personal trainers and the menopause

I gave up dieting as it was getting me nowhere. A hysterectomy and instant menopause has put my body into some sought of out of control state. So I took on a personal trainer. £1000 and 35 sessions later and I am a stone heavier!! How cruel.


  • kjsweigart
    I went thru all the same things. Had a hysterectomy in 2002, and have gained 80 lbs since. I have now after all these years realized that I used my hysterectomy as an excuse as to why I gained weight. It was my fault. I overate, I did not exercise, and I spun out of control. I have realized it is time to take control of my life. I now exercise 5 miles a day, and have lost 15 lbs so far. I am not giving up until I lose the 80 lbs. and can say "that darn hysterectomy did not take over my life:" I wish you luck, and just stay strong. Never give up!!!
  • luly727
    luly727 Posts: 202 Member
    Don;t give up, and sorry but maybe the Hysterectomy was just an excuse . Although as we all get older it is harder to get weight off, BUT it can be done. Just look around on this site.
    I dont know how old you are, I am 52 and had a TAH as an emergency when I was 41, instant menopause. I refused to take any hormone supplements and i got lazy and gained ALOT of weight.

    I started here 5 months ago, and am down 40lbs and i feel ALOT better, still have a ways to go , but I do feel differant.

    Please start a sensible way of eating, watch everything you put in your mouth and get up and out doing anything. Just think the hysterectomy as a blessing, no more TOM :):) so u can walk every day of month and no cramps or any of the other associated junk every month :):)
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    gaining weight because of menopause stinks! i can tell you honestly that i did NOT overeat, but i gained weight anyway. the hormone changes and medication are what messed with my body and my metabolism. watching carbs became crucial for me to lose weight. i try to not eat more than 25% of my calories from carbs. it *is* possible to lose weight but you are going to have to be more strict in your diet. i wish you luck!
  • barbarella
    barbarella Posts: 609 Member
    Sorry you had a lousy time of it! :cry: :brokenheart:

    Perhaps you could get some help from a physician......... a naturopath or someone who specializes in women's health care issues? That person could give suggestions for working with a trainer.

    I'm currently working with a young lady who is really good at targeting my weak areas. She "nicely" pushes me to get moving and stay with the program. She's waaaay too young to know about menopause..... :-)

    But most of the work has to come from oneself, unfortunately! I read, do a lot of research into my own health issues and then seek out appropriate help. But it's ME who has to go to the gym, eat right and work it! UGH....... :bigsmile:

    Good luck and Never Give Up! Keep on Trucking Baby!!! :flowerforyou: :drinker: :love:
  • tinaturner
    tinaturner Posts: 4 Member
    Not a bad week really. Stayed focussed even Friday evening whilst others around me ate chocolate, drank rum and wine. Yes I had one measured glass. Went out on a celebration meal on Saturday and ate a measured chinese meal. Straight to the gym sunday morning and beat those calories off 640 of them without a personal trainer. Found a brilliant Chinese acupuncturist for my back so could work out harder. Feeling positive. Thanks to you all for encouraging words.