
jan19230 Posts: 11 Member
Hi everyone - just started using this site and am trying to work a few things out.

I am 57, married and have lived in France since 2004. Food here is great as there is not too much in the way of "fast food" and we can't really afford to eat out that much, so mainly down to basics and cooking fresh food. However, my move to France and a more sedentary lifestyle coincided with the menopause and I have gained 2stone and turned into an apple.

I am using this site in conjunction with the 5:2 diet, so it will be interesting to see what happens.

I am a little confused already though. I entered all my details on this site and did a weigh in this morning where I had dropped a pound (yeeehah), but when I entered it into the site, it came back with a message to say that because I had lost over 7 stone, it wanted to re-adjust my calorie intake. I've lost a pound, not over 7 stone - so don't know what went wrong there.

Well, never mind - it's a good guide on my calorie intake, but I shall have to create my own foods list with the French brand foods.

So looking forward to any tips and hints and delicious, easy to do recipes from other members. Also looking for diet buddies around the same age. Would be great to do this with someone else so we can keep each other motivated.



  • jan19230
    jan19230 Posts: 11 Member
    Have just realised where it all went wrong. I entered a starting weight of 275 lbs which is a typo and should have been 175. Is there any way I can go back and change the starting weight?


    (Edit) - just found how to do it, so back on track now.