From Active to sedentary job...

I used to work in a supermarket, This meant walking/standing for anything up to 8 hours, now I work in an office and spend a full 8-8.5 hours sat in my chair, I have noticed this is the main reason for my weight gain over the past year and a half, it's not a large gain but when looking at old pics I can see the difference in my face and I want my slim face/jaw bones back!

I now swim 3+ times a week but so far I have noticed no weight loss or definition in my face/body, It's only 3 weeks but surely there should be some clue by now??


  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    Weight loss and especially getting definition takes time. Not to forget that there could be a million reasons why the scales don't show a lower number. Are you taking measurements?
    Also the weight usually comes off in the reverse order it came on. So it might just not have gotten round to your face, three weeks is a short time.
    As long as you are eating at a moderate caloric deficit and get all the important nutrients the weight will come off.

    As for changing to a sedentary job, I know your problem. Maybe walk to work if it is at all possible? Or go for a walk during your lunch break?
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    Desk job--oh boy. Same problem here.

    Throughout the day I get up as often as possible. Go visit with coworkers instead of calling through the office. Do a round of the building on a break. Shut my door and plank or do situps for a few minutes. Go get the vacuum and clean my office so I can do my planking or situps...

    It took me a couple months before I noticed a difference in my reflection. Other people noticed before I did.

    Keep moving forward :)
  • KatyP29
    KatyP29 Posts: 19 Member
    I don't usually go out for lunch but it's an idea to do a 20 minute walk around the block :smile: Walking to work is not really an option, It's a fair distance with many scary motorways and roundabouts , There are only a couple of people in my office and we are all dieting/exercising so shouldnt be too embarassing to start a mini workout! I think I'll start with butt and ab clenches which wont even be noticable,

    My partner says I look better but I think he's too scared to say otherwise :tongue:

    Thanks for the support! :love:
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    I walk at lunchtime (and on the way too and from but its only suburbia :wink: ). The main thing is to make sure you're not having anything extra you're not logging - a square of chocolate, a slice of birthday cake, extra cappuchino....... That's where some of the weight has probably come from, not just the doing less. Its so easy to say"I'll walk that off" but as my 22 minute 3.5 mph walk only netted 96 exercsise calories its not actually always possible!
    If you've got any DVDs which break down into short work-outs try to do one before work, and a longer one after (before you sit down and get comfy). Or maybe your colleagues would like to try a new class with you?

    And as others have said, it doesn't come off visibly very quickly. You'll probably notice clothes fitting better before you actually see anything. ust stick with it!:smile:
  • chloeobe
    chloeobe Posts: 72
    Im the same...i drink a lot of water so I have to get off my backside and go to the toilet all the time and fill my water bottle up. I also always use the printer/scanner etc downstairs/upstairs so I have to get up and go get it! I have also started doing the 20 days squat challenge, so each time i go to the toilet i do 10 squats and lunges. Really adds up over the day!! I also walk to the shop at lunch time and make excuses to visit colleagues at there desk!
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    Sadly for impatient people like me, weight loss is a slow process and sadly more of a commitment to changing your overall lifestyle and eating habits than we would probably like at first.

    I have a desk job and 3 days a week I work from home so I only need to walk from the bedroom to the office which, believe me, does not add up to many calories! :wink:

    I try and run about 3-4 times a week. On days when I'm in the corporate office, I tend to have meetings and am rushing here, there any everywhere, so that's my workout!
    Otherwise for sedentary days I try and find excuses to get up as much as possible. At least once an hour to make a drink, maybe do a quick chore. Lunchtimes I try and take a walk and before breakfast if I can and maybe in the afternoon too. If I know I have a lot or long phone calls to make I'll go and wonder outside and do them, but I guess that depends on your job and on your employer.

    At least remembering to get up each hour and maybe taking the stairs, getting off the bus a stop early (you've probably heard it all before) does make a difference.
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    I have noticed this is the main reason for my weight gain over the past year and a half,

    I lost 35lbs and couldn't tell the difference until I looked at past/present photos.

    It's going to take more than 3 weeks to reverse 1 & 1/2 years of steady weight gain. Just don't give up and stick to what you're doing. You're golden!
  • sbrownallison
    sbrownallison Posts: 314 Member
    I have been using a Fitbit One for the last 8 months and find it really adds to my motivation to move more. I can look at it throughout the day (or see on-line progress) and figure out ways to climb more stairs or do more steps. Plus it helps you set goals. I sync it to MFP, so it incorporates my activity there as well. Great little device to give you real data on what you are doing -- or NOT doing! It won't track your swimming, however; you'd have to add that manually. Good luck.
  • KatyP29
    KatyP29 Posts: 19 Member
    I have noticed this is the main reason for my weight gain over the past year and a half,

    Just don't give up and stick to what you're doing. You're golden!

    Loving being Golden (Not sure what it means but I'll take it) :tongue:

    Thanks for all the advice guys, I might give that fitbit a go - I'll look into the possibility of a waterproof one....
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    There are several AB exercises you can do at your desk.... Do a search on Google or YouTube.
    I agree with the walk at lunch. My biggest problem is being tempted to snack all day at my station.