Chronic Fatigue and Allergies

So, i have annoying EVERY day sinus congestion and fatigue so I am going to try to follow this "Elimination" Diet that I found saying that it could be from possible foods I am eating or it could be from an unhealthy gut bacteria. So this diet is pretty much the Atkins diet. I am not trying to loose weight, (a few pounds couldnt hurt though) but Im soley trying to just feel better. Ive been to the doctor numerous times with nothing wrong.

Ive done a Dairy Free diet before and it didnt make me feel any better so I am going to go ahead and not worry about exclding that (the only dairy I eat is cheese anyway) Im going to avoid all Sugars including fruit (the hardest part) and breads (also very hard) for two weeks. It is strange that eating fruit could possibly be making me feel this way but the only way of knowing for sure is eliminating it. (I have a huge sweet tooth and try to use fruit to satisfy it)Fortunatley there are a few fruits that I can still have (blueberries, strawberries, limes, lemons) If any of that is the cause then I will feel much better and I can start gradually adding foods back to my diet and hopefully can pinpoint what is causing this (hopefully i can find it!).

If anyone else out there is dieting for the same reason, let me know! Or if you are interested in any of this please contact me. Any support is appreciated!



  • CandelLife
    CandelLife Posts: 127 Member
    How much water do you drink daily? I learned awhile back that drinking tea and coffee is not the same as water and we need water every day at least 8 cups or more per day. When I don't drink it, I feel worse.
  • Minilover36
    Minilover36 Posts: 12 Member
    I pretty much only drink water but im not really sure if I drink enough or not. I need to start to monitor it to be sure! I try to drink a glass in the morning, at lunch, at dinner and after I run. I do drink one cup of black coffee most days as well. Thanks for the reminder and ill try adding a few more glasses a day!
  • RynD
    RynD Posts: 1
    To Minilover36 - I've had CFS on & off for 25+ years. I also have many proper food allergies, aswell as intolerances. I did do Atkins years ago - and although I lost some weight, I also lost essential "brown" fat, so not to be recommended in the longer term. I then got onto Peter J D'Adamo's Eat Right 4 Your Type book - which proved interesting and useful, but it didn't feel exactly right. Recently, I've got hold of his later book, called the GenoType diet which has hit the nail on the proverbial head for me. It explains what quantities of proteins, carbs etc - and which you should eat (that have beneficial qualities), to those that you should avoid (or at least minimise, as they contain toxins for your "type"). He explains how allergies are formed and what can trigger them. I think you might find it a useful read. Most public libraries should stock a copy. There's a bit of calculating to do - and it does help if you know your blood group aswell. Eat Right 4 Your Type is also worth a read, but skip the diet part - and go to the GenoType book for more accurate suggestions. Also his web-site is kept up-to-date with the latest findings, so use this over the book (!)
    Good luck - hope you get well. I can't recommend more highly gentle but regular exercise and eating the highest quality and freshest foods you can afford / get hold of. You CAN control your CFS by doing the right things and not doing the wrong things (!)
  • Minilover36
    Minilover36 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks RynD! its good to know that there are those out there that have learned to manage! At times it can be so frustrating and i just want to give up on it. Ill definately check out that book (i just looked at the website) and it seems promising. :) Are you allergic to wheat by chance? and do you actually notice a difference just from changing your diet?