Mummy tummy / over-hang from c-section

I had a c-section a year ago and had a 9lb 8oz baby. During my pregnancy I packed on a massive 4 and a half stone! Going from 10 stone to 14 and a half so I was massive! Any way I've lost about a stone so far and still have 1 stone 11lbs to go, but my over hang to me doesn't look and better, so I'd like to know if any mums have lost there's or if it's gotten smaller during weight loss? :( I hate it!!!


  • juleszephyr
    juleszephyr Posts: 442 Member
    I have had two C-sections 8 and 10 years ago, I have also lost 8.5 stones since then going from 257lbs to around 140lbs.
    I had a terrible tummy overhang but have worked really really hard. I still do 400 crunches a day and now I just have a small pooch above my scar... It takes times and dedication and you look considerably younger than me so you should be able to work at it.
    Good luck
    Jules xx
  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    Fat loss + train the transverse abdominis in case you have diastis recti. Crunches are pointless and can cause diastis recti to become worse if that is the issue..