One week in, frustrated, lacking motivation

I finally decided I'm ready for a change and need to get healthy. Week 1 I kept calorie intake to 1200 calories and walked 5 out of 7 days for a total of 12 miles, which is huge fore me. Down 2 lbs. today, not very exciting. I know it took a long time to put it on, but I am discouraged today. Any suggestions for meals, what foods to avoid, etc.? What about a cleanse to get things going? I don't want to quit like so many times before. Help!


  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    Why only 1200 calories? Are you eating your exercise calories back?

    Two pounds down in the first week is great, regardless of the unrealistic expectations provided by shows like The Biggest Loser.

    Unless you have specific food allergies or medical conditions, there are no specific foods to avoid, no magic "meal timing" tricks, or other such guidelines that will improve your luck over anything more than the short term.

    I've yet to read any reputable source that indicates a cleanse does anyone any real good; the body does a more than adequate job of "cleansing" itself of eaten matter.

    Good luck.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    1200? who wouldn't get fed up!

    2 pounds in one week is a huge loss. if you expect more than that then you're always going to be p'd off at the end of a week. that's like complaining that you only won 1 million on the lottery.
  • PosterPens
    PosterPens Posts: 172 Member
    2lbs is 2lbs less than you were before you started! thats awesome! dont expect huge drops for motivation, instead get motivation from knowing you are changing your habits to a better/happier you. it does get easier as time goes on, i promise, and youll drop the weight eventually, so just keep doing what youre doing and you will get time. its not a race, but being good to your body other than sabotaging it with food in excess is all the motivation you need.

    when i first started, i couldnt walk for crap without getting out of breath and in pain. now that ive dropped 35lbs, i find myself walking further and faster than i could before. please just keep it up. !!!
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Agreed that 2 pounds is a good victory. Once you get going, there will be weeks where you don't lose at all. Patience. You didn't get overweight in a week, you won't get slim in a week, either.

    Motivation is a fickle lover. Try not to rely on that. Just build good habits, it'll carry you through even when you don't feel like it. Cleanses are not nesscary - they are merely another way to put off building those good habits.

    Do the right things and wait. Results will follow.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    EDIT: "Site down for maintenance" produced a very odd double post.
  • lafous
    lafous Posts: 4
    MYP told me to eat 1200 and no I'm not eating my exercise calories back. Thank you for your help. I have to remember this is a journey and to remember why I am doing this - for my kids and myself.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    MYP told me to eat 1200 and no I'm not eating my exercise calories back. Thank you for your help. I have to remember this is a journey and to remember why I am doing this - for my kids and myself.
    Without eating your calories back, you're straying below - perhaps FAR below - the recommended 1200 calories MFP gave you, as well as making it more likely ("more likely" isn't the same as "certain") that you'll wind up in "yo-yo diet mode"; MFP's formula expects you to eat them back. You'll probably feel better if you do.
  • UrbanLotus
    UrbanLotus Posts: 1,163 Member
    I don't know why you're discouraged with a 2lb loss? 1-2lbs a week is healthy/normal! Agreed with what is said above, you do need to eat exercise cals back.

    The best thing you can do is be patient, focus on being healthy rather than the loss.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    1-2 Lbs per week is healthy weight loss. I think you need to adjust your expectations. When you see people dropping big numbers, it's not fat loss...most of it's water from cutting carbs or whatever...but really 2 Lbs is the most you can really expect for actual fat loss considering the science of all of this...'re going to need to suck it up a week and you're discouraged and ready to quit? Let me tell you, it's a slow, long haul...if you're ready to quit after one week you might need to take a step back and ask yourself if you're really committed to getting yourself healthy and fit. There are going to be way more discouraging no loss weeks, weight gain weeks, plateaus, etc. Suck it up...
  • Whipppets
    Whipppets Posts: 267
    1.can not see your diary
    2 do not know your height or weight..
    3How long did it take you to gain the weight.
    4 walking is good exercise but its not going to get your heart rate up to wear you are burning massive calories.
    5 How is it possible to be discouraged from being as fit as you can be and have a better life.
  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    Yeah stop starving yourself. Eat to fuel the body to burn the fat. I lost the most weight when I was taking in 2300-2500 calories a day. You're body needs fuel! Starve it and you'll fail.
  • KSBeautyintheBuff
    KSBeautyintheBuff Posts: 14 Member
    once you can accept that this is going to be a long process the easier and less frustrating it will be. You will definitely have your moments where you forget that, we all do, but you can't just make fat disappear. It didn't appear over night so it isn't going to go away any faster. Plus, you need to keep in mind you are changing your lifestyle which is difficult and can be frustrating. Eventually it'll become a habit where you don't feel like it is such a sacrifice and focus, it just becomes your thing. Be kind to yourself and celebrate your little victories! 2 pounds is less than where you were a week ago and that is great! Now you have a new week ahead and you should be excited to see what your results will be at the end of that!

    I recommend taking progress pictures; they could be done weekly or monthly, whatever you want. You don't need to share them with anyone as they can just be for yourself. The scale will NOT in any way represent your true progress. I've been training for this competition for months and the scale hardly moves and sometimes I look in the mirror and feel like I look exactly the same. Then i put pictures up side by side and I am floored by my changes. Pictures really help remind you of how far you have come.

    You got this!
  • lowpro1983
    lowpro1983 Posts: 305 Member
    Congratulations on deciding to make changes!! :smile:

    I also agree that you should be eating your exercise calories back. If you are only eating 1200 calories...and burn 300 ...that puts you at a net of 900. That's not enough to keep your body fueled properly. If you do not eat enough, your body will go into starvation mode and store body fat. That's not what you want. You should always have atleast 1200 AFTER exercise.

    Try to eat less processed foods. Eat fresh fruits, veggies, and lean meat. Don't deprive yourself, but learn to eat in moderation.
  • wild79wolf
    wild79wolf Posts: 2 Member
    I have only been at this a month with MFP and about 3 months total...and 2 lbs is a really good week for me. I stay in the range of 1 to 2 lbs a week. And last week I lost nothing. Instead of looking at lbs lost think about how you feel after finishing your walks. I also set smaller goals for myself. Telling myself I have 40 lbs to lose was a bit overwhelming. So I split it in half and am just concentrating on the first 20 or so. Don't get frustrated! You can do it. Little changes add up over time. Keep pushing forward!!!
  • janlee499
    janlee499 Posts: 2
    Give your self time 2 pounds in one week is perfect. You are doing it the healthy way!!:flowerforyou:
  • ayedemi17
    ayedemi17 Posts: 12 Member
    If you begin to measure inches as well and think about how your clothes are fitting you will find greater gains. Also taking pictures and looking how you have changed over your journey may also help. Don't get discouraged. I find myself getting discouraged when I have lost nothing or even gained and then I go and take my measurements and find that something is working because I am losing the inches. Keep up the good work and don't be afraid to eat back some of your exercise calories. :)
  • Mirandadee12
    Mirandadee12 Posts: 11 Member
    I hear your frustration!! I've been going strong the last week and have lost abut 4 pounds!! I averages about 1500 net calories. Some day I ate close to 2500 calories but also exercised a ton. Today I am feeling less than thrilled to do it again but I cannot fail this time. I'm taking it hour by hour and I know I can overcome this. So can you!! Have small snacks of fresh fruits and veggies available if hunger strikes! Try to push fluids even more than normal. Don't give up on yourself! You can do this! Do no let yourself reach the point of being so hungry you eat everything out of a cuboard! Hang in there! Hard work pays off!
  • chunkydunk714
    chunkydunk714 Posts: 784 Member
    once you can accept that this is going to be a long process the easier and less frustrating it will be. You will definitely have your moments where you forget that, we all do, but you can't just make fat disappear. It didn't appear over night so it isn't going to go away any faster. Plus, you need to keep in mind you are changing your lifestyle which is difficult and can be frustrating. Eventually it'll become a habit where you don't feel like it is such a sacrifice and focus, it just becomes your thing. Be kind to yourself and celebrate your little victories! 2 pounds is less than where you were a week ago and that is great! Now you have a new week ahead and you should be excited to see what your results will be at the end of that!

    I recommend taking progress pictures; they could be done weekly or monthly, whatever you want. You don't need to share them with anyone as they can just be for yourself. The scale will NOT in any way represent your true progress. I've been training for this competition for months and the scale hardly moves and sometimes I look in the mirror and feel like I look exactly the same. Then i put pictures up side by side and I am floored by my changes. Pictures really help remind you of how far you have come.

    You got this!

    Love this advice. :flowerforyou:
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    Maybe it would be better for you to use an online calculator to work out you TDEE and then minus 20% (if you have quite a lot to lose). That way you don't have to worry about eating back exercise calories.

    Also there will be weeks when you don't lose and the scale shouldn't be the only way you measure your progress. Think about how you feel and measure yourself every few weeks to check for inch loss.

    You need to take this journey slow and change bad habits gradually. Also build up exercise slowly. If you jump in too quick it can be off putting. Slow and steady wins the race.
  • jakesfitness
    jakesfitness Posts: 123 Member
    crap, 2 pounds your first week... thats awesome! aspecially if your only walking for exercise... You'll get out of your fitness what you put in, so if you wanna loose more weight, just up your workouts.

    Your off to a great start, add a little extra here and there and youll be good... Make sure you are trying to balance your diet though, dont eat all carbs or all protein, get a good amount of all 3 macros. and lots and lots of water.