NEW HERE in all kinds of ways

JackieC22 Posts: 15 Member
Hi guys. I am new to these message boards and I am very new to diet and exercise. Growing up, I was always just regular sized. Never skinny but never very large either. Always 5'3 and in the 135 range-145 range but it was fat, no muscle as I never worked out. ever. I also never watched what I ate. I had my son when I was 22 and after having him and nursing him for over a year, I was at my skinniest. AT one point weighing 122 pounds but that was because of nursing and when I stopped nursing, the weight came back slowly but surely. My husband and I had another baby when I was 25 and now she is 13 months old and I did lose the baby weight fast because of nursing but I'm not comfortable in my body at all now.

I don't know how much I weigh currently and although I do want to lose weight, I mainly want to get fit and toned. Losing weight from burning calories through nursing alone results in flabby and saggy if you catch my drift.. As I mentioned, I am brand new to diet and exercise. What I have been doing is taking walks with the baby in stroller. Now, I've started doing stroller exercises (squats, lunges, and lots more to work out arms, legs and abs) and walking at a faster pace. Is this a good start? How often should I be doing things like this?

And how should I vary it up? I was thinking of walking 5 days a week and maybe 1 or 2 of those days add the exercises? Let me know what you guys think.

I have no time and financial means to join a gym so I can do at home things or walking type things. Please help.


  • Jeepchik3
    Jeepchik3 Posts: 5 Member
    Sounds like youre doing great! You want to work out about 3 days a week and if you want to walk on in between days, thats great too!! Keep it up!!
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Sounds like you are doing a great job already! I remember the weight creeping back after I stopped nursing. It's hard to remember you aren't burning those calories anymore, and you have to be aware of what you are eating again! I don't have much advice for you because I am also pretty new to this, however, I think you are on the right track trying to incorporate the daily activities you have already (baby in stroller, etc..) as it is very difficult to find child care/occupy a child while trying to exercise regularly!

    Keep up the good work :smile:
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    The recommended minimum is 30 minutes of physical activity 5 times a week. If you choose your exercise programs wisely, you should see the kind of results you are looking for with that amount of time.

    Walking is great, but you need resistance training to meet your goals. There are all sorts of body weight exercises you can do, such as the ones you are doing with the stroller. When you need to add more resistance, there are a lot of inexpensive ways to do that as well.

    You might want to check out this book for ideas and examples ->

    I also learned how to run because it was an efficient way for me to get the cardio I needed and be able to push my kids in the stroller at the same time.
  • tennileb
    tennileb Posts: 265 Member
    Not knowing your weight isn't a big deal, getting healthier is fantastic!
    I think your plan to walk more is great! there are also body weight exercises (like push ups, squats...) you can find on youtube

    I also remember a few years ago I saw a exercise routine designed to be done at a child's outdoor playground, you could get your work out in while playing in park with kids.
  • JackieC22
    JackieC22 Posts: 15 Member
    glad I asked! I didn't think of 3 days a week to do the exercises, sounds like a lot. I'll try to commit to it. Will these routines get me toned?
  • JackieC22
    JackieC22 Posts: 15 Member
    I will check out that book and some youtube videos. I figured that walking would help but realized that in order to get toned (my goal), I would need to do the harder stuff. I was also thinking of getting resistance bands, I saw some exercises with those that I could do at home.
  • redwngs13
    redwngs13 Posts: 194 Member
    Welcome! Check out this beginner body weight circuit on Nerd Fitness:

    This looks like it would be a great routine for you to try a few days a week as you can do it in your own home without any equipment. Good luck!
  • rachseby
    rachseby Posts: 285 Member
    I've been hearing a lot of good things about Jillian Michaels dvds...I started 30 day shred but it was hard on my knees so I'm taking a short break, but I got her abs video and am going to try that for toning..
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I currently run three days a week and do resistance training two days a week. I'd do resistance training at least two days a week, but make it work for you!
  • Hi Jackie. Getting into shape is always difficult, however, the rewards of getting there are tremendous. In all sincerity, it takes daily activity to really make a change. The real goal is 30+ mins of exercise and eating right every day. As you have pointed out, there's not much time for working out. However, when you workout, say walking, you are not only helping your body, you are also helping your mind by releasing stress.
