Facing fear of...

Hey everyone--
So I kind of need help facing my fear of desserts. You see...I am in recovery from anorexia nervosa, but have had an ED since I was 6. I have had every single kind and been from the underweight condition I am in now to obese when I was younger and binging. Well...I kind of want to (and I think need to) face my fear of eating desserts. I am just convinced that eating them will for some reason cause some kind of rapid weight gain. So I was wondering if anyone has any tips for how to reincorporate this food. My nutritionist wants me to do them three times a week on top of my intake...as in in addition to what I eat now. Doesn't count as anything..its just extra. And it has to be "real" dessert and full portion...whatever that means. Any reassurance I would love. Also...this is sad to admit...but I haven't had dessert since...I think 2010 when I was in treatment....so if anyone has any favorites I would love ideas of what to try.
Thanks :) And would love to hear of any other diet fears or beliefs people have overcome!


  • fitnessfromfreedom
    Hey! Desserts are a huge fear of mine, but once I have them I'm always so pleased (because I overcame them) and because they taste just marvellous! :)
    My favourite are fruit based ones because I also feel like they are "healthier" - I know silly. I like apple crisp made with little sugar, zucchini chocolate cake (it's really moist and good), and berry pudding. Those are the desserts I have when I have dessert! :) I hope you have fun!
  • katherinelangley
    When I started re introducing desserts I went with banana with rice pudding/custard, plain sponge cake with custard, jelly and ice cream, flapjacks, carrot cake, fruit muffins, fruit scones :)
  • tinylightsbelow
    tinylightsbelow Posts: 85 Member
    I agree with the previous poster that a fruity dessert would be a good way to get started because it is generally perceived as healthier and you can tackle it more courageously. A berry pie on a graham cracker crust with some sugar and cinnamon dusted on it would be a really easy way to get started. Or maybe you could eat a blueberry muffin with a streusel topping. Parfait is another good one because it combines layers of fruit with creamy flavors.

    At the lowest weight I've ever been, I still ate desserts on a daily basis and did not gain. It was ultimately excess and overeating that made me gain weight - not sugary treats. If you have a few cookies, you will not become overweight. If you eat ten or fifteen, you may. It's all about trusting yourself and moderating.

    So, examples of a real portion of dessert might be:
    2-3 small cookies (or one larger cookie)
    1 large muffin or 2 smallish ones
    A piece of cake
    A slice of pie or two

    Good luck and I hope that you become healthy and happy! Just start small.
  • EmiBun
    EmiBun Posts: 84 Member
    My N has me facing my fear of desserts as well. And I suggest chocolatecoveredkatie . Com

    These are healthier versions of non vegan desserts, they've been veganized and they are real, there's a diet option but she uses higher calorie ingredients because she's a runner. She also makes single serve desserts and recipes, so you're not overwhelmed with leftovers.
    I suggest her vegan fudge, or her homemade chocolate candies(Twix, Reece's, Cadbury eggs)

    It's made with raw, healthier ingredientsz but most the time the fat content and cals are the same. Just no preservative artificial junk.
    For you I'd start off with avocado pudding

    Made with the flesh of a whole avocado, cocoa powder/melted chocolate, and maple syrup/agave for sweetness.
  • allshebe
    allshebe Posts: 423 Member
    I don't know if this counts as dessert, but I sometimes mix Greek yogurt, fruit spread and baking cocoa together (proportions according to taste - I don't have much of a sweet tooth) - I like it better than actual ice cream.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    What about angel food cake with some fresh berries? Totally "dessert" it with a dollop of whipped cream maybe?
  • jess1992uga
    jess1992uga Posts: 603 Member
    Thanks so much for all of the suggestions guys. I want to do real desserts. I just want to dive in deep. For me, I think using healthy alternatives to dessert is just me cheating the system. But I am also scared to allow myself Like my grocery store sells these individual slices of cake...but man oh man I think of the calories in them...probably like close to 400 and tons of fat and I just don't see how that can go in me and not make me gain weight. I vowed to myself so many years ago when I went from BED to anorexia that I would never eat desserts again...now I am ashamed to admit I kind of want to.
  • Happymelz
    Happymelz Posts: 536 Member
    As someone who has struggled with both bulemia and anorexia in the past (with the metabolic damage that goes with it) I applaud you for facing your fears.

    Go through the drive thru at a local donut shop! Drive thru means you won't be able to see all the scary desserts, and you can order just one. Remember, you have been give permission to eat it! (Being given permission really helped by brain realize that i wasn't going something bad.

    Best of luck!
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    Here is a recipe you might like to try: http://gi365.info/food/nutella-pudding/

    It's chocolate pudding made with mostly avocados! Maybe because it's mostly veggies it will be a little easier for you to start with and not feel guilty about.
  • Cheechos
    Cheechos Posts: 293
    If you're afraid of having a lot of sweets lying around in your house, I would suggest going out for each of your dessert days. You can just pick out one thing and then take that home with you to eat in whatever atmosphere makes you most comfortable. Single cones of ice cream at an ice cream shop could be a great jumping off point. There are also those little frozen pie slices from Sara Lee that only come with like two slices a box. It's really awesome that you're trying to overcome your fears! Take it as slowly (or as quickly) as you're comfortable with and stay connected to people who can support you if you feel like the whole ordeal is too frightening/overwhelming.