Finally motivated!!!

I just recently started using this program and I'm happy with it. After years and years of being overweight I want to change my life and be happy with myself. It's always been a challenge. I want to set a good example for my son. I've Been through WW and other programs several times and just never made the lifestyle change. I realize it really has to be how I live day to day. I've used food as a crutch for far too long and things are starting to change. :)


  • georgieroadrunner
    georgieroadrunner Posts: 5 Member
    Yes, I feel the same way as you - I finally am changing the way I think. Food has always been a comfort and I am going to swap it for exercise and healthy eating!
    I have children(5 and 11)- both of whom are healthy and I feel I am very lucky they do not eat like I do!! But if I continue the way I have been then my luck may run out and they may learn my bad habits.
    Now that I am over 40, I find keeping weight down really really hard. But I will persevere.

    I have been on MFP for about a month- but no loss. However I realised I had set my exercise incorrectly. So I have reset that and calories are now lower- hopefully from this week I will see a loss....

    Feel free to add me as a friend and maybe we can help each other out :)