Question about AM workout

Hi all! Because of my exhaustion after work in the evenings, I am considering working out in the mornings. I will have to do it first thing in the morning. I hate AM workouts just because my stomach is so sensitive in the mornings. I have to eat light since I am working out, but I have to eat something somewhat substantial to keep me from getting weak and sick. Can someone give me an idea of what you eat and your routine for morning workouts? Maybe half my breakfast before and half after? Or high protein snack? I just don't know! Help?? I have had rough past experiences with early morning workouts...


  • chinoplata
    chinoplata Posts: 12 Member
    if you can get a quick small meal like an apple or some almonds then proceed to your workout. If not work out on an empty stomach. The main thing is calories in vs calories out. As long as you're eating during the day, the day before, etc. then you'll be okay. I usually give my stomach a couple hours after a large meal before I work out. Or if its really early as in get out of bed and workout I'll grab a piece of fruit or just grab coffee and have breakfast after my workout.
  • ladynocturne
    ladynocturne Posts: 865 Member
    Carbs are easier to digest, if I plan on working out early, I'll have a small amount of natures path cereal 110 calories per 3/4 cup and some unsweetened almond milk + half a small banana. Or a kids Z bar, just something between 100-200 calories for some basic energy. I'll eat another couple hundred calories after my workout that contains mostly protein.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I have a Special K Protein Shake and then do my workout. Seems to work great for me.
  • heatherz104
    heatherz104 Posts: 70 Member
    I don't like high protein meals before an intense workout, makes me nauseated. I prefer a small piece of fruit and a big cup of water before working out, like a small banana or an apple. Then if I need some protein, I have a protein bar or smoothie afterwards for my meal.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I workout and then eat in the morning...but I only do about a 20 min yoga routine, I don't know if that would work for a longer workout.
  • danimumof2
    danimumof2 Posts: 16 Member
    I work out about 5:30 am and I am not getting up at least an hour earlier to eat something and have it go down enough so it wont hinder my work out lol.

    so I usually work out first thing on an empty stomach and that works great for me, I have my shower then a decent breakfast and im set
  • Michellekutz1
    1 pc Toast w/ PB, keeps me going but not where I don't want to work out :)
  • Unwritten88
    Hey guys! I work out most mornings, swimming for an hour mainly. I grab a banana if I can and I drink a bottle of water pre work out. I then have a protein shake after the work out so I'm not starving!

    I LOVE working out in the morning, knowing that it's done for the day and whatever else happens that day I've had some me time :)
  • cbumbalough
    cbumbalough Posts: 142 Member
    I drink some water, then I workout. I don't eat first. I'm a morning person though.
  • lazerbirdgirl
    Thanks everyone! A while back (as in years), I exercised without breakfast without the intention of losing weight .. So it wasn't very intense. Anyway, I almost passed out literally. As easy as it would be to not have breakfast, I am afraid to try! But thanks for all the advice.. I guess I need to experiment!
  • luckynky
    luckynky Posts: 123 Member
    If you had problems before with nearly passing out in the a.m., make sure you're eating a good deal of protein for dinner the night before. If you eat a carb-heavy dinner, it can make your blood sugar spike and then crash, which will make you feel dizzy and sick. I have this problem, being hypoglycemic. I might recommend a piece of toast with peanut butter before you work out, which will give you some quick carbs plus some protein to stick with you for an hour or two.
  • albionjen
    albionjen Posts: 86 Member
    With the hot weather we have been having in the UK I have been switching some of my runs from after work to first thing in the morning. It has gone OK for me, I just have a glass of water to stop me getting dehydrated and then head out the door. When I have an evening run it is pretty much the same - I have not had anything to eat for 6-7 hours and I just have a drink of water when I get in from work and then set off.

    Thanks for all the advice from others here - I'll also have a bit of fruit before my run tomorow and see if I can feel the difference energy wise. I was kind of worried eating less than an hour before working out might make me feel ill but from the replies it looks like I was worrying over nothing. Time to experiment!
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Hi all! Because of my exhaustion after work in the evenings, I am considering working out in the mornings. I will have to do it first thing in the morning. I hate AM workouts just because my stomach is so sensitive in the mornings. I have to eat light since I am working out, but I have to eat something somewhat substantial to keep me from getting weak and sick. Can someone give me an idea of what you eat and your routine for morning workouts? Maybe half my breakfast before and half after? Or high protein snack? I just don't know! Help?? I have had rough past experiences with early morning workouts...

    I eat three scrambled egg whites about 40 minutes before my workout and a half cup of light coffee. When I am done, I either have a protein shake or another round of scrambled egg whites with baby spinach wrapped in a rice flour tortilla.

    I used to eat a banana pre-workout but it would make me feel sick and jittery. It may have had to do with blood sugar levels. I do best with eggs.
  • janeosu
    janeosu Posts: 140 Member
    I run in the mornings and don't usually eat or drink anything until afterward unless it's a long run and then I drink during the run. On the rare occasion that I do eat before running, it's usually 1/2 a banana. That's about the only thing that doesn't sit on my stomach. Hope you find something that works for you!
  • noKTdidnt
    noKTdidnt Posts: 61 Member
    I have the same problem during the mornings which is usually worse when I haven't gotten enough sleep (typical) or when I'm doing heavy work outs. I usually eat a small granola bar or banana before my work out at 6am. Then I eat eggs or a protein shake when I'm back home. It usually keeps my stomach settled enough to focus on the work out but doesn't leave me completely drained.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I don't eat before morning workouts - so long as you have a good dinner the night before you should be OK. I make microwave porridge as soon as I get to the office instead. If you want wait that long, have a cereal bar ready to nibble during/immediately after your workout.

    My hardcore running friends set an alarm for 4, get up, have breakfast, go back to bed and set off on a long run at 6!
  • dalehall64
    dalehall64 Posts: 290 Member
    I already get up ay 0400 to do my workouts so I'm not going get up even earlier to eat a meal.
    So, if I eat anything, it's just a peice of toast with peanut butter.
    Carbs to burn and not enough to fill me up and hamper my workout. It has really worked for me.
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    If I am working out first thing in the morning, I will usually do it on an empty stomach or take a shot blok (the things runners use for distance runs). It's just some simple carbs and electrolytes to keep you going through the workout.

    If I have about an hour before the workout, I'll wake up and grab some muesli and use the hour to digest and then workout. This is my preferred way, but time isn't always on our side.