Sugar cravings

Kidostud Posts: 307 Member
It seems I am constantly craving for sweet stuff. I try to satisfy it by eating fruit, but I just can't seem to stop thinking about sweets and chocolates! Is there any kind of supplement that I can take that will sort it out? Or any other advice would also be welcome.


  • LearnFromTheRed
    LearnFromTheRed Posts: 294 Member
    I believe magnesium is what you're supposed to take for chocolate cravings.

    Actually, don't know how accurate this is, but...
  • I have this problem too ... just have to train my sef to stay away from the biscuit jar lol :smile:
  • CandiQueen
    CandiQueen Posts: 57
    I don't think that this is always the case but I have heard that bad sugar cravings can have to do with systemic yeast (which is actually very common) it is basically a yeast infection in your intestinal tract. I am almost positive I have this as well. My daily sugar intake is anywhere from 5-10X the recommended amount, even staying in my calorie goal. There are two options that you have if this is the case.

    option 1) Go cold turkey. This will result in getting healthier faster but there are many downsides as well, such as extreme moodiness, dizziness, fatigue, diarrhea (as the build up dies off and comes out) and all around unpleasantness. If you think you can do it this way more power to you, but I have tried it and caved after three days because the fogginess of the brain was too much for me to handle. I was a walking zombie.

    option 2) Track the amount of sugar you consume and gradually decrease it over time. Also there are pro-biotic supplements you can take, but get the low dose ones because if you kill it off too fast you will have the same problems I mentioned in option number one. Also, don't bother trying pro-biotic yogurt because of the amount of sugar in yogurt it is counter productive.
    This should kill off the yeast gradually and you will find you are not craving sugar too much anymore.

    I am in the process of doing this right now. I haven't gotten the supplements yet because I want to make sure that I go about it the right way and get the right dose but I am working on it. I am the worst sugar addict I know... I was like an alcoholic where I had sugary snacks stashed all over the house :(... I am trying to reform.
  • Kidostud
    Kidostud Posts: 307 Member
    I've been taking a very good probiotic for the last 8+ weeks already, so I'm not sure if it can be a yeast problem. I don't keep any sweets or chocolates or other tempting stuff in the house, because I know once it is opened, I won't leave it alone before it is all done!! Passing the sweets aisle in the store is quite a test for my self discipline and I'm very proud to say that I don't give in most of the time. But, it's just terrible to be craving sweet stuff and thinking of having something sweet all the time! I wish I could stop that!
  • There is a magical supplement called chromium picolinate which controls blood sugar levels. When mine get out of whack which is not often now I take it for a few days. Also the herb gymnema - it's the first supplement I ever took that stopped the cravings but I got it in a bottle with other herbs from a naturopath. I have seen it in supplements to control cravings though.

    If you stop eating sugar and refined foods for 3-4 weeks, you do lose your cravings, I used to eat a family block of chocolate every day! :smile:
  • bronco7jy
    bronco7jy Posts: 1
    I have taken chromium and tried cinnamon supplements and nothing has worked as good as magnesium has. It doesn't make me not still love sweets and chocolate but it definitely takes the edge off, at least for me. I can totally tell when I have forgotten to take my's been a lifesaver for me.