My Fat Belly And Me...Hope For The Future



  • parrotlover
    parrotlover Posts: 143 Member
    awe it's too bad you don't have a friend or family member that could take you to the pool while Ed is away. Is there someone you could ask? It seems terrible that you can't go for that long when it is doing so much for your mentally and physically!
  • mohanj
    mohanj Posts: 381 Member
    Oh...what a great story! I was touched by your honesty and at the same time funny. I will be 60 year old in December and thought I don't have much hopes for that hanging belly. You should be so proud to swim for an hour with out stopping. Hats off to you. Great job. Truly inspirational. You gave me hopes. Thanks.
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    I love this post! You have this beautiful way of expressing love for your imperfections, that I am slowly striving towards, having my own belly issues a completely understand. There IS hope for us all!!!!
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    awe it's too bad you don't have a friend or family member that could take you to the pool while Ed is away. Is there someone you could ask? It seems terrible that you can't go for that long when it is doing so much for your mentally and physically!

    That's okay. The pool isn't going anywhere. I will most definitely keep up my exercises...just with my DVDs. I have a brand new one that I haven't seen yet. This will give me a chance to use my weights. I think that I should be able to do the 3 pound weights now that felt too heavy last month.
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    Oh...what a great story! I was touched by your honesty and at the same time funny. I will be 60 year old in December and thought I don't have much hopes for that hanging belly. You should be so proud to swim for an hour with out stopping. Hats off to you. Great job. Truly inspirational. You gave me hopes. Thanks.

    At first, I had to check your name. I just got a friend request from a 60 year old lady. I was so thrilled by her message:

    "I started doing laps in the pool this week. Today I did 14 laps. Monday I could only do 2 laps."

    Now, that is why I keep posting my stories and blogs. If I can encourage even one lady like this, then I know that God is really using me to help others on MFP.
  • Tflowers34907
    Tflowers34907 Posts: 51 Member
    Bravo! Awesome post!!
  • heis4u2004
    heis4u2004 Posts: 176 Member
    Thanks for the swimming encouragement. I will have to incorporate it into my fitness plan.
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Awesome post. Your stories are always so honest and inspiring.
  • lcantrell65
    lcantrell65 Posts: 228 Member
    This is the second post of yours that I have read. You have to be the most amazing woman. You are proof that lifestyle changes don't have to hurt. Both of your posts have really made me laugh. You are a gift to all of us who were lucky enough to be using MFP at the same time you were. I am going to send you a friend request. I really hope you will accept. That way you will show up in my news feed and I'll never have to worry about missing one of your hilarious/inspirational posts. And I pray that the Lord sends you a friend to take you to the pool while your hubby is out of town. You even managed to stay positive about 3 weeks away from something you obviously love that has helped you so much. YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!!!
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    This is the second post of yours that I have read. You have to be the most amazing woman. You are proof that lifestyle changes don't have to hurt. Both of your posts have really made me laugh. You are a gift to all of us who were lucky enough to be using MFP at the same time you were. I am going to send you a friend request. I really hope you will accept.

    Of course, Sis.
  • Inesesfitnesspal
    Inesesfitnesspal Posts: 27 Member
    :flowerforyou: :love: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :love: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :love: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :love: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :love: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :love: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :love: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :love: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :love: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :love: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :love: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :love: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :love: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :love: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :love: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :love: :flowerforyou:
    You are inspiration!!!!
  • maryannelk
    maryannelk Posts: 707 Member
    You're posts are always so sweet, funny, and inspiring. I love your positive outlook. Thank you for sharing each of your milestones with us!

    This! Keep them coming!
  • 01bb05
    01bb05 Posts: 1
    WOW! Guess where i'm going today for the first time in ages, thanks for sharing! Well done! :)
  • wwest21
    wwest21 Posts: 99 Member
    Thank you for posting this. Inspiration I needed for today!
  • browneyes36340
    browneyes36340 Posts: 10 Member
    You are such and inspiration , I enjoyed reading your post , I too have a hard time with my belly , Ive had 2 C-Sections and a Hysterectomy so I dont have alot of stomach muscle but thank goodness I got the bikini cut and not up and down cut.. But I can also tell that my belly is getting smaller also , but I was also wondering if it will tighten back up and not hang , so reading your post has gave me hope , Thank you ..Keep up the good work :)
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    You are such and inspiration , I enjoyed reading your post , I too have a hard time with my belly , Ive had 2 C-Sections and a Hysterectomy so I dont have alot of stomach muscle but thank goodness I got the bikini cut and not up and down cut.. But I can also tell that my belly is getting smaller also , but I was also wondering if it will tighten back up and not hang , so reading your post has gave me hope , Thank you ..Keep up the good work :)

    There are so many of us older ladies (and yes...even old men) who are trying to lose weight in bodies that have been really beat up over time. Looking in the mirror and seeing how much we must overcome can be discouraging.

    There has got to be a point in time, when we accept that some things cannot be changed. You can't undo most of the scars and a lifetime of stretch marks and wear on our flesh; but we can IMPROVE what we have...even after 68 years. I am proof of that. Our bodies can get thinner, if we are willing to MAKE A COMMITMENT to a healthy food plan. Our bodies can look better even with the scars, wrinkles and stretch marks, if we are willing to MAKE A COMMITMENT to some form of exercise.

    I said SOME FORM OF EXERCISE. I did not say...going to the gym, running for miles or doing a 10K. Some of us do have physical limitations and life limitations; but no one has to sit around all day long, watching TV, playing on the computer and eating a fat frog, catching flies on a lily pad.

    At some point, each of us said, "ENOUGH!!! I don't want to be like this anymore."

    That is when we started our journey to get BETTER, but 'better' has to be defined. If your 'better' is just to lose 10 or 20 pounds, it will be just a food issue. If your 'better' is to get healthier and stronger, then it will also be an exercise issue. If you want to turn around a lifetime of abusing your body, then you must do it better and exercise. That's the category that I fall into...the old worn out body group.

    I had to redefine who I was and who I wanted to be. I could stay the 'sweet grannie in her wheelchair', letting everyone feel sorry for me and wait on me, like a cripple. I could slowly but surely keep adding pounds and keep moving closer to diabetes, heart problems and the grave...BUT...I don't feel like living that way any longer. I want my life back...the life I threw away, when I let the pounds destroy my knees.

    I woke up this morning, thinking..."I don't feel old. Yes, I am 68 years old; but I don't feel any older than I did, when I was 38. So, I am NOT OLD. I still have plenty of years to live."

    Some of the youngsters on MFP believe that they have a lifetime ahead them, while I am only a few years away from the grave. One young MFP member went so far as to tell me that very rude fact in a post. No one knows, when they will die. My kid sister was murdered at 26; my Mom died of cancer at 66; my Dad died in the Northridge quake at 72 with my stepmom who was only 42. They didn't know that they were going to die at that age. Neither the 26 year old or the 72 year old could know that their time on earth had come to an end.

    On the other hand, my maternal grandma lived to 95 and had 2 aunts that lived into the hundreds. What if I am meant to live 'til I am 102 or 103? Do I want to spend the next 30 or more years as a fat, old woman in a wheelchair? NO!!!

    I want to be that sharp, little grannie who is buzzing around on her grannie bike and still flirting with her old man. I want to keep my body and my mind active and engaged in life...not sitting around waiting for God to take me home. In the meantime, I still have a lot to do; and I don't want to do it from a wheelchair.

    So, I had to make a REAL COMMITMENT to eating better and exercises in any way that I could, whether it is swimming laps or doing Sit And Fit exercises and using my grannie hand weights. I also had to involve others in my plan. I had to be accountable to someone, when I might be tempted or discouraged. That's where MFP came in. I am still making a daily COMMITMENT to my food plan and my MFP friends. That's how it works for me.

    Oh, my goodness! This sounds like another post...or blog.
  • LinOtt
    LinOtt Posts: 82 Member
    A light bulb lit up in my head when I realized that I was in control and that I was accountable for my choices. That made the difference. What matters is what we are doing now, sitting around waiting for life to "happen" does nothing for ourselves or for anybody else. Thanks for your post - taking action and charge over that which we control is the key - just keep on going and the changes will become obvious - very often we ourselves are blinded to our own progress...
  • justaspoonfulofsugar
    justaspoonfulofsugar Posts: 587 Member
    happy to see another post from you and to hear things are going well.
    you are such an INSPIRATION!thanks for sharing!!!
  • LearnFromTheRed
    LearnFromTheRed Posts: 294 Member
    Oh goodness, I really MUST start the back of my mind I know it would do me the world of good, and I don't quite have the confidence to do it (there's a pool about five minutes walk from my house!?).

    I've been able to get out and start running in the street, so I suppose the next step is to get a few more clothes off and get on with it...
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Absolutely an ispiring post and keep 'em coming!
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