Losing A Ton Of Weight But Feeling Fatter

So I've lost a ton of weight recently. 25 lbs in 5 weeks, and a total of 50 lbs in 3 months. I exercise a ton everyday, and i'm noticing the numbers climbing down a ton. Right now I'm at 257.5 lbs and i'm a male, 5' 8" and 19 years old.

Even though i'm losing the weight, I feel much bigger and I really dont notice any weight loss in the mirror I can through a few pictures, but not really that much. My family says they can see a difference, and i've dropped a shirt size, but i wake up feeling like i'm having a fat day and my whole body just feels like i'm fat.

I rarely drink sodas now, I drink a ton of water. of course yesterday was july 4th, i ate unhealthy but still ate under my calories and fat, and I exercised burning over 1500 calories yesterday.

why do i feel like this?


  • SierraDoll
    Maybe it's what your eating?
    I know for a fact that caffeine & sodium are responsible for making me feel "fat" some days.
  • toffee2013
    toffee2013 Posts: 344 Member
    I know how u feel but i put it down to just being more aware of your body , so your likely to stop and look in mirrors , reflections alot . Then you can confuse yourself on if you look any slimmer at all . Maybe its something deeply rooted , because you should have times where u feel slimmer too you know ... because its a fact . So if thats not enough then maybe its not the real problem . Sounds to me like its a deep psychological problem you have going on . I have times , like now , where i feel crappy but tomorrow il feel better ... x
  • Frank_Just_Frank
    Frank_Just_Frank Posts: 454 Member
    Just be patient. The body doesn't change the way we want it to; it will take time for you to feel comfortable with yourself, some days are better than others.

    Congratulations on your success.
  • OtiWanKenobi
    OtiWanKenobi Posts: 340 Member
    It's not uncommon to feel that way from time to time. Although I've lost about 50 lbs along the way there are days where I feel really awful. I just let myself sulk for a few hours then mentally tell myself to get over it. I look in the mirror and give myself a pep talk just like I would to a friend. You have to start loving yourself and the new you. Once you tell yourself your worth it...those "I feel fat" days will become less and less existent.
  • Zaniejane
    Zaniejane Posts: 329 Member
    It's not uncommon to feel that way from time to time. Although I've lost about 50 lbs along the way there are days where I feel really awful. I just let myself sulk for a few hours then mentally tell myself to get over it. I look in the mirror and give myself a pep talk just like I would to a friend. You have to start loving yourself and the new you. Once you tell yourself your worth it...those "I feel fat" days will become less and less existent.

    Yes! Messages from the mind are the most difficult obstacles so it makes sense to have a strategy.
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    How much are you eating a day? You could be losing the weight but feeling larger because your losses are coming mostly from muscle instead of fat which leaves you with losses but a higher body fat %. Sodium can also make you feel larger.
  • soniams
    soniams Posts: 95 Member
    Congratulations on what you have accomplished! You should also be proud to be making this change early in your life. My regret is waiting until age 50 to become healthy and fit.

    Losing weight is so much a mental process. Seeing yourself as the new person you are becoming is an important transition. It will come with time if you do the work.

    For me, weight loss success came after I truly understood the reasons why being healthy and fit was important to me. And it was very important that those reasons be about me not about looking good to please others or meeting societal expectations. These issues I continuously examine as I move closer and closer to my goal and as my body changed throughout my journey.

    You will need to look at yourself and discover what caused you to become overweight in the first place. What benefit did you gain from being heavy. That sounds like a weird question but a very important one to help you learn to accept yourself and the changes that are happening to you as you lose weight.

    Good luck!
  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    It's normal. I still feel lik that from time to time. But the numbers and clothing sizes don't lie. Congrats and keep working hard.
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    What types of exercises are you doing? Also, what's your diet like? While your issues could be in your head (and would be understandable), it's entirely possible to drop weight in a way that doesn't really improve your body composition all that much. For example, if you're dropping fat and muscle at similar rates, it's unlikely that you'll feel as good about your appearance compared to dropping mostly fat. Also, if you're dropping weight mostly from your extremities, you might not notice much difference in your middle, which could draw your focus toward that part of your body.
  • babsworth
    babsworth Posts: 8
    Hi there and congrats on losing so much and doing so well :)

    I know exactly how you feel because the same thing happens to me as I lose weight. I know technically I'm lighter, I know my clothing size has changed, and people say that I look different - but I FEEL fatter than I did before I started.

    I'm not sure whether it's a mental thing or a physical thing - maybe chemical imbalances from a changing diet/body structure? Maybe self-doubt, negative thinking, or the fact that our awareness has shot through the ceiling because we think about calories and lbs every day now?

    But what I think is at least part of it is the fact that when I was at my heaviest I was 'comfortable' there (I don't mean comfortable at all, but I hope you know what I do mean.) I was what I was - fat and used to it. But now that we're losing weight our bodies feel different, and because we keep losing weight, they KEEP feeling different. You don't get into a pattern with it and you don't learn how it feels before - yup - it's changed again because you've lost more weight. Plus, in my case I've noticed that as I lose weight from one area, another will look bigger than it did before. I think the changing landscape and lack of familiarity makes us just generally uncomfortable, and I think that's why despite weighing less, we feel fatter.

    I try to do what lots of people have already said: listen to others saying I look smaller/better, pay attention to the decreasing numbers, and go with the fact that my clothes are starting to get baggy. Insecurity and negativity are just bad feelings.

    But facts are facts :)
  • cameronwheeler
    I think another reason why I feel like this is because maybe I'm afraid that i'm gaining weight and headed into the wrong direction again. Even though I see that i'm losing weight, i'm just worried of seeing an increase and going back into the old ways.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    sounds like you might have self perception issues because you're losing so fast. your mind can't keep up with your physical changes.. there is no way you've lost 50 pounds and are not visibly smaller. Maybe slow down..don't be so obsessive about your weight loss fitness plan. Let your mind catch up...you don't want to crash and burn...freak out and regain if your physical being changes to radically.
  • ksimmons19
    ksimmons19 Posts: 223 Member
    Are you doing any strength training? That might help you "feel" more fit and motivate you a little more.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    You see yourself every day, and you are more critical of your body than other people are, so it's going to take longer for you to notice gradual changes. I had the same problem. It took losing 85 lbs before I could fully acknowledge that I wasn't fat anymore. If you are not already taking progress photos on a regular basis, I would advise that you start. It is my biggest regret. I think I would have adjusted mentally to my weight loss a lot faster than I did if I'd had photographic evidence of it.
  • cdcooper321
    cdcooper321 Posts: 157 Member
    I know how you feel. I too feel this way more often now that i'm "thinner" than when I was 40lbs heavier.
    Keep up the GREAT work. Because from what I've been told, we're noticing more now, because we actually care, when we didn't care the weight didn't bother us.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,668 Member
    So I've lost a ton of weight recently. 25 lbs in 5 weeks, and a total of 50 lbs in 3 months. I exercise a ton everyday, and i'm noticing the numbers climbing down a ton. Right now I'm at 257.5 lbs and i'm a male, 5' 8" and 19 years old.

    Even though i'm losing the weight, I feel much bigger and I really dont notice any weight loss in the mirror I can through a few pictures, but not really that much. My family says they can see a difference, and i've dropped a shirt size, but i wake up feeling like i'm having a fat day and my whole body just feels like i'm fat.

    I rarely drink sodas now, I drink a ton of water. of course yesterday was july 4th, i ate unhealthy but still ate under my calories and fat, and I exercised burning over 1500 calories yesterday.

    why do i feel like this?
    Probably because you're comparing yourself to other males.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • gwenr
    gwenr Posts: 139 Member
    I think maybe you need to realize that even non overweight people have days where they feel 'fat'. Don't be to hard on yourself, you're doing great. Keep it up.
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    I think another reason why I feel like this is because maybe I'm afraid that i'm gaining weight and headed into the wrong direction again. Even though I see that i'm losing weight, i'm just worried of seeing an increase and going back into the old ways.

    I've lost about 90lbs, and it wasn't until years of ups and downs when I got down about 75lbs did I lose that fear. I was hanging on to some old (too big) clothes, all due to that fear that I'd re-gain some back again and need them (since I refuse to ever buy bigger pants ever again! I never have, but I have had to pull back out some old ones). It was my security blanket. It finally clicked in my head that I am in total control of what I put in my mouth, the activities I do (or don't do), which directly affects how my pants fit. :P I.e., I'm accountable to myself (I can't blame someone else bringing food into the house or why I can't exercise today), and if I go back to eating how I did before and no exercise, then of course I'll end up gaining weight like how I got to be 90lb heavier than I am. No excuses!

    I still have "fat kid mentality" sometimes, as I have always been obese (I'm at my smallest of my adult life). I understand that part, but give it some time. 50lbs in only 3 months is a big change in a short timeframe (the quickest 50lb I lost took 1 year!), and it'll take a while for your mind and body to get used to it. I still don't always recognize myself in pictures, and don't see myself the same size as my friends. OTOH, yesterday I saw an old video on fb from ~4 years ago when I was probably 60+lb heavier, and didn't recognize myself, either.

    And if you still feel fatter than before, go pick up two 25lb weight plates and carry them around for a bit. ;)
  • allshebe
    allshebe Posts: 423 Member

    And if you still feel fatter than before, go pick up two 25lb weight plates and carry them around for a bit. ;)

    At your current height and weight, I suspect you have not reached a state of "thinness", so it may be hard to see the changes unless you have some "before" pictures to compare to. Did you take measurements at the beginning? That's another way to see your progress, even if it isn't totally apparent in the mirror. Carry those weights around for a while to remind yourself what it was like to be you 50 pounds ago. You've made great progress (and I'm betting at the very least you've had to add holes to your belt to keep your pants up).