First time under 200 pounds in at least 2 years.

totalsham Posts: 217 Member
Greetings to the people and parts of people that are reading this,


Just a fair warning that the below post is unnecessarily long, mis-spelled, poor grammar and full of uncapitalized letters, excessive use of periods, and the much of the crucial information might not even useful. But! its easier to write this disclaimer than to edit the whole post, for that would take way too much time and work then its worth.. Even this half-assed disclaimer is very much too long. Oh well... here begins the actual post...

on the morning of feb 7th i had a panic attack during an early class. as the attack was kicking in, my first in many years, i tried to relax and fight it. I exited the room twice to collect my wits and each time i returned to the classroom, it intensified. On the third wave, i felt a sensation as if i was just shot in the middle of my chest. I thought i was having a heart attack. While trying to keep some sort of semblance of composure, I quickly packing up my books and laptop, I exit the classroom and head to my car in the parking lot. By the time i got to my car, the pain and my heart rate subsided.

Sitting in my car, i decided to go home to relax and see if i needed to go to the er. I was nervous and scared but thought no ****ing way was that a heart attack. As the day progressed, i felt much better and thought nothing of what occurred, BUT i knew i needed to schedule a doctors visit. Which i did for the following day.

At my primary care doctors office, the office worker makes me get on the scale. Havent been on one in like 2.5 years. I was not ready for what I saw. I weighed 231 pounds. Ashamed and embarrassed I hopped off. Before starting my schooling, I was 165 pounds. How the hell did I allow myself to gain well over 65 pounds and put myself now in a doctors office for heart issues??? So I finally get in the room with the doctor and i tell him what occurred. He asked why the hell didnt i go to the ER. I was scared and that played into making a stupid choice. So he hooks me up to the EKG. The new girl was in training and she ran the test. first time error, second time... another error. so they called the head girl in.... to run it a third time.. to which they called the doctor in. of course im wondering wtf is going on. The doctor tells me i need to schedule a visit to the cardiologist cause my EKG shows incomplete right bundle branch block.

so i scheduled a visit to my cardiologist on that monday. I go in, tell the story. the female doc takes my BP, 125/75. She knows im trying to become a physician assistant and still had the balls to look me straight in the face and tell me that normal BP is 110/70. She said i had high blood pressure! Im in a doctors office, nervous about my heart and i spiked at 125/75. Anyways, that slipped my mind as she tells me that she is going to order an echo of my heart, dopplers of my neck and legs, and a nuclear stress test with mri. Whole day worth of exams. the first three come back negative and then the stress exam shows that my hearts inferior wall is not profused with adequate blood supply.

So back in her office, she tells me she wants to put me on a beta blocker. that the nuke showed me at 120 bpm and my bp was 127/75. i asked what the pros and cons were... cons is ED! **** that i told her. Im told no exercise or coffee. She tells me come back next week for a resting nuke mri and sends me home with an electronic holster to monitor my heart for 24 hours.

Week goes by and i go in for the exam. Everyone in office is *****ing at how many different tests they are being assigned by the doc. Im listening but not really registering what they are saying cause im worried about my own results. I take the resting and it shows the same lack of blood in the inferior wall. I sit down with the doc and she is like i dont get this, you are very young and this isnt what i expect from your heart. She asked if i was into coke (no), diet drugs (no) or using any speed type drugs (no). She turns to me and says well during exam you were 130/80 bp. heart was racing... i want to put you on norvas. Then she goes since this is showing 2 results of possible blockage, i want you to get an angiogram. FUUUUUCK!!!!! she is going on how its the gold standard and that there is a .00001 chance of any complications from the procedure. I book the date of march 15th and leave the office scared, confused, defeated and sad.

That weekend i started looking into the net to figure out where i was, what i should expect and what could go right and wrong. After reading for a few hours, i noticed something. An angiogram has a 2% chance of causing a stroke, heart attack or bleeding from rupture. Also an angrio gram cost 25,000 to start. The alternative is a CT angiogram, cost 1,000 and the neg is that it is like 100 xrays dose. I also then look up nuclear stress test false positives and ekg false positives.... guess what comes up the #1 false positives? inferior walls and irbbb.

I decide that i need to see the head cardiologist at LIJ. I go and show him my paperwork and he reads through it all. He asks if i taken any of the bp meds the doc assigned me.. i say no. He goes you are way too young for an angiogram. I agreed and asked if i could have a CT angiogram instead. He agrees and books it for me.

I get this ct angiogram done and i get the results from the exam. My ct results shows zero calcified blockages. nothing at all wrong with me.

This really makes me ****ing hate half *kitten*, terrible doctors. twice she tried pushing drugs on me for no ****ing reason. she tried running me through tests that would line her pocket in the guise of helping me. She knows that these results show false positives and yet decided on going the more expensive and much more invasive route. I have to wonder how many americans are placed on drugs they dont ****ing need to be on and how many of them take doctors advice 100% without questioning them or their motives.

Best thing about this is that i stopped drinking coffee, and stopped eating beef. I literally have no had a single drop of coffee or a shred of beef since feb 10th. I now only eat chicken and I try to have fish 2-3 times a week (been out of mahi mahi for last few weeks, so been slacking on fish) for dinner. I have been on the Mediterranean lifestyle and i feel good. Next stop, the ENT doc to see if the cause of that chest pain was only something my stomach caused. But thank all my lucky stars it wasnt my heart.

I look back at my first semester in class... I was a nervous wreck being an older student, and at same time not really having family support about dropping all work and going back to get a degree. I had no choice but to get A's in everything to drown out their voices of discontent. So taking 19,20,21 credits, summers and winter courses... I had zero time for myself, so I thought. No time to go running or jogging, no time for the gym or using the non working status as a reason not to spend for the gym... and of course living off the dollar menu of mcdonalds, wendys, burger king, checkers, and always eating cheap *kitten* pizza or chinese for lunch. Looking back, I cannot believe what I put in me. It took a good 2 years of **** eating, eating when ever I wanted to, sleep schedule was a mess and no working out to go from 165 to god knows how high I could have been. I never weighed myself in that time. That first number of 231 was at the docs office after the panic attack. And sex? Forgot about sex. I would lose it just thinking about my sweaty self over a chick and my gut just brushing against her. So not hot! I want my ab's back... I dont like the fat me. I feel bad for anyone dumb enough to agree on taking me home with them lol. For now....

During feb all the way till mid march I was placed on no workout allowed by the docs. Once the ct cleared me of issues, I been walking twice a day, every day at the h.s. track. I tried jogging a few times, but I think my weight then made my knees scream in pain the next day, so its been mainly walking for 60-90 mins each outing. I wake up and I hate that I know I have to go to the track... but then I realize why I am doing it and I go. And when im there... I enjoy it. I put on my favorite podcast and walk... and I dont want to leave. Its just going that is hard. Also, finding all the running apps helped like MFP does. Nike+, runtastic, runkeeper... these let me see calories burned, pace, distance... **** I need to see to keep me on my goal and not let me be like, “yay, I think I just did 20 laps”.. while on my 7th. Since finding these apps in mid april, I have jogged/walked 146.52 miles. That’s prolly more miles then I have in last 3 years up til april.

I am now at 199 pounds. I am still so not toned. I hate how my body looks, but I like it a hell of a lot more then I did on feb 10th. Since I am in a PA program, we practice exams on each other. So I have to get naked in front of a class and examinations will be done. This starts at the end of august. So I have from now, til then (12 weeks), to get in the best possible shape I can where I will be comfortable around others fully undressed. That is for sure not how I would feel if I had to at the moment. So now I head to the gyms, to pay for 3-4 months membership... to help get my *kitten* in shape. Cause my tummy, love handles and thighs need to get toned or no one in that class is going to wanna work with me! Lol.

On may 11th I was on FB, (I know pretentious **** that I am with that huge name dropping!) and I saw a friend post that he lost 25 pounds in a month and it was all due to MFP. New disease? African sickness? So I looked into it, and saw this place. I joined and added it to the diet I have already lost 22 pounds on my own, but not in a months time. So I joined up and in the last 21 days I have lost 9 pounds, which has finally put me under 200 pounds for the first time in 2 years,.and at the half way point of my campaign to get back to my old body.

I have to thank this program for helping save my life. MFP has helped me to be accountable for what goes in me, and not to just “think” I had enough or too much calories or nutrients. Just wished there was more complete coverage on the home made foods and more on the Mediterranean diet foods in the list to select.

This is me in a nutshell... and the situation I am currently in. Just wondering, should I have started the thread with.. Hi, my name is Nick and I’m overweight?

TL;DR ~ Dont always believe your ****ing doctors advice, I guess this is me introducing myself to you guys on mfp. Even this TL;DR is getting way too long. I am doing well. Doctors say my chances of survival are excellent. My report from the front-lines of life and death are listed above here for you to... Enjoy?


  • quixotic84
    quixotic84 Posts: 66 Member
    Great job getting under 200! And thank you so much for sharing your story! It is so important that we know our bodies so that we can call out bull**** docs when we see them!
  • totalsham
    totalsham Posts: 217 Member
    I also forgot to add that the cbc exam on the 10th, showed my ldl to be at 161. which is so bad. my hdl was 38 and my triglycerides were 72 i believe...

    When i hit 190, i want to go back to the docs for a follow up on my blood work. im not on any medication. but i want to see how my diet and the amount of walking/jogging and other things have caused my ldl to drop.

    With the amount of fiber i take in daily, im hoping to see 120 ldl next visit.
  • themanda04
    themanda04 Posts: 60 Member
    yeah, i trust doctors about as far as i can throw them. :/

    you should try barramundi as a replacement for mahi mahi. i frickin' love that fish. :)

    oh, and congrats and junk on the loss! that's great work!
  • totalsham
    totalsham Posts: 217 Member
    yeah, i trust doctors about as far as i can throw them. :/

    you should try barramundi as a replacement for mahi mahi. i frickin' love that fish. :)

    oh, and congrats and junk on the loss! that's great work!

    Thanks for the suggestion, ill give it a try. Im so picky when it comes to fish. I tried chillian seabass, which my brother loves, and i felt it to be way too oily and fatty. Love mahi mahi and like salmon. thats all i had thus far. will givve this barramundi a shot.
  • totalsham
    totalsham Posts: 217 Member
    booked my first follow up since last docs visit. My appt is on the 28th of this month.

    What i'm aiming to have done is a full blood work that will break down my macro and micro nutrients. This will help me see what i'm lacking from diet and what i'm eating too much of that made my blood chemistry have an abundance. This should help me maximize my workouts and my health gains.

    also want to see what my ldl is at. Last test in feb showed me having a ldl of 161. scary. so im hoping for 120's considering i haven't had beef in what will be 5.5 months.

    will update then!
  • totalsham
    totalsham Posts: 217 Member

    it looks like diet works
  • TennesseeSodaholic
    TennesseeSodaholic Posts: 129 Member
    WONDERFUL ONEderland!!
  • Good For You! I read some of your story--Tooooooooooooo long! Sorry I lost interest!
  • tootoop224
    tootoop224 Posts: 281 Member
    Great story. Congrats on all your progress. You figured this out quick!!!
  • Wizard87
    Wizard87 Posts: 21 Member
    I am very skeptical of doctors ever since one put me on a medication that caused severe side effects and made me almost bedridden for a year. And it turned out I didn't even have the sickness he thought I had.
    I had another doctor tell me that, due to my high triglyceride count, I would have to go on medications. But since I dropped 15 pounds using MFP, my triglycerides are now 1/3 of what they were.
  • totalsham
    totalsham Posts: 217 Member
    yea they told me if the numbers didnt come down, i was going to be put on a statin....

    didnt want that
  • lre224
    lre224 Posts: 83
    Thank you for sharing your story! and welcone to ONEderland. I'm just about there, but not quite yet. Your story is inspiring. Keep up the hard work & the results will pay off, as you are starting to see for yourself.
  • totalsham
    totalsham Posts: 217 Member
    Good For You! I read some of your story--Tooooooooooooo long! Sorry I lost interest!

    lol all good. i wrote all that happened over that 6 weeks period.. so ya its long.. lol sorry!
  • totalsham
    totalsham Posts: 217 Member
    WONDERFUL ONEderland!!

    whats onederland?
  • WhiteGirlWasted13
    WhiteGirlWasted13 Posts: 178 Member
    Congratulations! I love stories like yours because they show just how important it is to educate yourself and pay attention to your body. My dr had me on HBP medication once because I had a high reading at an appointment one time. No history of HBP, I was very healthy for a bigger girl. But he would have none of it. He would not listen when I tried to explain that I was on my way to the airport to catch a plane to deal w/ a potentially stressful situation of confronting my son's father about something I needed him to do so my husband could adopt him and this dr's appointment threatened to make me late for my flight. Who wouldn't be stressing over all of that?!?

    Fast forward, I took one month's worth of those little pills. I felt terrible: lightheaded, no endurance, sick as a dog when I had a couple beers, etc.

    I stopped taking them. The next appointment, he was like, oh I guess you needed those pills after all? Nope, mother****er, I told you I was stressed out. I quit taking them weeks ago.

    Since then, if I don't agree with something he prescribes, I flat out refuse. He's been my doctor long enough, he'll sit down next to me and we'll talk it through and make a decision together.
  • LdyPsych
    LdyPsych Posts: 79 Member
  • catdoc1
    catdoc1 Posts: 227 Member
    Awesome, inspiring story!

    Onederland is a weight under 200#, as in "one hundred and....."

    Have you watched the documentary "Forks Over Knives" ? Since you're on this nutrition journey and have had the experience with the cardiologists, and as a budding health care professional, you might consider watching it. It profoundly changed my thinking.

  • totalsham
    totalsham Posts: 217 Member
    havent seen that movie. will check if on netflix for a rainy day watching
  • totalsham
    totalsham Posts: 217 Member
    20 pounds down since finding mfp.... wish i used this from jump
  • lbpowers0506
    lbpowers0506 Posts: 31 Member
    Great job! It's good to see MFP working for other guys... I started this at 231 about 2 months ago. I'm down to 222 now and aiming for 180-185 as my goal (I'm 6'0 so that's about where I need to be.) Thanks for the encouragement to keep on moving!
  • KathleenKP
    KathleenKP Posts: 580 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss.

    You will be fine in your class. I'd be sitting there thinking "I hope I get him". Don't worry, you look great. (Now, maybe if you have a super-athletic class and there's lots of body competition, that's another story...)

    I'm in health care, too, and find that when things like this happen to me, they make me a better provider. I don't just sympathize, I can empathize. Patients can tell the difference (at least, mine can)...even when you don't tell them about HOW you understand what they are going through. Use your anger at the situation to improve your own future practice. Keep a copy of your written out story to remember every so often, because time will cause you to forget.

    Your weight loss struggle and success will be a great asset for you in caring for others.
  • lbpowers0506
    lbpowers0506 Posts: 31 Member
    Great job! It's good to see MFP working for other guys... I started this at 231 about 2 months ago. I'm down to 222 now and aiming for 180-185 as my goal (I'm 6'0 so that's about where I need to be.) Thanks for the encouragement to keep on moving!

    NONE!! Last weigh-in I weighed in at 199lbs!!! If you're trying to get under 200, YOU CAN DO IT!!! My Fitness Pal and the awesome people on here will help get you there!

    Officially down 32lbs with only 16 left to my goal!! It's an awesome feeling!!
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