focus on how strong my muscles are feeling and how firm my legs are getting from all the work at the gym. EVENTUALLY that has to translate in to shrinkage of the fat on the hips and belly, right?

    I'm resisting reverting to my bad habits of running twice a day and eating almost nothing.... in order to shrink. but it's getting harder and harder every week that goes by. I keep looking at my skinny pants, which I still can't button, and thinking "maybe if don't eat anything for a couple days....."