Hit a wall

dave495 Posts: 2 Member
I seem to have hit a wall. I exercise as much as before and watch my calories as before but cannot seem to get through the 230 barrier. I have heard that I need to "jump start" my metabolism. Is this true and how do I do that.


  • Our bodies are very good at getting used to what we are doing and not making changes. You need to switch things up. Try a new workout or push harder in what you are doing. Also, how is your caloric intake? Making simple adjustments just to "shock" the body can really help push through a plateau.
  • Congrats on the weight loss. Have you adjusted you caloric intake at all since your weight loss?
  • CassarahW
    CassarahW Posts: 93 Member
    Congrats on doing so well! Are you taking in enough calories? It's important that you're feeding and fueling your body or it won't release excess fat. Like everyone else has said, make sure you're switching up your exercise and that you're letting your body recover in between workouts. I'm a certified Health Coach, if your food diary is open to friends you can add me as a friend and I'll take a look at it. Stay consistent even if you aren't losing weight, you may be having results in other areas as well. I haven't been losing weight lately but I'm losing inches and getting toned.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Eat the right amount for your level and type of activity, and amount to lose.

    Use best estimates to make that easier. Track progress with measurements rather than just weight.


    As your a lighter, have you increased the pace of whatever you do.

    You burn less at same pace if moving less mass.
    If you did speed up, then good, likely burning the same amount.
    Still good at measuring foods?
    Tried weighing all foods for 2 weeks to discover how incorrect you were?
  • dave495
    dave495 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks everyone for the words of advice. After reading it here, I have realized that I have gotten stale. Doing the same thing exercise wise and eating wise. I will try changing my exercises (I have been doing mostly Wii fix boxing as it burns the most calories). I do have to admit that I have not been tracking my food as well as I did in the beginning. Hmmm...tracking all food...loosing weight....not tracking all food...not loosing weight. Maybe I just stumbled onto something. I will let you know.

    Thanks again everyone