Stretch marks after weight



  • phoenixgirl81
    phoenixgirl81 Posts: 309 Member
    Thankyou this left me speechless and tearful. You. are. powerful.

    You are very welcome. :) I wish you power too. :)

    And who says you can't show off your six pack when you get one? If anyone says anything negative about your victory-stripes, just stop dead in your tracks, look them straight in they eye, and say "dude, abs like these don't come about without hard work and dedication. I feel sorry you can only focus on the trivial things in life that you can't see the strength in others. Now, excuse me while I go and bench some weights" lol

    If you know you are strong and powerful, and you stand firm with your confidence, whatever others say won't diminish your awesome achievement. It's their problem if they can't see your beauty because of their ill-conceived stereotypes, not yours.
  • hzliiz
    hzliiz Posts: 166 Member
    Meh maybe it's age -- I'm 42 and I don't really see them anymore. I have them on my hips and thighs -- no kids, I got them when I got a little chunky around middle school. It's so weird when I was younger all I could see were flaws and imperfections to the point I truly couldn't see anything that was attractive about my body. Now, I know the imperfections are still there but my eyes always seem to gravitate toward shoulder muscles, ab muscles, strong legs. I hope you will also develop a more positive lens to look at yourself through, but truly I'm starting to think that maybe comes with age? Congratulations on your weight loss OP, good for you!
  • Mario_Az
    Mario_Az Posts: 1,331 Member
    use Argan balm it will help alot
  • leannerae40
    leannerae40 Posts: 200 Member
    **Trigger warning for talk of SI**

    Stretch marks are really only a problem because society tells us they are not beautiful.

    I'm 32, I don't have kids, and I have stretch marks all over my body: my belly, my breasts, my arms and my legs.

    What I also have, from my earlier life of dealing with depression, trauma, and PTSD, is a bunch of scars from using self-injury to deal with life. I am TOTALLY proud of my of my scars. I can tell you what happened at each point in my life that lead to each scar coming to exist on my body. I'm proud because they are permanent reminders of all the awful **** things that happened in my life that I OVERCAME AND SURVIVED!!! I am proud of them, and I see them as my battle-scars.

    When I first started losing weight, and I saw that my stretch marks were not going to go away even if I got to goal weight, I got depressed and would cry that I would forever be "ugly" in my mind. My wonderful partner turned to me and she said, "You know your scars? You know how you love them and will even challenge people who may have anything negative to say about them? You know how they are a symbol of all you have overcome? Why don't you choose to see the stretch marks as scars? Why don't you choose to see them as things to cherish and rejoice over because you BEAT those demons that kept you so unhappy for so long!!" And you know what? That TOTALLY made sense.

    I now look at my stretch marks with pride. They are a symbol of me conquering the sadness, sickness and self-hatred that led to me getting so big in the first place! I can't name the event that created each stretch mark, but they show me I am strong. I have beaten weakness. I have kicked self-hatred in the guts and made it leave my life. Now, I look at them as reminders that I AM WORTHY. I AM BEAUTIFUL. And gosh-dammit I am powerful!

    I have lost 64 kg (141 lbs) and as my skin has shrunk, my stretch marks have become just that little bit more obvious as my skin has crinkled around them. And I'm totally ok with that. Instead of my victory fading into the background, it is shouting from the rooftops, and may the universe help anyone who chooses to say anything negative about this visual reminder because I will take their head off.

    I hope this helps a little. I wish you comfort with your own victory.

    ^^THIS^^ is one of the best things I've ever read. Congrats to you on your victory and on inspiring others to move towards theirs!! :flowerforyou:
  • happybrunette120
    I was the ONLY girl in the fourth grade who already had size 36C breasts and I have always had stretch marks on my breasts and thighs. In the last year and a half, I put on 50+ pounds. That amount of weight gain in such a short period of time added stretch marks to my hips, stomach and arms. That's 5 total body parts! Still, I am determined to get to my goal and then those pesky purple lines will fade to white. And then I can tan and show off my body on the beach and they won't be visible at all when I'm brown!
  • ncnesbi
    ncnesbi Posts: 7 Member
    I started working out a lot and trying to drop the pounds for three weeks now....and all of a sudden I have a bright red stretch mark on my stomach and the inner bottom of my arms. I thought losing weight meant NOT getting stretch marks? I feel your pain. The stomach one made me so upset.
  • PheonixRizing
    PheonixRizing Posts: 131 Member
    I think I've had stretch marks since I was born. I have lost considerable weight and gained and am now losing it again. I look at the stretch marks as a constant reminder of what was, and what never will be again. They fade and get smaller over time. don't worry so much about it. You can use oils and creams to help but just be proud of who you are and love yourself and don't worry about what other people think about them. At the end of the day, you have only you, so love yourself.
  • AlyssaJoJo
    AlyssaJoJo Posts: 449 Member
    Start lifting and get a body brush. It's not a quick solution, but I believe it's the best.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    At 21 years old I have lost 23lbs and am really loving my new fitness and way of eating. I know it is good for me, my heart and my over all life. There is one thing though that is left after all this and that is those horrible stretch marks (i never had a child they are just from life) I find that this is discouraging my weight-loss a bit because i keep thinking well it doesn't matter if i have a six pack because i could never show it off. Also i never really noticed them until i lost all the weight. I guess i am just looking for other people who are dealing with this body problem.
    I have them on my hips from puberty and I have them on my tummy from pregnancy. I wear a bikini and don't think twice about it and I doubt anyone else does, either.
  • hottamolly00
    hottamolly00 Posts: 334 Member
    At 21 years old I have lost 23lbs and am really loving my new fitness and way of eating. I know it is good for me, my heart and my over all life. There is one thing though that is left after all this and that is those horrible stretch marks (i never had a child they are just from life) I find that this is discouraging my weight-loss a bit because i keep thinking well it doesn't matter if i have a six pack because i could never show it off. Also i never really noticed them until i lost all the weight. I guess i am just looking for other people who are dealing with this body problem.

    I don't understand how 23 pounds could make a huge amount of stretch marks, but I suppose it's possible. Seriously, though... there are lots of remedies, which I've never tried, but just like cellulite reduction, the best thing you can do it keep on losing (at a SLOW get stretch marks from losing too quickly).
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    We just had a stretch mark thread. The general consensus is that no one cares and tons of people have them. Read and feel good about your body:

    And some of us get stretch marks even when we were never overweight. Puberty gave me some since I developed larger hips.
  • Loves418
    Loves418 Posts: 330 Member
    I gave birth to 6 kids.

    As you can maybe see I have stretch marks on my belly hips but also my thighs and breast. I work hard and if people do not want to see my stretch marks when I wear my is not MY problm.


    I read this 10 times...6 kids..and you look like this? Can I move in with you and you can train me? You look amazing...I have two almost 20 and 15 I wish I had a flat belly..I keep trying and won't rock..
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I'm covered in stretch marks as well from putting on 23 lbs or something in 8 months 13 years ago. Between that and loose skin, it's... ugh.
  • phoenixgirl81
    phoenixgirl81 Posts: 309 Member
    **Trigger warning for talk of SI**

    Stretch marks are really only a problem because society tells us they are not beautiful.

    I'm 32, I don't have kids, and I have stretch marks all over my body: my belly, my breasts, my arms and my legs.

    What I also have, from my earlier life of dealing with depression, trauma, and PTSD, is a bunch of scars from using self-injury to deal with life. I am TOTALLY proud of my of my scars. I can tell you what happened at each point in my life that lead to each scar coming to exist on my body. I'm proud because they are permanent reminders of all the awful **** things that happened in my life that I OVERCAME AND SURVIVED!!! I am proud of them, and I see them as my battle-scars.

    When I first started losing weight, and I saw that my stretch marks were not going to go away even if I got to goal weight, I got depressed and would cry that I would forever be "ugly" in my mind. My wonderful partner turned to me and she said, "You know your scars? You know how you love them and will even challenge people who may have anything negative to say about them? You know how they are a symbol of all you have overcome? Why don't you choose to see the stretch marks as scars? Why don't you choose to see them as things to cherish and rejoice over because you BEAT those demons that kept you so unhappy for so long!!" And you know what? That TOTALLY made sense.

    I now look at my stretch marks with pride. They are a symbol of me conquering the sadness, sickness and self-hatred that led to me getting so big in the first place! I can't name the event that created each stretch mark, but they show me I am strong. I have beaten weakness. I have kicked self-hatred in the guts and made it leave my life. Now, I look at them as reminders that I AM WORTHY. I AM BEAUTIFUL. And gosh-dammit I am powerful!

    I have lost 64 kg (141 lbs) and as my skin has shrunk, my stretch marks have become just that little bit more obvious as my skin has crinkled around them. And I'm totally ok with that. Instead of my victory fading into the background, it is shouting from the rooftops, and may the universe help anyone who chooses to say anything negative about this visual reminder because I will take their head off.

    I hope this helps a little. I wish you comfort with your own victory.

    ^^THIS^^ is one of the best things I've ever read. Congrats to you on your victory and on inspiring others to move towards theirs!! :flowerforyou:

    Oh, thank you. I'm so glad the things that I went through, and the struggles I overcame can help others too.

    And I told my partner last night that I shared her advice about seeing my stretch marks as scars to be proud of, and she went silent all of a sudden. When I pressed to find out what was wrong, she said "nothing. I just didn't know the things I say have such a big impact on you that you would share them with others! I'm so glad that it made sense and that it made such a huge impact!"

    So, thanks O.P for asking the question. It seems to have made a bigger impact than you thought. :)
  • Becky_Smith72
    Becky_Smith72 Posts: 161 Member
    Well I have 5 kids.. and my lower tummy is covered in them. I've lost 65lbs and my tummy is tight but they are there. Oh well. Feel proud that you've accomplished. For me, it's a sign that I've had beautiful babies and have lost the weight. Whatever the case may be, love your body and work hard to make it healthy and strong. :)
  • degausser234
    degausser234 Posts: 157 Member
    I've been taking one of those dry hard sponges and applying either natural coconut oil or shea butter to it and scrubbing like crazy on the area with stretch marks. So far I have noticed an improvement by maybe 30%.
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    wow like another poster said i had thought getting fit reduced stretch marks. I never had too many stretch marks but i had a decent amount around my knees from a big growth spurt as a kid. About 2-3 years ago i gained 30lbs in a short amount of time and i got angry red swollen looking scars all down my hips. I had never before had such dramatic stretch marks. I didnt know they would get worse with weight loss! While i know they will get lighter that will not necessarily make them less noticeable because i have a darker skin tone. I suppose all i can do is try to drink lots of water and moisturize the areas. Although i do agree about the battlescar statement, like the poster before me said with the great speech about being proud about your stretchmarks i too have battled with self harm/depression/anxiety ect and i am not ashamed of the scars on my arm, i literally see them as battlescars so why am i so embarrassed by stretch marks? The stretch marks are on areas that most people dont even see on a daily basis and the ones on my arm are so much more obvious...either way i suppose i need to just be proud of them, i will be much happier when i do. Accept the things you cannot change right?