Does pain make you retain water?

I've had a bad toothache for days :( (getting it removed next week). My eating has been on target calorie wise, but a little high on carbs. I've also upped my exercise. My scales show an increase in weight. I'm wondering if being in pain can make you hold onto water. Or maybe the naproxen or amoxicillin? Or the carbs? *sigh* I don't like it, whatever it is.


  • sunlover89
    sunlover89 Posts: 436 Member
    Carbs make you retain water, exercise makes you retain water. Tada! ;-)
    Just drink more and that'll help. Ignore the scales.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    Carbs will do that, if you have been eating low-carb until recently.

    If you have inflammation around the pain site, you'll get swelling there, too. But I don't think it could cause so much water retention all over your body as to have a noticeable effect. Most likely it's carbs and possibly also reduced activity. For me, the less I move, the more likely I am to have some bloating, regardless of what I eat...
  • PepePants
    PepePants Posts: 47 Member
    I cannot think of what the pathophysiology is where pain could make you retain water. Having said that, you mentioned an antibiotic and these are notorious for disrupting the good bacteria in your gut, causing nausea and diarrhea. Are you experiencing either of those symptoms? Again, I don't know how that would effect your weight. But, if you are having diarrhea I recommend drinking more water as that can be dehydrating.
  • sharan_v_garry
    sharan_v_garry Posts: 23 Member
    pain can cause histamines to a site and cause swelling. Whether local swelling can cause systematic swelling leading to water retention I am not sure..