Looking for MFP friends

Started to get the hang of this site now.. I'm into running, cycling, British Military Fitness and the odd glass of wine here and there :-P

Looking for some dedicated fitness friends for health ideas and running encouragement ..


  • sdesmond2
    sdesmond2 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Ironlady10!

    Would love to share ideas. I am not a runner, but have always wanted to be. I greatly admire those who can. I'm a walker/hiker/cycler, and of course, wine enjoyer! What is British Military Finess?

    Health idea/encouragement for the day: remember the scale is only one small part of the whole picture.
  • Jason3589
    Jason3589 Posts: 734
    Welcome Iron lady, not designed for running myself lol. Always happy to make new friends feel free to add me