elliptical or treadmill?

Which one do you think is a better workout? I love the elliptical but I feel like I get a better workout on the treadmill. Maybe because I hate to run? Lol I did the elliptical for like 30 minutes every day last week and now I am going to try and jog this whole week and maybe switch every other week. What does everyone think?


  • Monica_in_MO
    Monica_in_MO Posts: 162 Member
    I say go out and find a hilly country road and do some serious interval training! That's the best cardio workout I've ever experienced. But, then again, I can't STAND doing cardio on any type of machine, so I may not be the best person to ask. : )
  • scottjoh
    scottjoh Posts: 77 Member
    The calorie counter on the machines at our gym show more calories being burned using the elliptical than the same time and heart rate on the treadmill so I have been using the elliptical for my cardio.
  • Ainar
    Ainar Posts: 858 Member
    Well first of all I have to say that I completely HATE doing my cardio indoors. It's just so boring! Therefore, I prefer running, cos you can do it outside. Whenever it's plus or minus 30 degrees of Celsius I will always go outside, whatever it would be running, cycling or whatever... so I suppose I'm not the real person to ask about machines either, ha.

    That being said, I have tried elliptical and I find it too easy. I really have to up the speed and intensity to get the same result as I would get by running with lower intensity. But in the end of a day you can still do equally good workout on both. I don't believe that there is a better or worse workout with one or another. If they work different for you then just up or down intensity and you will get same workout.
  • Thanks for everyone's input. I would run outside but its always so hot and dry.. My body is still get used to the move from Missouri to Nevada. Lol. Plus I'm scared to run outside by myself anyways, watch too many shows of people getting kidnapped. :/ I have noticed that the calories are different on the machine than on this site also. :D Thanks again everyone. :D
  • jcolier
    jcolier Posts: 64
    For me, the treadmill hurts my knees. I stick to the elliptical, and put it at a high resistance and incline. I feel it gives me a great workout, both cardio and muscle. It's like running up hills.
  • I agree with scott about the calorie counter on the machines showing the elliptical burns more BUT I will testify I think the reason I burn more on the elliptical is because I can push myself harder on the elliptical. On the elliptical I can up the intensity without it hurting my knees when on the treadmill I can not up the intensity and speed without it hurting and jolting my knees. So me personally I think it all depends on how far you can push yourself on each machine. I think your idea of rotating between the machines is a good idea as long as you can maximize each workout.
  • gigglybeth
    gigglybeth Posts: 365 Member
    I think it's personal preference. I prefer the elliptical, because after 2 5Ks I realized I kind of hate running. It's also easier on my joints and feet.
  • I like the treadmill on max incline. As mentioned, interval training is the best use of your time in my opinion. I have broken two plateaus using High Intensity Interval Training, basically walking/running uphill for short bursts (1 minute) and returning to a moderately high pace/incline to recover, then repeating. I have raised my VO2 max significantly and as a result I should be burning more fat now.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    I do both, but I think the treadmill provides the better workout. I usually do intervals on the treadmill and then steady state cardio on the elliptical afterwards. It's much easier for me keep track of the intensity on a treadmill. When my timer buzzes, I plug in the speed, do the interval, and then when it buzzes again, I reduce the speed.
  • RunningSwede
    RunningSwede Posts: 42 Member
    Go with both. While I'm pretty much using the same muscle groups, my body feel's like it's getting a different workout from each machine. And once you get the hang of each, it's pretty simple to either dial one up or the other down so that you get equal intensity from both.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Wen I worked out wearing a HRM it showed that the calorie count on the treadmill was way out and I burned a lot more than it told me I did, and only slightly more on the elliptical, so actually the treadmill is slightly better. However, I personally prefer the elliptical because I get pain in my right shoulder when I run sometimes.