wtf 2 pound on ????

Please can some one help me? I have gained 2 pound this week ,I have logged everything i have eaten except green veg water and an apple witch i have 1 a day, also water ( that's always over ). i even use a heart rate monitor to make sure what intensity i am training at .My protien is always over because i weight train heavy , but no way can i be putting on 2 pound a week of muscle.
Normally i would say forget it and give up but i don't want to be that person any more


  • Rosannajo88
    Rosannajo88 Posts: 212 Member
    Dont be disheartened! I also put on two pound this week because I am into my second week of 30 day shred and lifting the boyfriends weights lol. A bit of gain is normal when you start, as your muscles hold onto more water as they get used to the new drill, just give your body time to adjust x
  • missyrawien
    missyrawien Posts: 37 Member
    Hi Richard, don't give up! It's so easy to lose faith but try to stick with it. Just had a quick look at your diary, I see what you mean about that protein! How long have you been on this diet plan?

    Looks like you're really good with logging your food and exercise which is great. If you've not been on the diet plan for too long then I would say it's normal to have a week where you're weightloss isn't quite the same, it can be frustrating. It can be little factors that just add up to make a big difference. Try to make sure you're drinking lots of water, if you're exercising heavily, (especially when the weather's hot!) and you get a little dehydrated your body can hang onto the water. Small things like sleep can factor too.

    I know this is not too helpful but try not to be too down hearted, you've worked hard to get this far, keep it up and look forwards to next weeks weigh in where hopefully it will have evened out!
  • Rosannajo88
    Rosannajo88 Posts: 212 Member
    Just to add, when I am weightlifting I tend not to go by the scales and rather by the measuring tape. The way I see it is if Im putting alot of pressure on my body my body is going to freak out a bit until it stabilizes. It is so easy for your motivation to be knocked when you see the numbers going up. Maybe challenge yourself to not weigh yourself for the next two weeks.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    Are your clothes still fitting OK (or even a little better)? As others have said don't panic. If you're in a new regime maybe wait a couple of weeks before weighing again to let your body settle.
  • richardgoingtotry
    richardgoingtotry Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks alot guys im not going to give up and will take your advice especially as you all seem to have done so well
  • Don't give up! If you have not severely altered your calories there is NO WAY that you could have gained two pounds of fat, seriously.

    Ditch the scale for a bit and go for a walk instead. I know this is easier said than done but it really is the best thing that you can do. Weight can fluctuate easily, for what can seem like just an incidental (too much sodium, etc). If you are still on track, just ride it out...

    Have a great day!
  • gem5639
    gem5639 Posts: 90
    Some will be muscle, could also be salt/water retention - don't give up!
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    All you're seeing is perfectly normal fluctuations in weight, mostly resulting from water retention (caused by increased carb consumption, sodium, extra or more intense workouts, etc.). Don't fret. It's not unusual to see weight going +/- by several pounds even day to day (for example, 5 days ago my weight went up 2 lbs. I have since gone down 4 lbs, so am now 2 lbs LESS than 5 days ago. I "lost" 2 of those lbs since yesterday. None of that is fat loss - just water weight). It's not unusual to "sit" at one weight for a period of time too, then suddenly drop a bunch. Weight loss is not linear; concern yourself with long-term progress (i.e. over periods of months, not days or even weeks), and don't forget to take measurements and pictures ('cause sometimes the scale takes a long time to catch up to reality, lol).
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Totally normal. Why don't you log that apple though? It's probably 50 calories or something.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,656 Member
    Totally normal. Why don't you log that apple though? It's probably 50 calories or something.

    Medium sized apple can be around 80 calories, multiply that by 7 and you have 560 calories for that week - it can make a bit of a difference OP.
  • harleygroomer
    harleygroomer Posts: 373 Member
    water and sodium intake can up your gain plus or minus about 2 to 4 lbs. Don't worry as long as you find no holes in your history--just go with the flow
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    At least you're not female :wink:
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Normally i would say forget it and give up but i don't want to be that person any more

    Good. This morning I was up 2 pounds from yesterday, just due to food/sodium volume and waste disposal timing. It's completely normal. If you're tracking accurately and exercising, you will see results.
  • richardgoingtotry
    richardgoingtotry Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you all for your help!
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Totally normal. Why don't you log that apple though? It's probably 50 calories or something.

    Medium sized apple can be around 80 calories, multiply that by 7 and you have 560 calories for that week - it can make a bit of a difference OP.


    and heavy training can cause a bit of water retention too.

    at least it's only 2 lbs fluctuation. I've seen it jump more than that on a regular basis.