Weight Loss Affirmations

Recently I've found that I'm having a hard time staying focused and positive about achieving my weight-loss goal. I'm not really sure why. I know that if I stay focused and take one day at a time I will eventually get to where I want to be. Why is it so hard for me to grasp that one year of hard work is nothing compared to the numerous years I've let myself be overweight and out of shape. I'm also trying to remind myself that this is my lifestyle now, so a bad day here or there (or even a bad week) is not the end of the world; because THESE are my new habits, THESE are my new hobbies. I need to retrain the way I think, to kill 30 years of bad habits. I need to focus on the positive, and how this is better for me.

Do you guys use any Weight Loss Affirmations that you'd like to share?


  • Galathea
    Galathea Posts: 420 Member
    I don't have the answer, just the same questions. For me it's hard as well at the moment and I have no idea how to deal with it. All hte motivation I had before is gone and none of the reasons that workjed for me seems to do it now. I just wish I knew what's wrong.
  • macarman
    macarman Posts: 11
    Here are some I found online that I like to use. Hope they help. Mary Ann

    I'm on the road to fitness.
    I am feeling thinner today.
    I'm losing weight now.
    I look and feel lighter today.
    I'm enjoying how I'm feeling now.
    I love the feeling of making progress.
    I love the food that makes me thin.
    Losing weight is effortless.
    I am going to fit into the next size smaller any minute.
    I enjoy being healthy.
    I'm making things easy for myself now.
    My body is getting stronger, slimmer, and healthier every day.
    I feel so thin inside, my outer is just about to catch up.
  • AmenoKaji
    AmenoKaji Posts: 41 Member
    The problem is you're thinking about it in long terms. The secret to anything is to take small steps. Insted of thinking about how its a year to get rid of whatever weight you have, make goals insted. When I first started out at 440lbs, my goal off the bat was to lose 200lbs. That was maybe over a year and half or more ago. I still haven't reached that goal but I am still going. You need to challenge yourself but not overwhelme yourself.

    Do this. On monday, write this down and always look at it daily. By the next monday you would like to have lost X amount. Something reasonable 2 or 3 pounds. or in 2 weeks you would like to lose X weightt. These are small goals, they are self challenges, refer back to the list each time you think about chaeting on your diet or think about skipping your workout because you feel too busy or something else we might use as an excuse. If you eat clean, and do your exercises, you know you will lose some weight or inches somewhere. If you're tracking it and monitoring your intake. and in a week or two time, nothing has changed, you know you need to adjust your diet or you weren't honest in your tracking. Its you vs you. You know you need to focus, writing out micro weekly challenges will refocus you. YOur goal for christmas, would be considered a medium term goal, one that gives you a few months to pick at, challenges like this, hold you accountable. Just don't be hard onyourself if you fail the challenge, thats your motivation to do better with your next challenge.

    Take a look at my video in my sig. :) Maybe it'll help you get positive
  • jenniferjill
    The best thing I have heard that makes sense to me is to continually ask yourself this one question....Why would I opt to choose failure when success is an option? Profound isn't it?

    Successful weight loss is nothing more than a series of good choices compounded. So every small choice adds to end result you wish to achieve.

    Buy or pull out of the closet the one pair of jeans that is the next size smaller than you now wear and hang them where they can be seen. Try them on often and when you can comfortably wear them.....get rid of the larger sized jeans (or whatever) you have been wearing. Celebrate your successes with non food rewards. Nothing tastes as good as wearing the next size smaller jeans feel and remember, that good feeling you get from eating that fattening food or the food you want to eat will last less than a minute but the feeling you get from wearing that smaller size lasts ALL DAY long!

    I recommend joining Weight Watchers. The groups are wonderful support for those struggling to change to a healthy lifestyle. The meetings teach you the tools you will need to succeed. I, personally, have not lost weight using their points system so I switched to My Fitness Pal and began counting calories instead. I'm once again losing weight counting calories but I still attend the meetings for the education and support I find there. Hey, whatever it takes right?

    When you find yourself becoming "food obsessed" try a couple of things....vow to delay the gratification for 15 minutes/30 minutes (gives you time to think first about what you are doing), distract yourself with another activity that does not include food or drink a glass of water/Crystal light to satisfy the stomach until then next meal. A lot of the time when our brain says to us " you are hungry" what it really means is "I am thirsty."

    Plan ahead for what you want to eat for the day.....log it into the food diary to make sure you're within the allotted calories and then stick to the plan giving yourself a reward at the end of the day when you've stayed on track. It can be something as simple as a happy face on the calendar. Again....it's a non-food reward.

    Good luck with your goals.....you CAN do this. You have the power to control your life......"why choose failure when success is an option?" (a quote from Jillian Michaels)

    Now, go have a successful day, then another and another. Anything worth having is worth working for!
  • Utahbeth
    Utahbeth Posts: 68
    Thank you guys! :)

    Macarman - I found that list as well. There are some that feel good to me, so I am writing them down to repeat to myself when I don't want to make a healthy choice. :)

    Darrick - You're right, smaller goals would feel more attainable. I'm thinking of aiming for 25 days of eating under goal AND exercising for 30 minutes, by the end of September. That way it's entirely tangible, and I'm focusing on building good habits instead of just weight loss. By the way, AWESOME video! That was very inspiring. It makes me want to be able to make one someday.

    Jillgood - One of my affirmations is now "I choose to succeed!" I have joined weight watchers before, both weekly meetings and online. The meetings were my favorite, but more expensive, and the online did not have an app for my phone like MFP does. I also signed up for Jillian Michaels site, but recently canceled in favor of MFP. It's much more social than her site, not to mention cheaper. I may sign up for WW again, but I cannot commit to meetings until next April, because my husband, daughter and I are doing a lot of traveling this fall/next spring. Three months of it will be in Singapore. Also, I agree with the "you're really thirsty when you think you're hungry, so I drink a glass of cold water first, when I'm feeling snacky.

    Thanks so much for the advice, I'm glad I joined MFP.
  • AmenoKaji
    AmenoKaji Posts: 41 Member
    Good job, one step at a time you'll get there! :) I know i did my adjustments over time, a few major ones from the start (like salt and sugar being cut out completely at the start) but thats when I came in really hardcore because I was under the mind set that I can die at any moment but eventually i learned how to lose weight, while maintaining all of these amazing habits and still enjoying foods that aren't 100% proper for my diet. I am glad you enjoyed the video! Make someday, today. If you've got your starting pictures and measurements, you can make a video like that whenever you're ready and i'm certain there will be someone looking towards your amazing journey for inspiration.

    Good luck! :)