Pretty New here

I am pretty new here. I am 45, female and I have Hashimoto's. I was diagnosed 3 years ago after losing some weight. I am 5'10", muscular and about 167. I have recently gained about 5-7 pounds and it is stuck to me like hot chewing gum on the bottom of a shoe. I really want to get rid of it! Most of my clothes still fit (sz 8-10) but, you know, I want it OFF!
I have been gluten free for 3 years, dairy free for 2 years, alcohol free for 6 years. I eat very few carbs generally and no grains. Ah, the autoimmune disease lifestyle. I do it and I do not cheat. If I were to cheat I would be seriously messed up for maybe a week.
I LOVE to workout but with Hashi's, they tell you that strenuous exercise can lead to too much stress on the body and weight gain. jEEZ LOUISE!!! Really?
So, I just got new meds that I hope will help my thyroid a bit, it's like fast asleep. Gotta wake it up!
Anyway, I work out because I will go bonkers if I don't. I dont run 5 miles a day anymore but I put in a good hour 4-6 days a week.
Oh, did I mention I am impatient? : )
Anyway, that's me in a snapshot.
Nice to meet you.


  • k8n1
    k8n1 Posts: 26 Member
    Welcome! Add me if you wish! I've been on and am hooked to MFP.