Late night snack

So sometimes when I hop in bed, I feel fine, ready to head to sleep and then suddenly I get hit with a stomach growl and a hunger. I don't want to say it's a boredom craving or the like because It's not for anything specific and the hunger feels legitimate. So what're some good ways to help sate yourself without eating something that's gonna be a bad idea for sleeping on?

I myself usually enjoy a couple almonds, or a few stalks of celery to help keep me from being kept up from the hunger pangs, but what else is out there for ideas?


  • Susanthecatwhisperer
    Susanthecatwhisperer Posts: 141 Member
    I too am a snacker! If I get struck with a late night snack attack, I usually listen to what my body is craving. If I want sweet, I won't be satisfied with celery or carrots. I'll get a piece of fruit, or even a little spoonful of peanut butter. If I crave salty, maybe a few nuts. I don't want to have trouble sleeping because I'm a little hungry.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Myself, I like a little yogurt...greek or regular..., fruit, cottage cheese, regular cheese, a slice of ham with cream cheese spread on it and rolled up.

    Basically what I normally eat during the day but just a smaller portion.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Nothing wrong with taking a snack to bed... If you have the calories left there is no reason not to..... Best of Luck....
  • terlyn20
    terlyn20 Posts: 142 Member
    banana with 1/2 cup milk