Getting to see my abs? HEEEEELLLLPPPP

Hi everyone

Need some assistance I´m currently 165lbs 5´9... I already lost about 15lbs and still no sign of abs... what am i doing wrong? I do 45 mins cardio daily (jogging), 1200/1300 calories a day diet.

All help much appreciated!!!



  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    DYEL? What's your BF%?
  • fitnik239
    fitnik239 Posts: 1
    From what I have read and experienced, circuit or interval training is the most beneficial -- that is a program including both aerobic and strength training. When you do aerobic, adding strength and bursts of speed assist in burning more calories as well as cutting. I have been successful in shaping my abs through core training (burpees, mountain climbers, pushups, planks and more). I didn't know what these were until I started a program. I also am doing body composition measurements and that tracks measures fat loss and muscle gain. Lastly, interval/circuit training provides optimal health benefits. I do aerobic such as biking and run/walk 2-3 times per week and circuit 3 times per week and that is plenty to significantly change body composition. Hope that helped, and good luck!
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Having a six pack takes having low body fat but keeping decent core muscle.

    What areyou doing wrong? Honestly? Everything. If you create too large of a calorie deficit you body will breakdown muscle to use as fuel. For your height and weight, you need to be eating a lot more. Especially if you are doing excessive cardio. Adding heavy strength training will also help you build/maintain your core muscle so you don't have to dip to unsafely low weight to achieve a six pack.
  • boca4life
    boca4life Posts: 4
    But isnt my ideal weight around 160 lbs for my height? I had abs at about 175 lbs but then I was gyming daily and played soccer. Now I am on a farm so I´m completely and utterly lost.

    Do you suggest I do strength workouts aswell? 1 day strength one day cardio? Push up my daily calories to say 1500?
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Is this a joke? Why is a 5'9 20 yo male in a healthy weight range eating so freaking little? Yes, get in the gym and lift and for goodness sakes EAT MORE.
  • stt43
    stt43 Posts: 487
    To see your abs you need to be 10%-12% body fat or below. Some people are lucky enough to see theirs at 15% or below. You need to do weighted abdominal exercises to increase the thickness of your abs to make them stick out and become more visible too.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    You need to bulk up to gain muscle mass. That means gaining not losing. I would say this probably means eating more like 3000+ calories a day and cutting back on cardio while focusing on lifting as heavy as you can 3-4 days a week. A young healthy male should put on mostly muscle if diet and exercise are kept in check.