Some people hold their weight better than others.

So, the other day I told my friends that I weighed 175. They looked at me in shock that I told them. My friend later told me she couldn't believe I told everyone I weighed that much? She said I didn't look that heavy.
Why should I be embarrassed to tell people? I'm not. I'm proud of my weight compared to where I used to be.
Anyways, I have another friend who is a bit on the heavier side, or just looks that way. (she's totally gorgeous at her weight, btw)
She told me we are the same weight. But we look nothing alike.
I carry my weight in my thighs, and butt. She carries it in her stomach and arms.
Does anyone think that your body shape really does make a difference, or that if you're taller your weight doesn't affect you as much.

My sister is 5'1 and I'm 5'4. I know for a fact if she weighed how much I do she would look heavier than I do at this weight.

I'm not saying I look thin at 5'4, but I don't consider myself big, or heavy. At all.
Anyone else?


  • sozisraw
    sozisraw Posts: 418 Member
    Yes , I put all my weight on evenly all over my body, I just become a more extreme hour glass with a tummy, so it sneaks up on me and for a while nobody thinks Im fat until its too late and a lot of work needs doing! From that point of view keeping an eye on things
    is important for me :)
  • FeelingLessChubby
    FeelingLessChubby Posts: 152 Member
    I think this is posted in the wrong area hun :)

    Yes it's totally true what you're saying. I see loads of before/after pics here where the "after" weight is about the same as I am now - and I'm working on losing 18lbs more. I sometimes cannot believe they look like they do at the same weight as me! I look nothing like them!

    Fat distribution and height have loads to do with it. I'm 5'4 and I put on weight in the same way like sozisraw, but I notice it most in my stomach and thighs. These are not noticeable when I'm dressed, so only I see them... or not see them until it's too late... :)
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I weigh 154. Most people, in real life and on here, think I weigh a lot less. My personal trainer even was surprised by my weight when I first started. At 5'6 I am only just in a healthy BMI range.

    I think it depends on your shape, bone density, muscle etc.
  • ferocityturbine
    ferocityturbine Posts: 110 Member
    Definitely. I'm a pear and consider myself quite lucky as pears are easy to disguise. My upper body is tiny; I have a very narrow ribcage and spindly arms, but wider hips and I carry all my weight on my hips and thighs. If I wear wide leg trousers or little dresses that flare out at the hips I look miniscule, as all you can see is my small bone structure.

    Someone else the same weight as me may carry it all in their arms and stomach but have very skinny legs and narrow hips. If we stood next to each other they'd look bigger because, due to the cut of most clothes, weight is simply more noticeable in some places than in others.

    Additionally, as is repeated over and over, muscle weighs more than fat. I have very little muscle tone, so someone the same weight who was really fit and lifted a lot would look a lot smaller stood next to me.

    Edited for poor grammar.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Yes it's true. I'm 6'3 and at my heaviest I was almost 500 lbs but people including myself guessed I was 400 lbs at most. I carried it all over except for my arms.