Shifts pattern is making this so hard :(

Hi peeps,

So frustrated at the mo, decided to start again recently as I've put on so much weight and I'm the heaviest I've been in years, I'm planning on a mini break to Spain at the beginning of sept and feel that I'm gonna look like a big fat whale in my I'm also turning 34 in October and plan to go away with my BF so I don think he wants a BFW next to

Anyhow I'm a nurse so I work long days and nights which is playing havoc with my diet I get up at 5.30
and get in at 10pm so it's really long, I don't have set breaks and sometimes find myself not having anything to eat until I get in which is late,then on nights I pick at all sorts just to get me through the night.
Anyone in a similar situation and how are you combatting it??

Thanks xx


  • JeTiJi
    JeTiJi Posts: 42 Member
    I'm also a shift worker, so I get what you're going through. I've found that if I put all my calories for the day into my lunch kit and eat before I leave for work, I tend to stay on track..... its my days off that wreak havok on my diet:)
  • lj8576
    lj8576 Posts: 156
    I work nights too and it can be tough. Luckily I go to a gym thats 24 hr so I usually go twice on my days off and I w ork three 12's. I pack all my meals seperately and I make easy ones like quinoa and chicken breast. I too have to eat on the run sometimes and each meal is about 300 calories. I also use protein shakes to supplement sometimes as well.
  • punk_uss
    punk_uss Posts: 20 Member
    I agree with packing your food for the day. Not only will it help with portion control, it will help you stay away from drive by snacking and the vending machines. Be careful on days off and focus on doing activities you enjoy outside. Residing in London there is plenty to do this time of year that can keep you active even if it is shopping for your trip! :)
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    I don't work nights, but I do work shifts and when I'm on a 12-8 I just can't bring myself to go to the gym after work. I get home at 9pm as it is, then still have to walk my dog. Going before personally isn't an option for me.

    We have 3 set breaks a day at work thankfully, but as you don't, could you not take protein shakes and bars for food on the go? Some fruit like a banana/apple, and then on your lunch prepare something to take with you.
  • fattygirl31
    fattygirl31 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks everyone, going to try and prepare meals and snacks beforehand, hope it works ! I've just got to stay focused! Im starting Monday so il be a hot mama before my holidays! :0)xx