New here

Emberrise Posts: 27 Member
Hey everyone =) I'm not sure if I should be asking it here but my ticker doesn't seem to be working? i lost 2lbs and the little bug doesn't seem to have moved any? and I did put a goal weight already into the box.


  • Hello!
    I'm just starting this tonight. I hope to stick with it this time and lose tons of weight.

  • Emberrise
    Emberrise Posts: 27 Member
  • charliemarie923
    charliemarie923 Posts: 275 Member
    This should not be in a room called 'introduce yourself' should be posted under technical issues which is at the bottom of the page where you see all the topics
  • Emberrise
    Emberrise Posts: 27 Member
    Well I was sorta introducing myself (new here) + asking a question, figured it out anyway. Thanks though! =)