Can I eat as much fresh fruit and vegetables as I want to?



  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    Avoid starchy vegetables, and avoid high sugar fruits, I look at the glycemic index, although the sugar in fruit is better for you than any other sugary food. I am following an Atkins type No wheat low carb diet, and it is really working for me. I have lost 25 lbs in 6 weeks eating healthy and added exercise too of course. Do not eat too LOW FAT! Your metabolism needs fats and proteins to burn the fat you are trying to lose. Do NOT listen to the FDA guidlelines, they are flawed like the rest of our government. Read "Wheat Belly" by Dr WIlliam Davis for an eye opening discussion on wheat....

    I've done the complete opposite of what you are recommending to other people, have lost 50 pounds, attained my goal weight and size and maintained it for a year eating 200+ carbs a day. I'm a 51 year old, post menopausal woman.

    I'm very glad you have found a plan that works for you, but please remember that there's no one size fits all. I would be a wreck eating as you do and my way of eating sounds like a poor fit for you.

    I definitely believe in balanced macros but I also believe what a good friend of mine said: "No one is overweight because they ate too much produce."
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    But bacon.

    You could always wrap a piece of bacon around a banana.

    You might be on to something here. Can you deep fry a banana?
    Mmmmmm! Deep fried bacon banana!

    Can someone please try this so I know that it's possible?! I can't get on with my life without it and I'm too much of a chicken to do it myself.

    It's totally possible - don't be afraid to try it. If you only make one to try it and you don't like it what did you lose? Half of a banana and a piece of bacon.

    I'd freeze half of a banana on a stick. Wrap the bacon around the frozen banana and secure with a toothpick. Keep frozen until oil is hot. Heat the oil to 375. Carefully place the bacon wrapped banana in the oil. Watch it closely and as the bacon begins to crisp, turn it over carefully so both sides get crisp. Remove with a basket or slotted spoon and let drain on newspaper or a paper grocery sack. The banana may get soft and the stick may not be fully secure. Probably won't take more than 30-45 seconds per side in the oil. I'd sprinkle it with some cinnamon and sugar or dip in a maple flavored glaze.
  • On Weight Watchers Most fruits and vegetables are free, so you can eat all you want.

    I didn't know that.......that's interesting because I believe Weight Watchers point system must ultimately be based on counting calories (but they do it for you).

    Weight Watchers used to have free veggies and then you had to count fruit but they found people would use their points on other things and not eat enough fruit..... eg A bag of baked chips instead of a two point banana! So they have worked it into the new program. You still have to pay points for starchy vegetables and of course avocados. That being said, you are expected to eat your 5-10 servings (?) of fruits and veggies a day and not go too hog wild! (pardon the pun)
    SJVZEE Posts: 451 Member
    I'm in maintenance and only spot check my calories, but I definitely keep my fruit consumption in check. I just picked up sweet cherries from a local orchard this morning-each cherry has approximately 5 calories and you can easily eat a big bowl of them (their like potato chips-you can't eat just one lol). Plus fruit has a lot of sugar in it, regardless of how you look at it (sugar is sugar, is sugar). Veggies are a bit different, but I always eat them with something else (like in a smoothie, in a salad with dressing or with a steak), so I never look at veggies by themselves, but as part of a bigger meal.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,656 Member
    I'm in maintenance and only spot check my calories, but I definitely keep my fruit consumption in check. I just picked up sweet cherries from a local orchard this morning-each cherry has approximately 5 calories and you can easily eat a big bowl of them (their like potato chips-you can't eat just one lol). Plus fruit has a lot of sugar in it, regardless of how you look at it (sugar is sugar, is sugar). Veggies are a bit different, but I always eat them with something else (like in a smoothie, in a salad with dressing or with a steak), so I never look at veggies by themselves, but as part of a bigger meal.

    That's the problem nowadays, everybody picks up on the sugar or fructose in the case of fruit, everybody conveniently forgets the vitamins and other stuff fruit supplies.

    It is now getting ridiculous.
    SJVZEE Posts: 451 Member
    I'm in maintenance and only spot check my calories, but I definitely keep my fruit consumption in check. I just picked up sweet cherries from a local orchard this morning-each cherry has approximately 5 calories and you can easily eat a big bowl of them (their like potato chips-you can't eat just one lol). Plus fruit has a lot of sugar in it, regardless of how you look at it (sugar is sugar, is sugar). Veggies are a bit different, but I always eat them with something else (like in a smoothie, in a salad with dressing or with a steak), so I never look at veggies by themselves, but as part of a bigger meal.

    That's the problem nowadays, everybody picks up on the sugar or fructose in the case of fruit, everybody conveniently forgets the vitamins and other stuff fruit supplies.

    It is now getting ridiculous.

  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    On Weight Watchers Most fruits and vegetables are free, so you can eat all you want.

    I didn't know that.......that's interesting because I believe Weight Watchers point system must ultimately be based on counting calories (but they do it for you).

    They are based on the point. The last time I was a member though fruits and most veggies were 0 points. It made life much easier and as really helpful to getting fruit into the diet. I believe what they did was to lower the daily point value you are allowed. It most likely compensated for the amount of food you eat.
  • Frelling_Tralk
    Frelling_Tralk Posts: 56 Member
    I don't know about veg, that's probably not such a big deal to eat as much as you want (well within reason!) But I think people do make a mistake when they eat as much fruit as they want and assume that it's fine to overeat on because it's healthy and good for you. Fruit is good for you, but it still has sugar in it and can be fattening, so you should at least count the calories as part of your daily count
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member

    I'm not sure, but I think Vegans and Vegetarians may be able to eat more calories.

    haha I so wish.
  • stargazer008
    stargazer008 Posts: 531
    Way too many carbs! How about fats and protein?
  • I am a vegan. If I don't eat all the fruits and vegetables I want I will lose all my weight and turn into skin and bones. Especially since I am an extreme fitness enthusiast working out at all times of the day. I also need 3500 calories a day so I damn well better eat all that I can. Or I will die :-P
  • JaniePapageorgio
    JaniePapageorgio Posts: 142 Member
    But bacon.

    You could always wrap a piece of bacon around a banana.

    You might be on to something here. Can you deep fry a banana?
    Mmmmmm! Deep fried bacon banana!

    Can someone please try this so I know that it's possible?! I can't get on with my life without it and I'm too much of a chicken to do it myself.

    It's totally possible - don't be afraid to try it. If you only make one to try it and you don't like it what did you lose? Half of a banana and a piece of bacon.

    I'd freeze half of a banana on a stick. Wrap the bacon around the frozen banana and secure with a toothpick. Keep frozen until oil is hot. Heat the oil to 375. Carefully place the bacon wrapped banana in the oil. Watch it closely and as the bacon begins to crisp, turn it over carefully so both sides get crisp. Remove with a basket or slotted spoon and let drain on newspaper or a paper grocery sack. The banana may get soft and the stick may not be fully secure. Probably won't take more than 30-45 seconds per side in the oil. I'd sprinkle it with some cinnamon and sugar or dip in a maple flavored glaze.

    I would say tooth-pick affix bacon to banana, THEN freeze. Also, coconut panko tempura.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    My doc always says, "No one gets diabetes from eating too many vegetables".

    That's why I replace grains and legumes with veg and fat. I can consume a whole lot more tasty food for the calories.

    how boring….
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    While I do log all my foods on here, I go by the personal ideology that I do not track fruits and veggies when it comes to my lifestyle change.
    I do track any processed foods, carbs, meat, ect, since I believe I should be balancing those within my daily intake, and adjusting appropriately when it comes to my workouts.

    I'd rather fill my body up with good foods and natural fuel without worrying about calories, over micromanaging how one portion of lettuce was 15 calories, but adding a banana with my meal will send me over my calorie allotment for that meal.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    Do you do that because of the sugar amount? Because that's what messes up my sugar limits every time. I mean 19 gr of sugar in 1 apple and I'm left with only 5 gr for the rest of the day. Or can that sugar be somewhat forgiven because it's natural? I don't want to feel bad for eating fruits.

    Fruit has less sugar in volume than many processed items.
    Don't feel guilty about eating an apple. You eat that apple, and you rock on with the rest of your day!