Protein shakes??? Do I need them?

Ive never tried one or drank any before or after my workout but I DEFIANTLY need more protein in my diet if I am wanting to tone up more. Ive been losing the weight, now I need to be gaining the muscle. Are protein shakes/meal replacer shakes a good idea, or should I just be eating higher protein foods?

Is this a good idea to start these now, when I am really really aiming to meet the rest of my goal within the next month or so? I am scared to switch up my routine and diet since I really try to limit myself to only drinking water-ever. Every now and then some skim milk but thats it. Help!!!!


  • brittany0859
    I love protein shakes after my workout. It's a super quick and yummy way to get the extra protein you need. They're not neccassary. You can just eat higher protein foods. But for me they're much easier to whip up after my workout. Sometimes when I'm craving something chocolate I'll use a chocolate protein powder and some almond milk. Healthy way to curb a craving a get protein. I like Optimum Nurition 100% Gold Standard Whey if you're looking for one. They have lots of yummy flavors. I've never tried a meal replacement shake but I'm sure they're just as good.
  • AverageUkDude
    AverageUkDude Posts: 371 Member
    You don't need them, only if your struggling to achieve your daily protein amounts should you start throwing them into the mix.
  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    If you have trouble hitting your protein goals with solid food, it's worth a try, but you should be able to hit them pretty easily with lean meats and dairy. Eating your protein is superior to drinking it, in my opinion. A common guideline is to get 1 gram per pound of body weight or somewhere around 30% of your daily calories. Depends who you ask, though.

    If you want to be gaining muscle, generally you'd need to be in a calorie surplus. If you are losing weight, the most I'd expect to do with weight training and enough protein is maintaining the existing muscle. That might sound futile, but as much as possible, you want to shift the majority of the weight lost to be from fat.

    You are weight training, right?
  • RunningForeverMama
    RunningForeverMama Posts: 261 Member
    You don't need them, only if your struggling to achieve your daily protein amounts should you start throwing them into the mix.

    ^^^This. I have a hard time getting enough protein so I do enjoy them as an after workout drink. I think they're tasty.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    I make mine with organic fruit to make a smoothie. But no, you don't need to have it.
  • born2drum
    born2drum Posts: 731 Member
    They aren't necessary but help hit your target protein goal. I always have one after a workout just because I know my muscles need a good source of protein but I only drink one a day and eat tons of chicken and dairy to supply my body with additional grams of protein.
  • cingle87
    cingle87 Posts: 717 Member
    Do you need them? no. Do they help? Yes. Like others have said, if you are strugglinh to hit your protein macro, they are a quick way to get a decent hit of protein. The one I use post work out gives me 24mg of protein, quick to mix while at the gym just add water from the tap and give it a shake ( FYI they taste better if you use milk, juices etc)

    They are a great mid meal snack if you need one, if you are craving chocolate have a chocolate shake, boom 100+ snack and your crazving has gone but its done you good. One thing I will advise dont use it as a meal replacement, its called a supplement, its there to supplement your diet not to replace part of it.
  • fitmusiclifeviola
    Quick answer, no, not needed, but I like the convenience, and find them a delicious reward. (peanut butter banana is my favorite)

    Another thing: 1g per pound of body weight is a VERY high estimate for average protein intake. It may be suitable for bodybuilders and those really doing the work to increase mass in a big way. You're doing good to great if you get 1g per 2-3 lbs, and fantastic if you're getting closer to 2g/3 lbs. If I do weight lifting and want to replenish protein within the hour without eating a lot of calories I like a protein shake or bar if I can't eat an actual meaty or bean-y meal. I say make your own! Buy bob's red mill whey protein (no fillers, no toxic trace elements, no reason for the company to 'accidentally' put amphetamines or something else you don't want to make you like their product more). You can flavor things many other ways on your own, whether it be with delicious fruit, (frozen or fresh), or even buy whatever flavoring you want and then really know what is going into your food! Enjoy!
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    No, you don't need to eat them...or anything else for that matter. You may want to use them for more protein, or because you can make a yummy meal-replacement or supplement smoothie. Don't rely on them for your main source of protein, eat real food. (Defiantly?)
  • tiffanyraylene
    tiffanyraylene Posts: 97 Member
    not necessary but I use them to give my cals and protein a boost. If I'm having a low cal day, i'll even have more than one just to get myself up where I need to be. :)
  • 2aycocks
    2aycocks Posts: 415 Member
    I LOVE having a protein shake! If you get some premixed ones, it's easy to just grab one on the go. If you mix them up, it's good to add fresh fruit. I think they are a tasty treat, plus it helps me UP my protein!
  • ForumLurker
    You don't NEED them, but if you're having a hard time hitting your protein for the day, you could throw one in. Of course, it's always recommended that you get your protein from food sources, but if you have no other options, it's better than nothing.
  • NostalgicGraeme
    NostalgicGraeme Posts: 38 Member
    Can I suggest you try without then measure and monitor over a period of time, then try with them and diary that too then compare?
    Then you'll know for yourself.

    I did this and found they helped. The body building shakes have more than just protein in them and really helped me gain.