Calorie limit

I've been reading some of the forums on here about how many calories people are eating, etc. I would love some help figuring out what my calorie limit should be. i recently returned to MFP after using LoseIt for some time. On Loseit I was set to lose 2lbs a week and they gave me a calorie limit of 1357. On here they give me a limit of 1200 to lose 2lbs a week. I am 5'5, 26 years old, 196lbs and I work out 5x a week for at least an hour burning about 600-1100 calories when I work out. I've been working out about 5x a week since last year but my weigh has just been stuck and seems to only go up if I "cheat", meaning I eat too many carbs or dairy, or eat out. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    I believe Lose It takes your exercise calories and adds them in already which MFP doesn't do (you eat your exercise calories back here).. but I could be wrong on how lose it does their calculations.

    I am the same height, age and weight as you. I wouldn't suggest eating only 1200 calories in a day. Your BMR will be around 1600 so 1200 calories, especially if you aren't eating back your exercise calories is too high of a deficit for you.
  • boridizzy
    boridizzy Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks Thisismeraw, thats exactly what I was thinking but my body has been feeling "fine" at such a low calorie. I've upped my calories now to 1549 after doing the harris benedict formula and my bmr rate. Now I just have to get used to eating more despite not being hungry lol. Would you suggest I eat back my exercise calories on top of this?

    And LoseIt allows you to eat back your exercise calories also, just FYI.
  • swampgeek
    swampgeek Posts: 23 Member
    You absolutely have to, your 1200 goal is Net Calories not calories taken in. I am 5'7 and started out at 196lbs. Taking a quick glance through my reports, on days that I am active and running I consume 1800+ calories those have to be honest with yourself about 2 things, the true amount of calories you put in your body and the true calorie burn of your workouts.
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    Thanks Thisismeraw, thats exactly what I was thinking but my body has been feeling "fine" at such a low calorie. I've upped my calories now to 1549 after doing the harris benedict formula and my bmr rate. Now I just have to get used to eating more despite not being hungry lol. Would you suggest I eat back my exercise calories on top of this?

    And LoseIt allows you to eat back your exercise calories also, just FYI.

    I have my profile set at 1lb per week and I eat my exercise calories back. I still lose most weeks. I have a heart rate monitor though which gives me more accurate calorie burns.
  • Christineb1
    I recently purchased a "fitbit" that I wear all day. I tracks my steps, calories burned, elevation climbed, and maybe something else. Fitbit syncs with so I track food with MFP track walking/activities with FitBit and it lets me know how many calories I can have per day vs. how much activity I must do to stick with my 2 pounds per week weight loss goal. That is the only accurate way I know to really determine calories.