I switching from a different weight lose site

rtw175 Posts: 1 Member
I decided to switch because family members and friends use MFP, but was completely happy with the other site. Today it seems as if there are technical issues, so I'll hold off on any judgement. So far I see a lot of potential.

I'm basically trying to become healthier. My son is getting older and I want to be able to set a example of healthy living. I want to be able to do some of the things I did when I was younger, that being heavy has made difficult. So far (with the other site) I have lost 30 lbs., I want to go down another 20 lbs. I can now run 3 miles in 30 minutes (used to be able to do it in 18) and will attempt my first sprint triathlon in August (hopefully not in blazing heat!).

Good luck to everyone and I hope to read about everyone's success stories. Hopefully I'll add my own soon!



  • katiepeg46
    katiepeg46 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi Bob,

    Welcome to My Fitness Pal.
    I started with another site and my nutritionist suggested this site. I have found it very helpful. Easy to log the food. Everything is there
    so far for me.
    I have a lot of friends here and they are very supporting!
