Hello from Houston, Texas

I am committing my self to a weight loss again for the last time. To be honest I lost 35 to 40 pounds once signing on in 2011 but gained it all back when I hurt my leg and had to sit around and order out. I have been working out but I think my portions are to big. I have taken off 13 pounds last month but now I am stuck and have to readjust my workouts and eating so I am back and want to be more social in the process. If I can not get it going this time I am going to go in for some type of surgery.....sorry I am just so tired and over this. So I will be needing support and connecting with you guys.


  • cynthiapick
    cynthiapick Posts: 49 Member
    May I just say that I was in a similar situation to you, except that I had a liver transplant and put on vast amounts of weight. I wanted to have surgery but was refused on health grounds. MFP has been the best thing that has happened , I log my food and I exercise. I have made lots of friends all in the same boat, and I lost 10lbs in my first week.
    You too can do it, get some friends on here to support you and get stuck in
    All the best
  • rueben44
    rueben44 Posts: 6
    Thanks for the positive words I am going to try again and I must log everything so I can figure out were the weight is coming from or in this case why it is not going. On a side note the weird thing is I have lost 13 pounds but my measurements have stayed the same.....what gives?
  • mscopper1969
    I too am needing support. I have had success on MFP before and went through losing my father and father in law all in 3 months time period and let emotions control my lifestyle. Now it is time to get back to doing what I need to do. Stress has put every bit of my weight back on plus some. I am sending you a FR and anyone else who wants motivation and encouragement and can also give it to me, please FR me.
  • rueben44
    rueben44 Posts: 6
    Thanks I accepted....just lost my mom also so I totally know how you feel. Lets do it think positive results will happen for us.