Any Helpers Out there......??!!!

I am Hira, new to this site..i am quite confused about my calories intake..and i think i do make many mistakes!! So to avoid those, i have joined MFP today! Hope it Will help alot! Nd you people will surely guide me, help, nd motivate me so i can acheive ma goal! I am getting married after 2 months and am really really worried about my weight!!
Before i get started, i want to share this with you people and want you to correct me where i am wrong!
For today, i.e 5th of July, i had my breakfast at 12.30pm which was a glass of Mango shake without sugar and milk was skimmed! Plus i had half chapatti with cooked pumpkins (one fourth portion of a medium plate)!
At 3.00pm i had 1 cucumber!
At 3.15pm i had half cup of Tea (without sugar, skimmed mik) with 2 bran rusks!
At 6.00pm i went somewhere and had 1 cup of tea (without sugar), 1 slice of fruit cake (1 cm thin), 1 smal biscuit of bakery coconut, 2 tbsp of mix nimko and 8 lays chips.
At night 12am, i ate a plate of mixed fruits (hlf apple, 2 leechies, 1 medium peach, 2 slices of small mango, 2 thin slices of melon)!
Now, according to my estimate (that needs special attention if i am wrong)
Total day's calories consumd were 1060.
Now at 9.00pm, i did
Treadmill for 30 mins, and burned 190 calories!
Then i did
15 mins manual excercise (for my special target area, i.e fat around belly and hips) estimated burned calories, 60!
My Daily requirements are 1920 calories, i have made Target of 1280 calories to loss weight! According to this;
Consumd calories 1060.
Burnd 250.
Defict of calories 1920-810=1110 calories..!

Thats crazy!! U might be laughing at my explanations!! But, trust me, i need help!!!!!!!:noway:


  • h4hiraayub
    h4hiraayub Posts: 25
    Thank you for your reply:)
    do u think the food items i entered here for a day were right choice for weight loss??
    and did i calculated the right amount of total calories??
  • drink less tea, more water. Also, fresh fruit and veggies are your best choices. I keep my special treats(sweets) towards the end of the day because I can see how many calories I have left for the day and I can then decide what to have for my before bed snac
  • AnitaB30
    AnitaB30 Posts: 7
    Drinking tea, especially the right types of hot tea, has great nutritional benefits... not necessarily for losing weight but it has plenty of health perks for you to allow yourself a bit a day - just make sure you're drinking enough water throughout the day as well. As far as the calorie count and necessity to lose weight - I'm still figuring that one out myself... I seem to be having results by just keying in whatever I eat to the calorie tracker here and making sure that I don't go over whatever it tells me (and of course making sure whatever I eat is healthy). Where are you from by the way? If you don't mind me asking. Chapati is a food from India right? Kind of like a tortilla? I may be confused on what it is... :)
  • MrsKerryParkin
    MrsKerryParkin Posts: 35 Member
    Can you change your tea to Green Tea?

    Took me a while to get used to it but now I love it!

    *Green makes you lean* :wink:
  • kjg1965297
    kjg1965297 Posts: 121
    What about protien. Carbs are quick burm and you are hungry an hour later but it takes the body much longer to use protien reducing your hunger. If you have a high amount of calories left over you will lose weight but mostly muscle but if you eat to the goal MFP sets you the body then will use fat and that is what you want to lose. I just learned this not long ago and it works. With the exercise calories you should eat at least 80% of the calories. There are good calories and bad something low in protien and higher in carbs the body digest fast changing the carbs to fat. Higher protien takes longer to be turned into sugar and is used in muscle growth. Now I am not saying only eat protien but it should be something to look at
  • Hira, Some of what you had to eat I am unfamiliar with. But MFP will count that calories for you. I would like to share with you what I have been doing that is working extremely well. I dont think it is unhealthy at all. I met with my bariatric Dr about a month ago. He gave me a lot of very good information and at one point told me not to eat any foods on a specific list. Ill share that at bottom of post. When he showed me the list he was talking and I thought I heard him say "dont eat anything that turns to sugar in your blood. Being diabetic I knew those foods well. Basically any food that is starchy such as pasta, white rice, potatoes, bread..especially white bread. Please understand that I did misunderstand him. But if we think about it what I am eating is strictly unprocessed, fresh foods. Purely meat, vegetables, and fruit only. My loss was unbelievable.then i had to travel so I was kinda off just did my best to stick to the plan. Then back home I lost another 16lb in 02 weeks. The important thing to remember it that all these foods are low in calories so you kind of have to work to get the minimum of 1200 calories per day. A little bit of peanut butter on a spoon, roughly a tsp. can help to push your calories up. Dont forget your low fat dairy. I have lost 1 full size and the jeans I am wearing now are getting quite baggy.
    I have taken a week to be on phase two of the south beach, and I have put about 5 pounds back on. I feel sure it is the addition of the starchy foods. I will be going back to the phase one minus starches beginning tomorrow. It does call for frequent grocery runs to keep fresh produce.

    Here is the no no list from my Doc.

    ice cream
    cokes (soda)
    sweets in general
    No fried foods
    Mulit grain bread only - no white or wheat

    Good luck on your mission Hira and congratulations on your pending wedding
  • Hira, Some of what you had to eat I am unfamiliar with. But MFP will count that calories for you. I would like to share with you what I have been doing that is working extremely well. I dont think it is unhealthy at all. I met with my bariatric Dr about a month ago. He gave me a lot of very good information and at one point told me not to eat any foods on a specific list. Ill share that at bottom of post. When he showed me the list he was talking and I thought I heard him say "dont eat anything that turns to sugar in your blood. Being diabetic I knew those foods well. Basically any food that is starchy such as pasta, white rice, potatoes, bread..especially white bread. Please understand that I did misunderstand him. But if we think about it what I am eating is strictly unprocessed, fresh foods. Purely meat, vegetables, and fruit only. My loss was unbelievable.then i had to travel so I was kinda off just did my best to stick to the plan. Then back home I lost another 16lb in 02 weeks. The important thing to remember it that all these foods are low in calories so you kind of have to work to get the minimum of 1200 calories per day. A little bit of peanut butter on a spoon, roughly a tsp. can help to push your calories up. Dont forget your low fat dairy. I have lost 1 full size and the jeans I am wearing now are getting quite baggy.
    I have taken a week to be on phase two of the south beach, and I have put about 5 pounds back on. I feel sure it is the addition of the starchy foods. I will be going back to the phase one minus starches beginning tomorrow. It does call for frequent grocery runs to keep fresh produce.

    Here is the no no list from my Doc.

    ice cream
    cokes (soda)
    sweets in general
    No fried foods
    Mulit grain bread only - no white or wheat

    Good luck on your mission Hira and congratulations on your pending wedding
  • h4hiraayub
    h4hiraayub Posts: 25
    I can't look into your food diary so can't tell.

    Don't know how to turn it on off, just try the bars on top

    i have looked into my settings and made changes..hope its visible to my friends now:) now let me know where i am wrong! waiting:)..
  • harleygroomer
    harleygroomer Posts: 373 Member
    I made mistakes at first---now I plan my day the night before and check the calorie count on here before I eat it to see if "I reallllly want it"
  • h4hiraayub
    h4hiraayub Posts: 25
    Where are you from by the way? If you don't mind me asking. Chapati is a food from India right? Kind of like a tortilla? I may be confused on what it is... :)

    i am from Pakistan dear:) and Chapatti is like a round bread made of whole wheat, cooked on stove! it is the main food item for Pakistanis ;)
  • h4hiraayub
    h4hiraayub Posts: 25
    Can you change your tea to Green Tea?

    Took me a while to get used to it but now I love it!

    *Green makes you lean* :wink:

    i tried it dear!! but i really hate Green tea:( i feel like it makes me somewhere dry inside!
    but still i will try to make myself use to of it! because i know its of great benefits!!
  • h4hiraayub
    h4hiraayub Posts: 25
    Hira, Some of what you had to eat I am unfamiliar with. But MFP will count that calories for you. I would like to share with you what I have been doing that is working extremely well. I dont think it is unhealthy at all. I met with my bariatric Dr about a month ago. He gave me a lot of very good information and at one point told me not to eat any foods on a specific list. Ill share that at bottom of post. When he showed me the list he was talking and I thought I heard him say "dont eat anything that turns to sugar in your blood. Being diabetic I knew those foods well. Basically any food that is starchy such as pasta, white rice, potatoes, bread..especially white bread. Please understand that I did misunderstand him. But if we think about it what I am eating is strictly unprocessed, fresh foods. Purely meat, vegetables, and fruit only. My loss was unbelievable.then i had to travel so I was kinda off just did my best to stick to the plan. Then back home I lost another 16lb in 02 weeks. The important thing to remember it that all these foods are low in calories so you kind of have to work to get the minimum of 1200 calories per day. A little bit of peanut butter on a spoon, roughly a tsp. can help to push your calories up. Dont forget your low fat dairy. I have lost 1 full size and the jeans I am wearing now are getting quite baggy.
    I have taken a week to be on phase two of the south beach, and I have put about 5 pounds back on. I feel sure it is the addition of the starchy foods. I will be going back to the phase one minus starches beginning tomorrow. It does call for frequent grocery runs to keep fresh produce.

    Here is the no no list from my Doc.

    ice cream
    cokes (soda)
    sweets in general
    No fried foods
    Mulit grain bread only - no white or wheat

    Good luck on your mission Hira and congratulations on your pending wedding

    Firstly Thank u sooooo much dear for such a detailed response:)
    and thanks for good wishes for my mission and wedding:)
    the main point i have understand is ''Not to eat anything that turns to sugar in your blood, Basically any food that is starchy such as pasta, white rice, potatoes, bread..especially white bread...!! Right??
    And trust me the things u have mentioned in the list are those that maybe i rarely had once in 3 months!
    My life since last few weeks is totally dependent on veggies, fresh fruits, bran bread, chicken and liquids like fresh fruit juices, shakes without sugar, skimmed milk!
    but still i am not loosing weight:( and i don't know where i am wrong!! thats why i am here to check out alongwith the calories track and guidance from such sweet,loyal and helpful peaople like u:)!!