Want to try paleo, but it seems so BORING.



  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I absolutely love a variety of foods in my diet and I've never been one to cut out specific food groups. However, I'd like to give paleo a try, more as a personal challenge to myself than anything else. I've been eating pretty badly lately and I think really cracking down for a month or so would be good for me. Plus, I'd be trying something new, which is never a bad thing. For this reason, I've decided to try the Whole30 program by Whole9 (it's basically just really strict paleo for 30 days). After I finish that I'll probably try to keep eating mostly paleo, but allow myself treats in moderation.

    Here is the shopping list for the Whole30 program: http://whole9life.com/book/ISWF-Shopping-List.pdf

    Based on those foods, I just feel like I'd be so bored and go nuts after three days of this thing!! I have friends who have done Whole30 and everyone says they loved it and the results were amazing. But I just don't see how anyone could "love it." Based on the shopping list here's how I picture a day of eating:

    Breakfast: egg scramble with veggies
    Lunch: grilled chicken salad with olive oil dressing
    Dinner: steak with broccoli and sweet potato
    Snacks throughout the day: fruit and nuts

    That doesn't sound so bad for a day at all... but EVERY day? I feel like I'm going to get so bored... How do you paleo people do it?

    Sooo...knowing all of this ahead of time, why do it?

    Obviously she would mix up the foods and have different eats planned than eating the same thing everyday, just like you would on any eating plan.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    arbitrarily promoting eliminating grains, legumes and dairy.
    You may disagree with the reasons for this but they aren't arbitrary.

    There is no reasoning with a couple of people that posted in this thread..............it is best just to ignore them and don't debate and argue with them
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Thanks for the wonderful recipe sites and suggestions, guys! Maybe I will try primal first. One of the things I was most concerned about was giving up dairy, so if primal involves dairy that may be a better fit for me. Thanks again.

    I see this ALL over the boards, so I don't mean to single you out...why does it have to be all or nothing? Why not just take the principles from Paleo and tweak it to fit your individual tastes? (80/20 principle) Rather than searching for that "named" diet that allows you what you want and are comfortable with? Even though I may not agree with the absolute strictness of certain "named" diets, I completely endorse thier premise. Anything that gets people to eat real, whole foods is a good thing. I am "mostly paleo" but I have a greek yogurt and a cheese stick with my lunch. It doesnt derail things. Maybe once a week or every other week, I have a dinner than has some beans in it. Maybe once a month I'll cook up some pasta.
    I think people set themselves up for failure when they attempt a super strict diet and can't hold it 100%. I'm a huge fan of the 80/20 principle.

    I agree with this also...........

    I did 100% strict Paleo for quite a long time to do some major healing of my body.

    Now that I am functioning more normally without medication, I am about 90/10. I can't do the 80/20 because my body revolts something terrible.

    The only thing I stay far away from is gluten containing grains.

    I am having some grilled organic corn on the cob for supper tonight.
  • primal7
    primal7 Posts: 151 Member
    You need to do what is best for you.
    I try to focus on eating real food which is defined as that is wholesome and nourishing. It is simple, unprocessed, whole food. Real food is pure and unchanged by man.
    Our bodies constantly require nutrients to function and must be replenished with wholesome food for optimal performance and health.
    Remember processed food can support life, but real food supports health and adds to quality of life.
    So keep it simple and enjoy the adventure!
  • jlcl119
    jlcl119 Posts: 51
    I don't eat Paleo/Primal whatever name you want to use, but I do have a fair amount of bookmarked food blogs that use that style as a draw. I could never ever do it because I love dairy, beer, potatoes, legumes, and bread. I'm not willing to give them up because I wouldn't be happy, therefore that style of eating is not sustainable for me.
    However, there are some really awesome Paleo recipes out there and I've tried more than a few. I think if you incorporate that style of eating in your life, 100% or just a little, that you're probably safe from boredom. These Paelo folks have found really creative ways of mimicking the food that are on the "no" list, like cauliflower rice, which effing rocks!

    A few that I, as a non-primal eater, like:

    Nom Nom Paleo
    Civilized Caveman
    Paleo Parents
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    UPDATE: I went grocery shopping for paleo-friendly foods, and after seeing what was in my cart, you guys are right: it WON'T be boring! I got such a huge variety of meats, fruits, and veggies, and I've already looked up some really cool recipes online. I'm really excited now and plan on starting tomorrow!

    Also, please don't turn this into a paleo debate thread. I definitely understand both sides, and I even used to be one of the anti-paleo people! It's just something I'd like to try out. I don't think there's anything wrong with that :P
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    Enjoy experimenting! I love trying new recipes - that's how I ended up here in the first place:blushing:
  • CatSaysKnit
    CatSaysKnit Posts: 4 Member
    How is it going? I really love the recipes that you can make.

    Don't worry about the haters if you like Paleo. I respect everyone's decision on what to put in there bodies. I honestly could care less what someone eats. I could never go without meat so I don't get vegans, but I have friends that run marathons who are STRICT vegans. I'm happy with the Paleo LIFESTYLE (not just foods), have not been sick in a year, lower my blood pressure and lost 8% body fat in 6 mos while only losing 10lbs. I'm happy. That's it, I feel good so eat whatever you want just make sure you feel good and your seeing results!!!
  • hilaryhill
    hilaryhill Posts: 156 Member
    Try just eating real, whole foods. Check out www.100daysofrealfood.com
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